
Deflegmin is a drug used in family medicine for lung diseases. The preparation affects the respiratory system and has expectorant properties, therefore it is used in many diseases where there is an excess of secretions. Deflegmin is available as syrup and tablets and is available without a prescription.

Deflegmin (ICN Polfa Rzeszów / Valeant)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
syrup 0,003 g/ml (0,015 g/5 ml) (120 ml) S1,2OTC S1,2ambroksol (ambroxol)
tabl. 0,03 g (20 tabl.)

Indication for the use of the drug Deflegmin

The active substance in Deflegmin is ambroxol. The preparation is used in the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases with difficult to expectorate, thick, excessively sticky secretions:

  1. acute and chronic bronchitis,
  2. obstructive bronchitis,
  3. bronchial asthma,
  4. bronchiectasis
  5. laryngitis,
  6. inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.


  1. Adults: initially, usually 30 mg three times a day for 3-2 days, then the dose should be reduced to 3 mg twice a day.
  2. Children – syrup:
  3. do 2. rż. — 7,5 mg 2 ×/d;
  4. 3.-5. say — 7,5 mg 3 x/d;
  5. 6.-12. say — 15 mg 2-3 x/d;
  6. adults and children over 12 years of age – initially usually 30 mg three times a day for 3-2 days, then the dose should be reduced to 3 mg twice a day.
  7. do 2. rż. — 7,5 mg 2 ×/d;
  8. 3.-5. say — 7,5 mg 3 x/d;
  9. 6.-12. say — 15 mg 2-3 x/d;
  10. adults and children over 12 years of age – initially usually 30 mg three times a day for 3-2 days, then the dose should be reduced to 3 mg twice a day.

Deflegmin and contraindications and warnings

Hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients is a contraindication to the use of Deflegmin.

Deflegmin – warnings:

  1. Use with caution in patients with known gastric or duodenal ulcer disease.
  2. In patients with renal insufficiency, the dose should be reduced or the dosing intervals extended. N
  3. At the beginning of the treatment, an excessive amount of liquid secretion from the bronchi may appear. In this case, provoke a cough in order to expectorate the thin secretion or to suck it out.
  4. When used as an adjuvant in patients with asthma, it may initially increase cough and cause excessive expectoration.
  5. Deflegmin should be used with particular caution in patients with a weakened cough reflex or impaired ciliary clearance of the bronchi due to the possibility of secretion remaining.
  6. People using the preparation should not use antitussive drugs at the same time.
  7. Deflegmin in the form of a syrup contains sorbitol, which may cause diarrhea, and sodium benzoate, which may cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks in patients with asthma. Other auxiliary substances in the syrup (glycerol, propylene glycol) may cause allergies, headaches, and gastrointestinal disorders.
  8. Use of Deflegmin during pregnancy and breastfeeding only after consulting a doctor and only if absolutely necessary.
  9. There are no data on the safety of use during breastfeeding. Ambroxol passes into breast milk.

Deflegmin – interactions:

  1. Simultaneously with Deflegminnie, you should take medications that inhibit the cough reflex (antitussive), because this reflex promotes the removal of a large amount of secretion formed after liquefaction.
  2. The preparation administered simultaneously with antibiotics (amoxicillin, cefuroxime, doxycycline, erythromycin) increases their penetration into the lung tissue.
  3. Ambroxol can be used simultaneously with drugs used in the treatment of bronchial diseases (spasmolytic drugs, corticosteroids, antibiotics), as well as with cardiac glycosides, diuretics.

Deflegmin – side effects:

Allergic reactions, especially skin and mucosa reactions, are rare. There have been reports of anaphylactic reactions such as facial swelling, shortness of breath, elevated temperature, chills. Gastrointestinal complaints (e.g. abdominal pain, nausea and constipation, heartburn) have been rarely reported. Rarely, dry mouth and respiratory tract, increased salivation, runny nose, difficulty urinating may occur.

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