Definition of natural human needs and the main ways to achieve them

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! In order to maintain vital activity, a person is forced to satisfy his needs, which just move him to action and activity. And today we will consider what they are, the natural needs of a person, and how they can be realized.

General information

Remember, we considered with you the types of human needs according to Maslow? So, there is a certain hierarchy, based on which a person seeks to initially satisfy his biological needs, and only then switches to higher and spiritual ones. Well, for example, what kind of meeting can we talk about if you really want to go to the toilet? It is this desire that will determine your behavior, if only because it ensures your existence. In general, instincts are the basis, such as the food instinct, the instinct of self-preservation and procreation.

But sometimes we are confused and unable to determine what exactly our body needs. This happens due to the substitution of basic desires, their long-term dissatisfaction, attempts to suppress, as a result of which tension arises, and then a person tries to compensate for this state, starting to realize excessively completely different desires.

I will give an example of people with food addiction, it so happened that they get used to seizing any psychological discomfort, getting pleasure from saturation and getting rid of severe anxiety a little.

The only problem is that other dreams, such as starting a family, will advance in their careers, they will not try to achieve, facing difficulties and tension, they will start to get rid of the usual way — to consume food in unlimited quantities until the level of anxiety subsides. Therefore, it is quite natural hunger or satiety, they are not able to feel and distinguish.


organic needs

Definition of natural human needs and the main ways to achieve them

They connect us with other representatives of wildlife, because they are common, the same. They are also called vital, from the Latin word vitalis, which translates as life-giving. These include healthy sleep, timely consumption of healthy food, water, air, the ability to continue one’s family. If they are not satisfied, the person will simply die.

Physiological and psychological needs

After all, communication is important for each of us, without which we will begin to degrade, which also leads to death over time. I talked about the importance of society and the ability to maintain contact with others in the article, here is the link.

Interaction with the environment

Exchange must be present in any area, if we do not consume food, we will not have energy and the body will die. If we consume resources, but do not allocate them outside, then again the body will be poisoned and die. Even in relationships, the process of exchange is important, otherwise they will collapse.


If a person does not experience internal balance, is not able to live a feeling of love, or does not understand what he is doing and why, then he will not enjoy life, he may even stop taking care of himself and start ignoring biological needs, believing, for example, that he is not worthy to continue his life. genus or quality food.

And without faith in the heart, it is generally very difficult to live, because it is already initially a losing position, but where does the energy come from, how to be motivated? With any slightest failure, beliefs about the impossibility of successful implementation will only be confirmed.


It is very important for each person to “find himself”, to learn about his capabilities and resources. Otherwise, he will not understand which side he can «fit» into society, present himself in it. After all, in the absence of a sense of usefulness, depression can develop.


Definition of natural human needs and the main ways to achieve them

No matter how trite it may be, but in the modern world it is impossible to get enough and feel safe without having money. Is it possible to leave to live in eco-settlements, taiga and so on, trying to survive only thanks to the ability to get food. Money may not be the main value, but without it, we can only breathe free.


In order to ensure the satisfaction of desire, it is necessary to take care of the conditions in which the implementation will take place. They are:

  • External — that is, roughly speaking, this is a place and time. Sometimes the outcome of our activity depends on them. It’s unlikely to chat with someone or buy the necessary food in the middle of the night, especially if you live far from the city.
  • Internal — these are the resources on which we rely, positive or negative programs of the subconscious, which sometimes determine our activities and aspirations. As well as the level of intelligence, depending on which our personality either seeks to move forward, or it is absolutely not interested in anything but to saturate its body.


1. Never stop your development

Know that the most basic thing in managing your needs is the ability to resist temptations, withstand tension in order to maintain security. And this is impossible if you do not realize yourself why and for what purpose you are doing something.

2. Learn to motivate yourself

Otherwise, there will be no energy and desire to move from a place, especially comfortable, to start organizing your life. For example, parents are used to providing for all the needs of their child, who has become lazy and irresponsible, and nothing will help him as long as they sponsor and patronize him. But as soon as they get tired of it, over time, their beloved child will begin to move so as not to die of hunger. I recommend reading the article about 10 ways to increase motivation.

3. Material conditions are vital for every person

At least in order to buy medicines, clothes, food, furniture and water. And for this it is necessary to work tirelessly, being not only in search of active sources of income, but also relying on liabilities. For inspiration, read the article on passive income here. By the way, it is very difficult to manipulate a person who does not feel an acute thirst for some desires, if he has everything, it is difficult to manage him, and this is an excellent motivation for active actions in order to realize his aspirations.

4. Listen to yourself and take care not only of the body, but also of the soul

After all, the quality of health directly depends on our mood. Remember, I told you that there are 4 types of temperament? So, sometimes they determine our aspirations and desires. You may want privacy, and this is normal, especially for a melancholic, you should not “break” yourself to fit in with society.

5. Fight addictions

Definition of natural human needs and the main ways to achieve them

They should not determine your behavior, and should not be confused with natural needs. There must be a measure in everything. I have already given examples when the line is violated and a person ceases to feel full, overeating and suffering from obesity. And if you notice that your condition deviates from the norm, be sure to contact a specialist. For example, in case of drowsiness, it is imperative to sound the alarm, because it is sometimes a sign of very serious diseases. Read more about sleepiness here.

6. Don’t Ignore Your Social Aspirations

If you’re having trouble communicating, be sure to try to fix the situation. In order to have close relationships, a family, you move up the career ladder — it is very important to develop communication skills.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Be attentive to yourself, take care of the quality of your life in order to maintain its necessary level for a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. And do not forget to subscribe to the blog to always be aware of new and useful information about self-development, which I post especially for you.

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