Definition of breast ultrasound

Definition of breast ultrasound

THEscan is a medical imaging technique that relies on the use of ultrasound, which makes it possible to “visualize” the inside of the body. Breast ultrasound provides images of theinside breasts.


Why do a breast ultrasound?

This examination is often prescribed in addition to a mammogram (= breast x-ray), to refine the diagnosis and better visualize certain structures. It is not used directly for screening for breast cancer.

Breast ultrasound is most often indicated:

  • to see the nature (liquid or solid) of nodules felt on palpation or discovered on a mammography
  • to analyze more precisely cysts or microcalcifications detected on mammography
  • to replace mammography in young women with dense breasts, because mammography does not provide a very good image in these cases
  • a cas de pregnancy, because mammography is then contraindicated
  • during a biopsy, to visually guide the doctor during the sampling.

The exam

Ultrasound consists of exposing the tissues or organs that one wishes to observe to ultrasonic waves. It is painless, does not require any preparation and lasts in this case about ten minutes.

For breast ultrasound, it is recommended not to wear jewelry and previously not to apply cosmetics to the skin, or perfume.

The doctor applies a gel to the breasts to promote the propagation of ultrasound. He then places the probe on the region to be observed, “walking” it and varying the angle.

If a biopsy is done at the same time, the exam will take a little longer.


What results can we expect from a breast ultrasound?

Breast ultrasound does not allow diagnose cancer. If there is an abnormality or suspicious lesion, other tests will probably be ordered, including a mammogram (if it has not already been done) or a biopsy.

Read also :

All about cysts

Our pregnancy sheet

Learn more about breast cancer


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