Craving for certain foods does not begin by chance, most often the body in this way signals a lack of some vitamins and trace elements. To satisfy a deficiency in vital substances, you should listen to your food desires and understand what they are reporting.
Deficiency and lack of vitamins: what are you drawn to
The desire to eat a large portion of cranberries or red currants, as well as to chew lemon indicates a lack of vitamin C and potassium salts in the body.
Include rosehip tea in your diet and eat more citrus fruits. This will help you meet the body’s need for ascorbic acid and create a good defense against colds.
Do you increasingly need to crunch a pickled cucumber or eat a pound of herring? Such desires appear due to the lack of natural minerals and salts in the body. You can cope with this if you include cereals, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.
In addition to changing the usual diet, it is also advisable to visit a doctor. An irrepressible attraction to salty foods can indicate inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system or disorders of the thyroid gland.
With a lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body, there may be an annoying desire to gnaw chalk. You can cope with this problem by supplementing your diet with dairy products, almonds, hazelnuts, egg yolks and fish.
The desire to eat chalk also arises with increased acidity, therefore, in this case, it will not hurt to consult a gastroenterologist
A constant craving for seafood, and especially for seaweed and mussels, may indicate a deficiency in the body of iodine. You can satisfy the needs for this element by eating one hundred grams of seaweed per day.
A sudden love of fish may indicate a lack of phosphorus. This mineral is responsible for the condition of nails, skin and hair, so a few fish days a week will be of great benefit to your health.
Are you ready to eat bananas for breakfast, lunch and dinner? It is likely that your body is deficient in potassium. It is possible to fill its deficit not only with high-calorie bananas. Include melons, watermelons, fresh vegetables, legumes, oranges in your menu – and your cravings for bananas will be significantly reduced.
The need to consume white cabbage in large quantities indicates intestinal pathology, and many apples are eaten with hypercholesterolemia
The craving for buns, cookies and sweets is a sign of a deficiency in the body of chromium and carbohydrates. Eat fruits, brown rice, and whole grain breads to replenish your carbohydrate stores. You can compensate for the lack of chromium with oranges, broccoli, turkey and potatoes.
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