Defect of vision. Types of vision defects and ways to compensate for them

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Vision defect is a popular term for visual disturbances resulting from the occurrence of refractive errors. The most common visual impairments include myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Untreated and progressive vision defects can lead to complications. Where do vision impairments come from? Are they common? How can they be treated?

What is a visual impairment?

Vision problems can affect people of all ages – some are the result of eye conditions, others are genetic and environmental factors, or develop with age. Vision problems, commonly known as eye defects, are abnormalities caused by the eye’s refractive mechanism not working properly.

Refraction, or refraction of light, occurs in the human eye, making it possible to obtain a clear image. However, if the light refracts the light abnormally in the eye as a result of refraction, the resulting image will be blurry. Refractive errors, otherwise known as eye irregularity, most often occur in the form of myopia, farsightedness or astigmatism.

Remember to take care of your eyes before the first symptoms related to them appear. You can use, for example, Optikan eyesight Pharmovit – a dietary supplement containing plant extracts supporting the functioning of the eyesight.

Where do vision impairments come from?

There are several factors that underlie the appearance of vision defects, most of which are beyond our control. This is especially true genetic predispositionbecause the tendency to develop visual impairments is hereditary. We also have no influence on aging, and it is with age that sight accommodation deteriorates – this is a defect known as presbyopia (presbyopia).

Sometimes certain medical conditions, including diabetes, contribute to the development of visual impairment. Another cause of visual impairments are too environmental factors, including exposure to eye irritants or a specific type of work (e.g. in front of a monitor). That is why it is worth supporting the eye organ to reduce the risk of eye diseases. At Medonet Market you can now buy a natural dietary supplement for the eyes – Bilberry fruit extract.

How are vision defects detected?

In order to confirm a vision defect, it is necessary to go to a specialist and perform appropriate tests. Problems with your eyesight may also be symptoms such as headaches and eyeaches, blurred vision, or difficulty seeing near or far. If disturbing symptoms occur, see an ophthalmologist.

One of the basic tests performed by an ophthalmologist is visual acuity testing, which involves reading letters from Snellen charts. It is a traditional method of vision assessment, which in case of abnormalities is an indication for further diagnosis. In order to identify a patient’s vision defect, the following tests are used:

  1. skiascopy – objective refractive examination of the eye performed using the static or dynamic method, performed separately for each eye; the correct result ranges from +0,25 D to +0,75 D, and deviations from this norm may indicate accommodation disorders, latent strabismus, as well as defects such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism;
  2. autorefraktometry – it is a computerized examination of the eye defect, it allows to determine the severity of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, as well as to select contact lenses or glasses lenses.

In the case of vision problems, it is also important to exclude possible diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. Your doctor may use a slit lamp or perform a fundus examination.

To support your eyesight, buy and supplement Sokoli eyesight today – the Panaseus dietary supplement, which you can find at Medonet Market. You can buy it separately or in the Panaseus Senior Supplement Set.

Read more: Ophthalmological examination

Vision defects – myopia

Nearsightedness is a defect in which the image is formed in front of the retina, which makes objects in the distance blurry, while objects close to it are clearly visible. It is one of the most common sight defects – the scale of the phenomenon is so significant that it is sometimes referred to as an epidemic. A significant increase in the number of people with this visual impairment has been observed in recent decades among young people. Up to half of school leavers in Europe and the US are short-sighted, a double that has been seen in the last 50 years.

As predicted, up to 2050 billion people will struggle with myopia by 5.

Where does myopia come from? First of all, it is formed under the influence of genetic factors, which are additionally overlapped by environmental factors. The influence of genes may be so great that this visual impairment develops in the first years of life or appears right after birth – especially in high myopia. In the case of milder short-sightedness, the environment has a greater influence on the development of the defect, e.g. stress, long reading at close range or inadequate correction of the defect.

You can also use Eyesight as a support for the eyes – a mixture of herbs, which allows you to drink regularly to maintain visual acuity.

Worth knowing

Certain environmental factors are good for vision, reducing the likelihood of myopia getting worse. Such factors include: proper nutrition, proper exposure to sunlight (outdoor activity), and a sufficient dose of sleep and rest.

Vision problems accompanying myopia require correction not only to improve the quality of life. The ailment should also be treated for the sake of risk of complications in the form of retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, monocular blindness, corneal clouding, maculopathy or AMD (macular degeneration). The main methods of treatment and prevention of myopia are:

  1. ortho-correction – wearing special contact lenses at night, which affect the shape of the corneal surface (the process is reversible), reducing the negative defect and ensuring good vision after removal for several or several dozen hours; the method is effective in children and adults in the case of myopia ranging from -1,00 to -6,50 D and astigmatism to -1,50 D;
  2. correction of the defect – complete correction of myopia by using glasses or contact lenses; under-correction is not recommended as it may result in unfavorable effects, including the development of strabismus;
  3. pharmacological treatment – the use of drugs that slow down the progression of visual impairment, including atropine or 7-methylxanthines;
  4. diet – limiting highly processed products, reaching for products rich in fiber, bioactive compounds, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants;
  5. orthoptic exercises – affect the relaxation of the eyeball muscles, and are also useful in the case of diseases that may accompany myopia (e.g. latent squint);
  6. visual work – taking care of hygiene at work closely, i.e. while reading or using electronic devices (30-second breaks every 30 minutes of work, as well as reading from a distance of 30 cm);
  7. adequate insolation – staying in the fresh air for 2-3 hours each day has a beneficial effect on eyesight, because natural daylight affects the metabolism and cell division of the choroid and retina.

Do you want to supplement your diet with a supplement to support the eyesight? The fatty acids obtained from the Omega 3-6-9 supplement in capsules have a beneficial effect. Find out about other eye preparations available on Medonet Market.

In the treatment of myopia, various methods of laser vision correction or surgery are sometimes used. Another potential treatment for myopia is stem cell therapy, which is still under research.

Check it out: Strabismus in a child – types and symptoms

Eye defects – farsightedness (hyperopia)

Farsightedness, or farsightedness, is a sight defect that consists in the arrangement of the image outside the retina – people with this defect can see well from a distance, but the image seen close up is not clear. However, there may be situations where both near and far objects are blurred. Since the visual system takes time to develop, Farsightedness occurs as a physiological phenomenon in most children. Vision evens out over time, but in some people it becomes chronic.

To support the proper functioning of the eyes, regularly use Lutein Plus Viridian – a dietary supplement available on Medonet Market.

The main cause of farsightedness is the heredity of the predisposition to this vision defect. Its development or worsening is also influenced by some diseases, including diabetes mellitus or detachment of the retina. A special type of hyperopia may be presbyopia, as in the elderly (over 70 years of age) the refractive index of the lens changes.

  1. Eagle eye Good Game Labs – a dietary supplement for healthy eyes you can buy today at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

People with hyperopia may complain of symptoms such as headache, dizziness, eye pain, watery eyes and tiredness, and amblyopia.

How to correct hyperopia depends on the individual case. For example, there is no need to correct this defect in young children, if there are no additional visual disturbances (e.g. strabismus). If treatment of the defect is indicated, positive glasses or contact lenses are used. In hyperopia, there are also treatment options in the form of refractive surgeries, if there are recommendations for such procedures and there are no contraindications. The alternative is implantation of a phakic lens or refractive lens replacement.

Eyesight supports the eyesight – herbal and fruit tea, which contains firefly herb and blueberry fruit. As a result, it naturally reduces eye fatigue and supports their proper functioning.

Eyesight defects – astigmatism

Refractive errors also include astigmatism, a distortion of the eye’s cornea that contributes to blurred vision. Astigmatism comes in various forms and can be associated with myopia or hyperopia. Distraction of refraction causing astigmatism is considered hereditary, but it can also be affected by working in close proximity and in insufficient lighting.

Astigmatism is a defect that can be related to the cornea or the intraocular lens.

Astigmatism can be accompanied by a variety of bothersome symptoms, including headaches, sore eyes, as well as itchy, burning, or watery eyes. There may be blurring of the image observed up close, quick fatigue while reading, squinting, confusing letters, difficulty concentrating or eyeball strain.

In order to correct astigmatism, people with this defect use sphero-cylindrical lenses spectacle or contact. It is necessary to monitor the defect and visit a doctor regularly. As for the available methods of treating astigmatism, an intervention in the form of a laser treatment is possible.

In order to improve the eyesight, you can use teas based on the blueberry fruit. The drought to prepare the infusion can be found at Medonet Market.

Read also:

  1. Toric lenses – comfort and visual acuity for people with astigmatism
  2. Laser vision correction and astigmatism
  3. Can anyone undergo laser vision correction? Contraindications to the procedure

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