Decorative rabbit at home

Decorative rabbit at home

A domestic rabbit is a small ball of tenderness. So cute, fluffy, affectionate, and beckons to stroke himself. However, caring for this pet is quite difficult. Rabbits easily get sick, injured and even die. Before you start this pet, find out about all the nuances of care.

The domestic rabbit is an affectionate and fluffy friend.

Do not get a rabbit if there is a cat or dog in the house. Even a sharp and loud “woof” can cause a rabbit’s heart to stop. It is better not to have such a pet if there are small children in the house. Also, you can not scare the rabbit with loud sounds; if he is naughty, it is enough to strictly say: “You can’t!”

There is a myth that rabbits smell bad. In fact, with proper care, there is no smell from them. The cage should be cleaned once a month and the tray at least once a week. You don’t need to bathe the rabbit itself. This should be done only in extreme cases, if it is very dirty.

Don’t disturb the rabbit until 16:00 pm. In the first half of the day, these animals prefer to hide in the house.

Rabbits are very painful, so you need to make sure that they do not overheat and freeze, vaccinate them on time. You need to be able to properly take the pet in your arms. If you accidentally drop it, even from a small height, the rabbit can break its spine.

The rabbit is a herbivore. There should always be hay and other varied feed in his feeder. The drinking bowl must be filled with clean water.

Choosing a cage for a decorative domestic rabbit

The rabbit spends most of its time in a cage, so be careful about choosing it. The following tips will help you with this:

  • take a very spacious cage. Rabbits grow quickly, so they will soon become cramped in a small cage;
  • the pallet should be made of plastic, and not made of rods, it is more convenient for the legs;
  • the floor should not be slippery. Do not sprinkle it with sawdust or hay, as in this case the rabbit will shit all over the cage;
  • put a separate tray with sawdust, paper or other filler for the toilet;
  • Hang a drinker and a feeder on the bars of the cage.

Do not convert a rat or mouse cage for a rabbit. Such a cage is not suitable. Let your furry friend have his own house, bought personally for him.

Keeping a decorative rabbit at home is not easy. Start him only if you are sure that you can provide him with suitable housing and conditions of detention. But, if you take good care of the rabbit, he will repay with affection and love.

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