Sakura, an ancient symbol of Japan, will be a picturesque decoration of a garden plot, a city park or an alley. Many gardeners use it as a hedge, which decorates the garden in early spring and bears sweet fruits by summer. Today, many mistakenly confuse decorative different varieties of not only cherries, but also plums, peaches or apricots, also classifying them as sakura. Not one plant will provide such an original decor as this cherry.
Ornamental cherry is a complex name for forms derived from individual East Asian varieties, usually with pink, double flowers. Most sakuras are classified as serrated or saw-toothed cherries. An adult tree in some species can reach 22-28 m in height. The leaves are large, bright green, in autumn they acquire a purple, almost crimson hue. In inflorescence about 6-8 flowers, small sizes. The flowering period is early.
Often, sakura is called the steppe felt cherry, which also blooms profusely in May, its decorative flowering bushes of pink or white color are the decoration of the garden plot throughout the season.
sakura kiku shidare
On the territory of Our Country and Ukraine, the variety of sakura kiku shidare is widespread. It belongs to small serrated cherries. The height of an adult tree reaches 2,5-4 m. It has a spreading, spherical crown, prone to thickening. It has an average growth rate, the annual growth is about 25-35 cm. The leaves are large, elliptical in shape, 7-9 cm long, arranged alternately on the branches.
The flowering period is early, in late March – early May. This species is characterized by abundant flowering. Large pink, densely double flowers, up to 5-7 cm in diameter, are collected in numerous, dense inflorescences. It belongs to the self-fertile varieties, so this decorative cherry can be planted both singly and in groups.
The landing site should be sunny, because in a shaded area the tree will hurt and bear fruit poorly. Prefers sandy-clay, neutral or strongly alkaline soils. For abundant flowering, abundant moisture and regular top dressing with superphosphates are necessary.
Decorative cherry Kanzan refers to tree-like, finely serrated. It reaches a height of 8-10 m, has a spreading, obversely conical crown. The leaves are large, elongated oval, shiny, bright green. In autumn, the foliage takes on a fiery yellow hue. The growth rate is average.
The flowering period is medium. The flowers are large, collected in long hanging inflorescences of 3-6 pieces, fragrant, double, up to 25-30 petals, soft pink. It is photophilous and prefers neutral or strongly alkaline soils. Frost resistance is average. A detailed description of other forms of sakura can be found in special catalogs, to get acquainted with their appearance, features of planting and care.
Cherry decorative sakura is very photophilous, therefore, for planting, it is necessary to choose a well-lit area, without stagnation of excess moisture during spring thaws and autumn rains, preference should be given to small hillocks or embankments. The place should be protected from cold winds by a building wall or some kind of plant. Plants are planted at a distance of at least 1,5-2 m relative to each other and 2,4-3 m between rows.
Landing is best done in early spring, before the buds swell, but already at a settled warm temperature, or in late autumn in October. It is better to plant several varieties or shrubs at once, this will ensure their abundant flowering, and the fruit ovaries will be much higher.
Planting holes are prepared in advance by placing a mixture of humus and fertile topsoil in them. Also, immediately before planting, it is necessary to add a solution of superphosphates and potassium sulfate to the pit, dissolving them in 15-18 liters of water. The root collar should be at ground level. After planting, the plant is watered and the near-stem zone is mulched with humus or peat with a layer of 4-5 cm.
In order not to damage the root system, further soil cultivation in the near-stem circle is carried out very carefully, loosened shallowly and weeds are removed. It is advisable to keep this area clean in the first few years after planting, so the plant will become stronger and stronger faster, without loss it will endure cold winters.
There are varietal and wild sakura, the method of reproduction depends on this. Preference should be given to grafted seedlings. They are usually purchased in the fall and stored in a pot until spring in a humid place at room temperature. Plants should be with a mature stem, 1-1,5 meters in height and a developed root system.
The soil should be well drained and rich in nutrients. It should be noted that with a lack of nitrogen and potassium in the soil, it causes an acute reaction of the cherry, the plant ceases to bloom profusely, sheds its leaves early. In cases of soil depletion, it is necessary to apply humus or compost in the amount of 6-8 kg for each tree. Phosphorus and potassium are added at the rate of 15-18 g per 1 m2.
During the period of active growth, several abundant waterings are carried out, and in the future they maintain normal soil moisture if there is not enough natural rainfall, otherwise few buds will form and flowering will be scarce, and the flowers will be small. Every year in early spring, before the start of sap flow, pruning is carried out, removing excess branches that thicken the crown, dry or damaged branches.
All young trees for the winter must be covered, adult sakuras are frost-resistant. Places of scion, boles and bases of large branches are wrapped with agrofiber or other covering material until the first frost. Several times a season, chemical treatment of wood is carried out. In this case, the first spraying is carried out before bud break, and not during flowering, and the procedure is repeated 3-4 weeks after the ovary of the first fruits.
Video “Sakura – features of care.”
The video covers in detail the main points of caring for such an ornamental plant as sakura. Reveals the secrets of the annual abundant flowering of trees.