Decorative fences for plastic flower beds: recommendations for creating

In dachas, fences are often built around flower beds and beds to emphasize zoning, to keep living creatures out of the flower beds or to protect them from weeds. Small decorative fences give the site a well-groomed appearance, serve as an additional decoration. Plastic is just the perfect material for them. You can buy ready-made products, and if you have imagination, free time and desire, you can even make your own from plastic bottles.

Design advantages

Fences and all kinds of fences in the country are often made of plastic. It is light and cheap, it can be used to make elements of a wide variety of colors and shapes that are very easy to assemble and install. Special plastic modules of various sizes are sold, of which, as from a children’s designer, the owner of the site collects fences according to his wishes. They perfectly tolerate any weather, do not lose their visual appeal. Such a structure is easy to install, if desired, you can disassemble, move to another place or make any changes.

For those who want to buy finished products, manufacturers offer different models that favorably combine decorative qualities with purely utilitarian ones. They not only decorate the yard, but protect flower beds and garden beds from weeds or pets. It is not difficult to understand them if the owners have already decided what the fence is for.

Decorative fences for plastic flower beds: recommendations for creating

If low plants grow in a flower bed, Garden Designer sets or border tapes are suitable, they are 15, 20 cm high. For tall flowers, there are openwork fences with a height of 25 to 55 cm. You can purchase separate modules of the required height and make them into a beautiful decoration for climbing flowers or even a gazebo.

It is difficult and expensive to make fences from wood or natural stones, but you can buy ready-made plastic fences that look like natural material. “Old Stone” or “Garden Board” can mislead the neighbors, but the owners can easily bring and install such fences made of PVC, polyethylene or polypropylene. These modern materials are quite environmentally friendly, do not evaporate harmful substances, do not fade or melt under the influence of sunlight. They are easy to install with the help of plastic pegs, and then dismantle them before the onset of winter in order to build other flower beds in another place next spring.

Do it yourself

The dacha often stores materials left after repairs or various rubbish that is a pity to throw away. Most of this can be adapted in the design of the site. Fences for flower beds are successfully made from old, even broken bricks, boards, branches, former shelves, vinyl records, old plates that are no longer used, but are saved for some reason.

Decorative fences for plastic flower beds: recommendations for creating

Old car tires serve as material not only for fences, but they are used to make a wide variety of figures that, instead of garden sculptures, perfectly decorate summer cottages and individual flower beds. They are cut and painted, turning them into fantastic animals guarding plantings. Ceramic tiles, plastic suspended ceiling modules (which were replaced with new ones during the renovation) – all this is quite capable of continuing its service in the yard. From them you can make beautiful borders and fences. Glass or plastic bottles can serve the same purpose.

Video “Examples of arranging flower beds”

Video cutting of possible examples of decorating flower beds using plastic bottles.

Borders for flower beds from plastic bottles

How to make a bottle fence

Bottles made of food-grade plastic, most likely, are lying around in every dacha, and you can also make a fence for a flower bed out of them. This material itself asks to be made of something – light, durable, cut simply with scissors, fastened with threads or paper clips, retains its qualities, despite temperature changes. And what is not made of it! High transparent fences from several rows of bottles, small borders around flower beds or paths, sheds and partitions, even gazebos or houses.

Decorative fences for plastic flower beds: recommendations for creating

Often bottles are used whole. The easiest way is to bury them up to the middle in a vertical position with the bottom up around the flower garden – that’s the fence. Only first you need to fill them with earth, sand or small pebbles to keep their shape. It is very easy to make a low decorative fence for a flower bed from bottles laid on its side.

If you cut off the bottom and insert the bottles one into the other, you get a kind of snake of any length that can be bent at any angle, it is able to smoothly bend around the rounded shapes of flower beds or outline geometrically correct beds. Only this hollow snake needs to be filled with something to weight and maintain its shape (any bulk material will do). It will need to be slightly dug, at least a third of the width, so that the fence is stable.

If you cut the bottles lengthwise into strips of the same width, you can make a decorative fence out of them. You will need vertical pegs, preferably wooden, then the strips can be attached to them with wire or nails. Frame fences of any height are made from bottles, it is clear that they have a decorative function, and certainly not a protective one. But they look like a real fence.

Decorative fences for plastic flower beds: recommendations for creating

The frame is made of wooden slats. Two wooden pegs on top are connected with a wooden rail, bottle caps are attached to it from below, and bottles are screwed into them – that’s one element of the fence. In the same way, you can make a high fence, from 5 bottles it will turn out to be more than 1 meter. To do this, another rail is installed under the bottoms of the bottles, lids are also attached to it, and bottles are screwed into them – this operation must be repeated until the intended height is reached. Of course, horizontal slats must be well attached to vertical stakes.

If you need a high fence, they do it according to the same principle, using wire for horizontal fastening. The frame can be metal or wood. Fence fences are made by cutting off the bottoms of the bottles and inserting them one into the other (except the last one). The top one will be attached with a lid to the horizontal bar of the frame, and the bottom one can be attached by gluing or pinning the bottom with wire to the bottom bar of the frame. Five pieces will make a meter-high fence.

Decorative fences for plastic flower beds: recommendations for creating

A wire must be passed through each bottle, for which the plastic is drilled. If each picket consists of 5 bottles, then they will be stitched vertically with 5 strips of wire, which, in turn, are firmly attached to the side vertical bars of the frame. The fence will look more transparent if cut bottoms are placed on the wire between the bottle pickets.

Even capital structures are built from bottles, for which they are filled with sand or earth and laid on a concrete or clay base. Of course, such fences or walls are very wide. Beautiful fences are obtained from multi-colored covers, if they are drilled and connected with wire into frame modules or glued to the base. So, some craftsmen lay out beautiful ornaments.

Decorative fences for plastic flower beds: recommendations for creating

Video “Fence for a flower bed made of plastic dishes”

Informative video with helpful tips on building a plastic bottle fence.

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