decorative doves

Pigeons are such unpretentious birds that they are found everywhere in a wide variety of natural conditions, with the possible exception of only the Arctic and Antarctica. In the pigeon family, it is customary to distinguish about 42 genera and more than 300 varieties. Ornamental pigeons are probably the largest group of breeds, although today they have minimal economic use. They are bred mainly for aesthetic pleasure.

decorative doves

Features of decorative pigeons

The pigeons of Australia and South Asia are distinguished by a particularly large variety of species and breeds. But these birds are adapted exclusively to a warm and even hot climate and are not suitable for keeping in the climatic conditions of Our Country. This article will focus mainly on decorative breeds of pigeons that survive well and breed in the middle lane. They are also very diverse, but at the same time relatively unpretentious to the conditions of detention.

Of course, the very name of the group of pigeons – decorative, implies the fact that they are original in appearance. This may be a bright color and an unusual plumage pattern, exterior features or an unexpected shape and pattern of feather growth.

Unlike their wild relatives, many of the decorative pigeons are ideally suited for captive keeping, as they do not have the best flying qualities. Some breeds have practically forgotten how to fly high. Although sometimes some flying breeds are also classified as decorative pigeons, characterized by certain decorative elements.

The color of decorative pigeons can be the most unexpected and varied: from pale green to bright red and brown. Their size can also vary greatly, from very tiny, as tall as a lark, to large, almost the size of a chicken.

Within each breed, as a rule, many color variations are known. Therefore, the color shade rarely served as an identification mark of a particular pigeon breed.

Decorative pigeons are usually shy, so care for them must be very gentle and careful.

The best breeds of decorative pigeons

The names of breeds of ornamental pigeons often came from the names of countries or settlements where one or another variety was bred. Sometimes the name reflected the relationship between the external features of the dove and the traits of the character in whose honor it received its name. So often swallows, bullfinches, peacocks, etc. appeared in the names of pigeon breeds.


decorative doves

In European countries, it is better known as the wig pigeon. It got its name thanks to a kind of wig – a rosette of almost vertically growing feathers, creating a magnificent outfit on both sides of the lower part of the head.

Comment! On the other hand, this peculiar collar resembles the hoods of Jacobin monks.

This puffy “collar” often covers most of the pigeon’s face and limits the normal view of the area. Because of this, the flight ability of the Jacobins is severely limited. They fly hard and very slowly. The rest of the birds are characterized by a proportional physique with long legs and a thin tail. Plumage color can be white, black or variegated.

Jacobins look great at exhibitions, so they are very popular. But they differ in some fearfulness and effeminacy. Despite the fact that they sit perfectly on eggs and feed chicks, they need special drinkers and feeders. During the hatching period, the lush collar is usually trimmed so that it does not interfere too much with the life of the birds.


decorative doves

One of the most popular and widespread decorative breeds of pigeons. The appearance of the pigeon immediately indicates that such a name was given to this breed for a reason. In the tail of birds, you can count up to forty feathers, which the dove spreads like a fan in an excited state and becomes like a peacock. The tips of the tail feathers are beautifully fluffed. In general, they grow vertically, but the outermost feathers may even touch the ground.

The chest of peacock pigeons protrudes slightly forward, forming a proud posture. The head is small, oval in shape, there are no ornaments in the form of “forelocks” on it. The body is rather short with small legs, usually without plumage, and the neck is long.

The most common white color of peacock pigeons, which allows the use of these birds during all kinds of celebrations and weddings. It is this breed of pigeons that is usually depicted on advertising posters as the “bird of the world.” But there are other colorings of peacock doves: yellow, brown, reddish and black.

Peacock pigeons are very unpretentious in content, they perform their parental duties well. In addition, they are prolific, which is a valuable trait for their breeding. Peacock pigeons fly very beautifully and gracefully. They have a calm, calm nature.

Curly or Wavy

decorative doves

Sometimes pigeons of this decorative breed are called astrakhan. They are difficult to confuse with representatives of any other breeds, due to the unusual pattern of highly curled feathers on the upper surface of the wings and on the legs. The feathers are so heavily curled that they appear lacy and artificial. True, the flight qualities of such elaborate decorative elements cannot but suffer – pigeons prefer to walk and run more than fly. Although the rest of the birds have the usual physique of a standard pigeon. Plumage color can be solid or spotted. But a distinctive feature of the breed, in addition to curly plumage, is a white forehead. The tail also most often has a lighter color.


Decorative pigeons, which are also difficult to confuse with any other breed of birds. Pigeons got their original name for their exorbitant size, as if swollen goiter. Sometimes because of it, the head is completely invisible. There are several varieties of puffers:

  • Brno puffers – originally from the Czech Republic, have a vertically elongated body with long and bare legs. Birds move with support not on their entire paw, but as if on tiptoe, relying only on their fingers.

    decorative doves

  • Pomeranian puffers – one of the largest breeds of decorative pigeons, reaching a height of 50 cm. Long paws are decorated with shaggy elegant feathers.

    decorative doves

  • Marchenero – in these pigeons, the body is set low, so the goiter hangs down and forward. The tail, meanwhile, is directed almost vertically down. The breed was bred in Seville.

    decorative doves

The color of the plumage can be of a wide variety of shades.


decorative doves

The decorativeness of this breed may seem controversial to some. It belongs to the subgroup of warty pigeons. Birds are distinguished by a convex forehead and a short beak. Characteristic features of the breed are peculiar skin growths around the eyes and beak. In addition, pigeons of this breed do not have a variegated color. They may have different shades of plumage, but always a uniform color.

Saxon priest

decorative doves

As the name suggests, this breed of ornamental pigeon originated in Saxony. It has impressive ornaments of long feathers on its paws and two tufts on its head, smoothly turning into a collar on the neck. Such a unique plumage slightly resembles a monk’s hood, which explains the name of the breed. Moreover, the forehead of all pigeons of this breed, regardless of the general color, always remains white. However, the breed does not differ in the special brightness of plumage, usually pigeons are white, gray or brown.

German monk

decorative doves

The name of the breed is a bit like the previous one, all thanks to the same hood of feathers in the back of the head. True, the feathers are very short, and the paws, unlike the Saxon priest, are completely devoid of plumage.

But on the other hand, this breed is considered quite ancient, its roots go back to the XNUMXth century. Birds do not know how to fly high at all, but they always flutter at the sight of a stranger. This way they are able to lure the pigeons after them. This feature of the German monk was used to steal birds from other dovecotes. The color of the pigeons also gives them a resemblance to monks – black and white shades predominate in the plumage.


decorative doves

The breed of decorative pigeons originates from Italy, but was finally formed in Germany and England. The name was given to the birds for the copper color of the body, unusual for pigeons, with shiny, greenish overflow, darker wings. It has normal proportions, large size and lively cheerful character. Differs in unpretentiousness in the content.

Bohemian space-legged fairy swallow

decorative doves

A decorative breed with such a complex name was bred in the Czech province, in Bohemia. Pigeons of rather large sizes with a proportionally developed body have richly feathered legs. But their most important distinguishing feature is the incredibly beautiful plumage color. Usually it consists of only two contrasting shades, but mixed in a checkerboard pattern. Exactly the same pattern is repeated in the plumage on the paws.

Bukhara or Uzbek

decorative doves

The Bukhara breed of pigeons has a long history. Currently, several varieties have been obtained from it, which are most often called Uzbek. These pigeons belong to the transitional flight-decorative group, as they are famous all over the world for their amazing flying qualities. They are especially good at jumps, somersaults and other incredible tricks during the flight.

Attention! In addition to cooing, they make sounds reminiscent of drumming, which is why they are also called trumpet drummers.

The body of the Bukhara pigeons is quite large, the feathers are slightly curled. Paws are necessarily covered with feathers, sometimes quite long. There is one or even two forelocks on the head: above the beak and on the back of the head.

Plumage color can be anything, including motley.

Pigeons of this breed have a rather lazy character. This leads to the fact that the birds are not too active in breeding and hatching chicks. Therefore, often their eggs are laid to other more active and conscious pigeons.

Banded pigeons or seagulls

decorative doves

This decorative breed of pigeons can also be considered quite ancient. Birds have a small body size and a very short beak. Outwardly, they really look a bit like seagulls. But the main distinguishing feature of this breed of pigeons is the presence in front, between the goiter and chest, of a small decorative ornament of feathers, sometimes growing in all directions. Plumage is also often found on the legs of gull pigeons. A crest may be present on the head, but this is not a mandatory feature of the breed.

Plumage color may vary, but white birds look the most beautiful.

Banta pigeons have good flying abilities, and it was on their basis that several postal breeds were subsequently bred.

Keeping decorative pigeons

Pigeons are birds that are accustomed to live in flocks and at the same time get along peacefully with each other. Their life expectancy in humans can be up to 20 years.

Considering that most decorative pigeon breeds are poorly adapted to flying, it is better to build an aviary for them with a small house inside. A special window for the entry and exit of birds in size should be about 15-20 cm wide. The dovecote should be bright and spacious. Pigeons especially do not like dampness, darkness and musty air. Under such conditions, they can start to hurt.

Perches are made in the form of shelves on the walls, fixed at different heights. Nest boxes are usually made of wood.

For the normal maintenance of decorative pigeons, the following sanitation rules must be observed:

  • Drinking bowls and feeders should be regularly washed in running water at least 2 times a week.
  • At least once a month, the dovecote is cleaned, cleaning out all the droppings from the premises, if possible.
  • Two or three times a year, the dovecote is necessarily treated with a disinfectant solution and a general cleaning is carried out.
  • Sick birds must be isolated and treated.

Pigeons are usually fed with various grains. Wheat, peas or corn are considered the most suitable. To facilitate digestion, small pebbles, chalk and crushed eggshells are also added to the feeders.

In the winter and mating season, it is possible to add pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds to the diet.

It is very important to constantly ensure that there is fresh water in the drinkers. Pigeons especially need a lot of water in hot summer weather. They love not only to drink, but also to bathe in it.


Decorative pigeons, despite their minimal economic value, continue to be very popular and in demand among bird lovers. Every year, several new breeds of decorative pigeons are bred in the world, which meet one or another request from poultry farmers.

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