Declaring Independence: Getting Rid of PMS

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Bad mood, increased irritability, fatigue, malaise … This condition is familiar to everyone. There are many jokes on the topic of premenstrual syndrome, but we are not laughing at this time – sometimes, due to feeling unwell, we have to give up our usual way of life. How not to depend on the menstrual cycle and stay in good shape every day?

The vast majority of girls experience PMS symptoms every month. Who among us has not noticed frequent mood swings, tearfulness for no reason, deteriorating skin condition, swelling and physical discomfort? Most women do not consider menstrual problems to be serious or unusual. Typically, we try to endure the pain or numb it with pain relievers. Many people start taking herbal preparations to relieve PMS symptoms, believing that they are non-hormonal, which means they have no contraindications and side effects. But not everyone knows that extracts of such plants as Chinese angelica, sweet clover, red clover, sacred vitex, hay fenugreek, wild yam contain phytohormones (phytoestrogens). These are natural plant compounds that contain estrogen-like flavonoids; phytoestrogens in some cases act similarly to synthetic hormones. Therefore, experts do not recommend self-medication. Even herbal or homeopathic remedies should be prescribed by a doctor, having previously studied the hormonal background. After all, improperly selected substances and doses can disrupt the delicate balance of the hormonal system.

We are already accustomed to “the old fashioned way” to endure several days of sickness, changing plans and abandoning the established rhythm of life. A suddenly jumped up pimple can ruin the mood for the whole day, irritability can cause a quarrel with a young man, and pain can make you lie at home instead of walking with friends or doing yoga. But you really want to always be active, beautiful and cheerful!

Another female problem is an unstable cycle. Each of us had to worry if critical days did not come on time. Stress, acclimatization, hormonal imbalance, or strenuous exercise can cause menstrual irregularities to be disrupted. Experts recommend following a few simple rules to help you cope with PMS symptoms. Always try to get enough sleep, follow a diet, drink plenty of clean water. By the way, the consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol and chocolate during these periods should be limited: the caffeine contained in these products increases chest pain, anxiety and anxiety. Do more activities that you enjoy and help you relax, such as aromatherapy or hiking. If these measures fail to overcome emotional and physical problems, seek help from non-hormonal drugs.

The solution to the problem of monthly torment can be the two-phase vitamin-mineral complex CYCLOVITA®. It is non-hormonal and contains a special combination of ingredients that support sex hormone levels. CYCLOVITA® has a modulating effect on hormonal levels. The complex includes two types of tablets that correspond to two phases of the menstrual cycle. CYCLOVITA-1 contains vitamins and minerals that support the follicular phase, and CYCLOVITA-2 contributes to the physiological course of the luteal phase.

Two formulations of the drug are specially designed for each phase of the cycle. CIKLOVITA® helps to reduce PMS symptoms, normalize the psycho-emotional state, improve well-being during menstruation, and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The use of the complex does not require special conditions of admission, everything is simple and clear – all tablets are numbered in accordance with the days of the cycle.

Be beautiful, healthy and self-confident, plan your life and do things that are important and interesting to you, and entrust your delicate problems to the complex CYCLOVITA®!

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