Declaration of pregnancy

Declaration of pregnancy

The pregnant woman declares her pregnancy to her Caisse d’Assurance Maladie and to the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) before the end of the 14th week following the presumed start of pregnancy. This declaration gives the mother-to-be the right to take charge of her medical follow-up and payment of family benefits.

Why is it mandatory to make a declaration of pregnancy?

The declaration of pregnancy is an essential formality: it allows pregnant women to benefit from financial aid and personalized support from social organizations, and entitles them to daily maternity leave allowances.

Support for pregnant women

Once informed of the pregnancy, the health insurance fund sends pregnant women a guide on maternity accompanied by a detailed schedule of medical examinations – prenatal consultations and ultrasounds.

Coverage of medical examinations

The declaration of pregnancy to the health insurance fund allows pregnant women to benefit from the reimbursement of their medical expenses.

From the first day of pregnancy until the last day of the fifth month, the following medical procedures are covered 100%:

  • Mandatory prenatal consultations.
  • Individual or couple interview, childbirth preparation sessions.
  • Amniocentesis, if applicable.
  • An oral prevention examination, from the 4th month of pregnancy.
  • Complementary biological examinations of future parents.

The first two ultrasounds are reimbursed up to 70%.

From the sixth month of pregnancy until the 12th day after childbirth, all reimbursable medical expenses – third ultrasound and hospitalization for childbirth included – are 100% covered by the Health Insurance.

To benefit from this favorable regime, the expectant mother must not only declare her pregnancy but also update her Vitale card.

Family benefits

The declaration of pregnancy to CAF opens the right to the payment of several financial aids.

  • The unborn child is counted in the calculation of social security benefits such as RSA and housing assistance, if applicable.
  • Under conditions of resources, the future mother can benefit from the Premium at birth (1). She receives the maximum sum of € 923,08 per child born within 2 months of giving birth. As part of the Child Care Benefit (Paje) (2), the young mother will also be able to claim payment of the Basic Allowance, the PreParE (3) of the Cmg (4).

When to declare your pregnancy?

The declaration of pregnancy must be made before the end of the 14th week of pregnancy – 16th week of amenorrhea. The presumed date of the onset of pregnancy is determined by the doctor – general practitioner or obstetrician gynecologist – or midwife during the first prenatal consultation.

How to declare pregnancy

Since January 1, 2015, the pregnancy declaration can be made online or on paper. Please note, all doctors and midwives are not necessarily equipped with the system for online pregnancy declaration.

The paper declaration

During the first prenatal examination, the doctor or midwife fills out and then gives the pregnant woman a pregnancy declaration form. This form consists of 3 parts. The future mother completes the information concerning her then sends the pink section to her Health Insurance fund, and the 2 blue sections to her CAF.

Online declaration

Using the pregnant woman’s health card, the doctor or midwife declares the patient’s pregnancy directly online. The declaration is automatically transmitted to the health insurance fund and to the CAF. To benefit from family allowances, the expectant mother completes the form sent by mail or email by her CAF.

Should you also declare your pregnancy to your employer?

If no legal deadline is imposed, the pregnant woman must nevertheless declare her pregnancy to her employer before she goes on maternity leave.

The sooner the employer is informed of the pregnancy, the sooner the pregnant woman benefits from appropriate protection. At work, a pregnant woman benefits from the following measures:

  • Absences for medical visits.
  • Arranged hours.
  • Protection against dismissal until the 4th week following the return from maternity leave.
  • Pathological leave.
  • Prenatal and postnatal maternity leave.

The pregnant woman declares her pregnancy to her employer by registered letter AR or by hand delivery against receipt. This writing serves as proof of the declaration of pregnancy in the event of a dispute with the employer.

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