
Making a decision is making a choice between alternatives. Decision making is the process of analyzing information, the result of which is the solution of a problem. This process can be divided into successive steps:

  1. Assessment of the current situation.
  2. Definition of the planned result, goals.
  3. Planning of actions and resources needed to achieve this goal.
  4. Analysis of other intended outcomes of these actions.
  5. Comparison of spent and received. Profitability assessment.
  6. Decision: take these actions or refuse them.

Decision methods can be organized into Decision Tables.

Search for the optimal solution

Decision algorithm

  • Goal
  • Criteria for achieving it, their ranking
  • Search for alternative solutions
  • Selection of the optimal solution based on criteria
  • Setting goals
  • Analysis of the consequences of the decision
  • Analysis of possible risks

Reliability of initial information and criteria for its evaluation

How to separate opinions from facts?

How to properly evaluate alternative solutions.

List of criteria, ranking by criterion

Analysis of the consequences of decisions made.

Analysis of possible risks.

«The Bad Weather Rule»

Three Factors Influencing Decision-Making Style

  • Amount of information and alternatives
  • Criticality level of assessment
  • Decision speed

Psychology of decision making

We are not machines, we have our own individual habits and preferences, there are emotions and desires, and all this affects our decision making, makes up the psychology of decision making. Yes, sometimes it’s scary to make independent decisions. Sometimes emotions and difficult traits of one’s own character interfere. How to deal with it, see →

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