The princess hasn’t been anywhere! She dreamed everything!
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Deception is misleading. Deception, in particular, is when you know one thing, but you say or do another. Deception can be intentional and accidental, conscious or not noticeable to the person himself, but people are usually very sensitive to any deception and in everyday relations they call it harshly: «lies.»
However, if cheating among your own people is usually an unethical act, then cheating strangers can be a feat.
When and why do people lie
Most often, people lie either for profit or out of fear. How to distinguish it? If people usually do not lie to you, and this particular person is lying — if he does not look very much like a bully, then most likely he is lying for the sake of some kind of benefit. If people lie to you often, then, most likely, the matter is already in you. They lie when it is dangerous to tell the truth.
Forgive deceit or not
Hello, I am 20 years old, I will soon be 21. I repeatedly lied to my parents, and therefore I have lost, it seems to me completely, confidence in myself. I was expelled from the institute, and in order to recover, I need to pass an interview in a certain subject. My parents came to the decision that I should study this subject for six months (plus learn English). At the same time, there is no connection with the outside world (in exceptional cases, such as writing a letter to you, the Internet is provided). Calls from me and me are prohibited, leaving the house is prohibited, communication on the Internet is also prohibited. I offered the option of getting a job for this period of time and teaching in parallel, but this option was rejected, as confidence in me was lost. That is, they do not believe me that I will go to work, I will learn what I need. Likewise, in petty domestic issues, it is almost certainly believed that I am lying.
In connection with all of the above, I ask you to answer my question: “How can I restore my parents’ trust in me?” Since my goals are clearly set before me, I believe in myself and believe in achieving my goals, but how can I convey my goals to my parents and make them believe that I will do it?
I beg you to help me. Thanks in advance.
Alice, the smartest thing your parents can do right now is not to trust you. If from this moment you start the life of a good girl and obey your parents in everything (I hope your parents are reasonable people), then there is a chance that in six months the trust of your parents in you will generally be restored. At the same time, the slightest lie further — and you will start again from the beginning. No one promised you an easy life — everything is fair.
Thank you very much for your reply. I will follow him.