Let’s try to figure out how filming and auditions can be useful for the future star of the fashion world (and, in principle, for every child). And believe me, this is exactly the case when the advantages outweigh even the huge number of existing disadvantages.
We have to admit: to become a model, you have to sweat a lot and go through a lot of castings and selections. This is a lot of stress for the fragile psyche of the child. However, let’s look at the situation from a different, positive side. Participation in screenings strengthens the character of the child: he learns to understand that not everything can be obtained by throwing a tantrum on the street or rolling his eyes cutely. Castings not only force you to constantly improve your own skills, every time to come up with something new (hello, creativity!) In order to present the best version of yourself yesterday to a professional jury, but also help to understand how the business works from the inside, what are the components of modeling work and through what the older model will have to go through if he or she decides to pursue a career in the future.
The issue of refusals is directly related to the topic of castings. Refusals are, of course, bad: we ourselves know, we ourselves passed. Although it is precisely the refusals that help to understand from an early age that not everything and does not always go the way we would like it to. With the correct motivation of the child on the part of the parents, it is the refusal that can become the very trigger that will motivate the child to work harder and put more energy into what he loves. In addition, refusal is a reason to look at yourself from the outside: why it happened, what went wrong and what needs to be worked on in order to minimize their number in the future. Support from the parents is very important here: it is they who must explain to their baby that he is in no way worse than those whom they have chosen, it just happens sometimes: someone chooses us, and someone – we.
Shooting is a team work, where each person is worth their weight in gold. Modeling makes it possible to teach a child to listen, and most importantly, to hear what instructions adults give him, as well as to understand what certain team members want from him. Agree, it will definitely come in handy in the future, and not only in the modeling business! Self-organization is a necessary part of teamwork, where punctuality becomes a kind of credo of the future screen star. The filming process is very cruel: scheduled in minutes and seconds, he will not accept even a well-thought-out late model due to the inability to properly manage his time, so it is very important to convey to the child the need for self-control over time. As they say, it is not rubber. It’s a pity!
“The children’s show is a special atmosphere that allows a child in a real sense to plunge into a fairy tale and be transported into a world of dreams that he could only dream of.”
Working in a team, children learn not only communication between cute plump princes and princesses like them, but also communication with adults – those whom they did not even know a couple of hours ago, which means that they overcome the barrier of constriction and embarrassment often faced by those who are not involved in the world of fashion photography.
Self-confidence is closely related to teamwork. Even at first, the tomboy, squeezed and shy in society, over time begins to understand the importance of representative skills and the lack of fear of showing himself as he is. To feel confident, not pinched, speak louder and constantly smile – parents often press on the child, trying to convey to him seemingly common truths. But it’s one thing to speak, it’s another to realize the importance of these words by your own example. And self-confidence has never been superfluous to anyone.
No matter how strange it may sound, the modeling business broadens the horizons of the child: new people, new circumstances, new tasks and new opportunities – even the most spoiled child will become interested in what he is doing. Fashion photographers’ stories about life and shooting; stories of adult models about the peculiarities of work; tips from stylists, what can and should be worn and what not and how to choose the right wardrobe; recommendations of celebrity make-up artists who will give valuable advice on skin care and prevent mistakes that every teenage girl makes when starting to use cosmetics from her mother’s purse … You know, sometimes it would not hurt adults to communicate with such people and listen to recommendations and those valuable advice, which can be used in the future.
The work of the model is not only shooting for catalogs and advertisements. These are also shows, which are often organized by fashion houses with the attraction of small stars. Children’s show is a special atmosphere that allows a child to plunge into a fairy tale in a real sense and be transported into a world of dreams that he could only dream of. A friendly atmosphere, attention from photographers, stylists and designers, sweet treats, luxurious outfits that are not averse to trying on an older fashionista, and, of course, relatives and friends, who admire their child from the auditorium and enthusiastically applaud him in end. Isn’t this a fairy tale that has come true? And you still think kids modeling is evil?
And finally, in a constantly running society, we have almost no time for ourselves, let alone for children. You can argue, but it is. What do we see? Children are left to themselves, and a mobile phone or a brand new iPad becomes a kind of substitute for parental attention. As a result, children do not understand their parents, and parents do not want to understand children to whom they seem to have provided everything they could. Everything and more. Not provided: the most important thing was not given and was not given – love and the ability to be with your child, just sit down and talk. Shooting, sometimes lasting several hours, is another great chance not only to demonstrate to your child immense parental love, but also to become his best friend and advisor, to become someone to whom he can tell his secrets, with whom he can share the fears and problems that have arisen. , as well as those to whom he can come for help in a difficult situation. In a word, to give a modern child what he lacks so much – parental love and attention.
The modeling business is insidious and unpredictable: for some it can become a runway to success, and for someone it can be a nightmare that one wants to forget immediately after waking up. Be that as it may, the main thing is to remember: every child is unique. It remains for us to see this diamond and give it a cut – one for which we ourselves will not be ashamed and for which we will ultimately be able to hear such a cherished thanks.