Chronic stress literally kills people. Numerous studies have shown that stress worsens the state of the immune system, contributes to the occurrence of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Stress without a constructive outlet leads to depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, and drug abuse. Stress also accelerates the aging process – especially sad for girls (((.
Obviously, we cannot control the factors that cause stress, we can only control the reactions of our body to them.
Since I am interested in the secrets of longevity and health, I cannot ignore this topic. In addition, my husband’s work is very stressful, and his health is as important to me as mine.
The expert advice on how to manage stress sounds simple and straightforward, for example:
- balance work, family, personal time in your life;
- give up tobacco and drugs, reduce the consumption of caffeine and alcohol;
- eat right, as unhealthy eating weakens our body and its ability to deal with stress;
- Get enough sleep: This is critical to combat stress.
- exercise regularly and not only to maintain physical fitness: during stress, the body produces endorphins that contribute to a positive well-being;
- periodically “disconnect” from the routine, familiar life (for example, to leave for 1-2 weeks).
- meditate or adhere to other special techniques;
- smile more often, etc.
It seems that everything is absolutely simple and even trivial, but most of us in our daily life cannot follow at least some of these recommendations. Personally, I try my best. I am also constantly trying to find additional methods of stress management.
For example, while in America some time ago, I consulted with a Certified Holistic Stress Manager. In her opinion, the only way to manage stress is to learn how to control your mind, to relax it at certain moments of “overheating”, to switch to a positive wave.
For this, there are a number of techniques and exercises, and everyone must choose the one that suits them. These can be practices such as meditation, yoga, or tai chi. For example, yoga does not suit my husband at all, he tried it several times, but, to my great regret, he did not like it. I love Bikram yoga very much, but I cannot afford to do it more often than 1-2 times a week, and then only in the summer. By the way, there are only three studios in Moscow, my favorite is this one.
Everyone is talking about meditation, but such a seemingly simple remedy is the most difficult for me: I cannot drive my thoughts away on my own, I can only get it with the help of an instructor, but obviously this is not always convenient.
Another method of dealing with stress is tai chi. I will write about him separately.
The American specialist not only told a lot of theoretical nuances, but also taught me two simple things that I want to recommend to you:
1. Thought trick. When you go to bed, and your brain is simply bursting with the number of thoughts, problems and worries, and meditation does not help (as in my case), just try to change the thoughts themselves. List in your head those positive moments of your life that make you happy (for example, that you and your loved ones are healthy, that you have a job, that you bought a new car / apartment / shoes / dress, that you are happy because you were able to visit 10 / 20/30 countries and saw the sunrise in Tahiti, etc .: any facts in your biography for which you are grateful to fate, God or yourself will do). Try to twist these thoughts in your head – and you will feel that the tension subsides, and you will fall asleep more calmly. It really works.
2. Exercise, which is based on an ancient Eastern tradition, is particularly good at reducing stress levels. In addition, it has many other positive effects: it improves the health of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the blood supply to the lower pelvic organs, normalizes digestion, strengthens the muscles of the trunk, balances emotions and makes the head relax.
This exercise can be done while standing, lying down, sitting. Place your palms on your stomach in the navel area. Tighten your abdominal muscles and “direct” them towards the spine for a few seconds. Then relax.
In the next approach, together with the abdominal muscles, tighten the muscles of the anus, and after a few seconds, simultaneously relax them.
For the third time, add breathing: tighten the muscles while exhaling, relax by inhaling air (belly, not chest!).
When you learn to do this exercise automatically, you will not be able to help yourself with your hands.
Ideally do 50 reps twice a day.
In my opinion, the most convenient time to practice in the evening before going to bed and in the morning is without getting out of bed. And for those who live, for example, in Moscow – in the car, so as not to waste time in a traffic jam)))
These are the methods. I hope they help you in some way.