Deadly threats lurking in the forest and in the meadow
Start Ticks How to protect yourself? Post-bite management Lyme disease Tick-borne encephalitis Other tick-borne diseases Vaccinations Frequently asked questions

The season for excursions to the forests and picnics in the meadow is in full swing. In the time of spring and summer carelessness, however, one should remember about the dangers that for the unwise may even turn out to be fatal.

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1/ 10 Rabies

It is a viral disease that is almost always fatal – only a few cases of recovery have been recorded in the history of medicine. Despite intensive efforts, no cure for it has been invented so far. The virus is most often transmitted by being bitten by an infected animal. In the first two months, the disease causes general symptoms – headache, fever, chills, fatigue. Unfortunately, when they do occur, it is too late for treatment. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to administer an antitoxin and a vaccine immediately after the bite.

2/ 10 Zig-zag viper

The viper venom contains many different toxins. For a healthy person, a bite is not a lethal threat, but children and the elderly are more sensitive to the venom. After a bite, blood clotting decreases, there is a change in heart rhythm and local tissue necrosis appears. If bitten, you should go to hospital immediately, where you will be given horse antitoxin.

3/ 10 Tetanus

It is not difficult to get any kind of injuries in the forest. And it’s not just about scratches – it happens that even now enthusiasts of forest trips stumble upon old snares. Tetanus sticks reproduce best in anaerobic conditions, which is why deep wounds in such an environment are the most vulnerable to infection. The first symptoms of the disease appear between the 7th and 14th day after infection. Muscle cramps and trismus occur. The so-called sardonic smile. In the later stage of the disease, the muscle strain is so strong that it causes the body to curve in an arched shape. Vaccines, which adults should take at least every 10 years, protect against infection.

4/ 10 Tick-borne diseases

Lyme disease is an infectious bacterial disease. In humans, infection usually occurs through a tick bite. The first symptom of infection is erythema migrans – a peripheral skin lesion formed around the infection. However, the erythema does not always appear. In addition, flu-like symptoms are common. The disease is treated with an antibiotic treatment. The therapy may last up to several years and is very troublesome due to the lack of tests clearly defining the time of cure. Another dangerous disease that can be caught during a tick bite is tick-borne encephalitis. In some cases, the infection is fatal. Therefore, it is recommended that all people who visit the forest frequently get vaccinated against this disease. In prophylaxis, the most important thing is to carefully inspect the body after a stay in the forest. If you spot a tick, go to the infirmary for a specialist to remove it.

5/ 10 Aconite strong

This is one of the most poisonous plants in our country. Aconite contains very large amounts of aconitine. The harmfulness of this substance is evidenced by the fact that its lethal dose when ingested is only 2 mg. What’s worse, this compound also enters the body through the skin. Symptoms of aconitine poisoning include numbness, paralysis, excitement, anxiety, and stomach pain. Death occurs as a result of paralysis of the heart or respiratory muscles.

6/ 10 The nightmare of the nightshade

The plant is very poisonous due to the high content of atropine and hyoscyanine. Both substances affect the functioning of the nervous system. The symptoms of poisoning are agitation, hallucinations, fits of rage, photophobia. The lethal dose for an adult man is about 10-20 fruits, while in children sometimes only four fruits are enough! Death occurs during a coma due to the cessation of respiratory functions.

7/ 10 Dandelion

There are over 20 species of glaucoma in Poland. Most of them are poisonous. As the name suggests, the most harmful is the poison buttercup. The small amount of this plant’s juice causes the skin to redden and blister. The effect of the juice is more intense when it comes into contact with the mucous membranes.

8/ 10 Wild animals

The attacks of wild animals are also a considerable threat. And it is not about animals infected with rabies – even a healthy animal can severely hurt us. Particular attention should be paid to females with litter. If you encounter any animal in the forest, you should calmly withdraw – even if you do not see any small ones, they may be hidden nearby.

9/ 10 Sosnowski’s borscht

This inconspicuous plant comes from the Caucasus. It was brought to Poland in the 50s as a fodder plant. It quickly turned out that its cultivation is extremely difficult. Fresh plant juice causes very severe burns in humans. In addition, Sosnowski’s borscht is very invasive – it is difficult to combat, and it has a destructive effect on the natural environment. In Poland, this plant can be found mainly in Podhale, usually in large meadows and forest edges. If the sap of the plant comes into contact with the skin, wash the affected area with plenty of soap and water and avoid exposure to light.

10/ 10 Echinococcosis

It’s the forest fruit season. The most popular of them are undoubtedly blueberries. Many of us pick them up during forest walks and eat them right away. Unfortunately, we can get echinococcosis as a consequence. Echinococcosis is a parasitic disease caused by bullous forms of several species of tapeworms. Sometimes it may take 15 years for the first symptoms to appear! Its main symptom is a cyst located in the liver, lungs, spleen or bones. Surgical treatment is often necessary. How does blueberry contamination occur? The eggs of the echinococcus go to the fruit along with the faeces of animals – mainly foxes. You can protect us from getting sick by washing raw fruit thoroughly before eating it. This text is part of our Onet Holidays series. Where to spend a vacation for little money? Which places to avoid and which ones you must visit during your vacation? What attractions and iconic destinations will you find in your regions? We check and inform: whether you are relaxing in the city or at the seaside – we are with you!

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