Introduction (for those who haven’t watched the movie)
Tough father.
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Getting to know teachers.
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The new school year begins for the children of the most prestigious school in New England (it takes place in America). There are those who have already studied in it, and there are newcomers. The school discipline is very strict. In other matters, this does not prevent students from making fun of this very discipline and smoking in the room.
Fragment 1, «Tough Father»
The new boy is told the «real» name of the school — «circles of hell» and brought him up to date.
There is a knock on the door, and Neil (the guy with the liveliest look) is visited by his father. Neil’s face expresses the expectation of unpleasant news from his father and at the same time the lack of protection from it, the readiness to accept it.
The father is the representative of those who know everything best. I think that he is sure that his intervention and help are beneficial and then Neil will thank him. Every time Neil protests against such interventions, which his father pushes through by force.
I recall what Nikolai Ivanovich said about raising children at one of the last sessions: “First, you need to achieve absolute obedience, without internal disputes. Then give an orientation to a strong, free life.
In the film, the father managed to achieve obedience. But not the absence of internal disputes. Further, the father is unlikely to advance. How he should behave so that there are no disputes is very interesting to me, and I would like to hear the comments of smart people on this issue. My hypotheses for why the father is stuck in the argument phase: Neil doesn’t understand that his father is trying to make him feel better. In order for there to be no protests, it is necessary to understand. Now Neal doesn’t understand because it’s not true or because his father doesn’t explain. In the above fragment, the father explained to Neil that he allegedly did not have time for the school newspaper. But this explanation did not impress Neal.
Fragment 2, Meet the Teachers
We see how the guys get acquainted with the first three teachers. We are shown that they are the personification of the four principles of the school — «tradition, honor, discipline and excellence», though in a somewhat degenerate form.
The fourth teacher, Mr. Keating, who teaches literature, is different. He started his lesson with several non-standard actions at once — he whistled a song, went through the class and left, led the guys out of the class. The effect of unusualness is provided, the guys will definitely remember what he says next. But whether they will take it seriously or as a joke is another question.
After that, he establishes contact with the guys. Shows that he is alive and has a soul, unlike other teachers. He stands on the same level with the students — he says that he studied and was like them, or even worse — a palpable with tight brains, into which Byron’s volumes were thrown.
And now he’s so wonderful — I want to take an example from him.
Mr. Kitting jokes and is not afraid to be funny. By this, he knocks down the pathos from his words “carpe diem”, brings her closer to the students. I think that’s why some guys will perceive his idea.
Without letting the guys come to their senses, he makes them a powerful suggestion: You will all die. How will you live your life, what will be left after you besides the body for the worms? Are you wasting your talents? To make it even clearer, he shows the previous editions of the guys who are already feeding the worms, and who felt the same way as they are now standing in the hall. Suggestion in the style of the Sinton approach 🙂 The difference from Sinton is that the suggestion made by Kitting is more abstract. After it, you want to goggle your eyes and Live-Live! Where to live, how to live? It’s not very clear yet. But this is already a lot!