Daylily comes from South Asia. It was from there that he got into many gardens, where today he is cultivated by both experienced flower growers and beginners. There are six wild varieties in total. Using them, breeders have bred tens of thousands of modern varieties and hybrids. Among them, orange daylily is especially popular.
Description of a daylily with orange flowers
Orange Daylily is a herbaceous perennial with cord-like roots. The latter are often fleshy and thickened, often forming stolons. Leaves broadly linear, entire, two-row. They can be either straight or curved. The buds of the daylily are large, can be monochromatic or interspersed with other shades. Often the flowers are cone-shaped, six-parted, with a small tube. The buds are collected 2-10 in lush inflorescences. At the same time, 1-3 buds usually bloom.

Daylilies belong to the Asphodelaceae family.
The duration of flowering of one bud is 1-2 days, however, in total, an adult plant pleases the eye for almost a month. Some varieties bloom only at night. Peduncles usually rise above the leaves. Their length can reach 1 m. The fruit of the orange daylily is a trihedral box with dark shiny seeds.
If the bush is not rejuvenated, the buds will shrink every year, and as a result, the plant will stop blooming altogether.
Varieties of orange daylily
Long gone are the days when daylilies looked the same in all courtyards and front gardens. Now every year there are many new varieties. Modern daylilies have evolved greatly, and now they are held in high esteem by flower growers. It is very difficult to describe them all. Some daylilies have a simple, while others have an atypical and unusual structure. Some of them are bright and extravagant, while others are gentle and romantic. Among them are many orange species. Each florist will be able to choose the option that suits him.
This variety, which is in demand among flower growers, has large red-orange buds with golden edges. Their diameter, with good care, can reach up to 17-18 cm. Peduncles are not very large – about 60-70 cm in height, but with violent branching.

Apachesunrise is one of the most sought after varieties.
And although this variety is quite old, it still remains popular. And not only gardeners love it, but also breeders. They used it many times to breed hybrids. The flowers are medium, the radius is about 7 cm. The petals are orange, with a yellow wavy border. Peduncles with violent branching, reach a height of 80 cm.

Bass Gibson is especially loved by breeders
Frank Hals
Yellow-orange coloration is classic for daylilies. However, the breeders who created this variety managed to achieve an unusual combination of shades. When blooming, daylily corollas amaze with the brightness of wide orange petals with a yellow line in the center. The neck of the corolla is green-lemon in color, and the trio of narrow petals is yellow. The diameter of the flowers is small and is only 12 cm. The height of the peduncles reaches 1 m.

Frans Hals is characterized by an unusual combination of shades
Big Mouth
This is a daylily, a characteristic feature of which are large orange flowers. In good conditions, they reach 20 cm in diameter. There is a slight relief. The wide edge of the golden hue passed to the variety from the progenitor – Gary Colby. Its edge is aesthetically corrugated. The height of the peduncles is 80 cm.

The corrugated petals of Bocagrande give it an unusual look.
Different direction
This is another orange daylily with huge flowers, the diameter of which is 21-22 cm. The color is a gradient from a light green center to a yellow eye part and an orange border. Peduncles grow up to 85 cm. Branching is good. Each peduncle can have several dozen buds.

Different direction is an orange daylily with giant buds
Kindling the flame
The buds are deeply corrugated. Among breeders, the variety enjoys great prestige. Using it, experts regularly bring out new species. The radius of the flowers is 8 cm. They have a deep-set throat and a rounded shape. The height of the peduncles does not exceed 65 cm.

Based on Kindling the flame, many new varieties have been bred
Nuggets of honey
This is a daylily with pink-orange flowers, the diameter of which is 15 cm. Buds of the correct shape, with corrugation, have a fairly dense structure. On the edges of the petals there is a barely noticeable green tint. For varieties with orange color, this is a rarity. The height of the peduncles is 65 cm.

Nuggets of honey flower diameter is 15cm
Orange blossom trail
It has a very interesting coloration. The green throat gradually turns into a yellow eye zone and a dark orange border. The flowers are small, about 14 cm in diameter. The petals are rounded, their edges are pleated. The height of the peduncles is 75 cm. In order to obtain new hybrids with an unusual pattern, this variety is used as a progenitor.

The main feature of the Orange blossom trail is an unusual combination of shades
Burning Daylight
This is one of the brightest varieties. Its petals are orange, the color of carrot juice. The edges are slightly ruffled. Because of the shape of the petals, the flowers look like lilies. The diameter of the flowers is 15 m. The bushes are dense. Their height reaches 60 cm. 3 buds are formed on each peduncle. This daylily blooms late – at the beginning of the first summer month.

Burning Daylight is one of the brightest daylilies
Orange colossus
Its giant flowers reach 22 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is rich orange. The edges are scarlet, with a yellow border. The variety has repeatedly been the basis for obtaining new hybrids.

Orange colossus is the progenitor variety of many modern hybrids.
Ponkan’s orange sherbert
The variety has very large flowers with a diameter of up to 20 cm. The transitions of shades are as smooth as possible from a green throat to a pale orange main shade of the petals. The edges of the latter are corrugated, have a yellowish border. Due to the dense structure, the buds seem weighty. Peduncles branched, 75 cm long.

The light green throat of Ponkan’s orange sherbert fades into pale orange petals.
Ponkan’s solar flare
The flowers of this daylily are not too large. Their diameter is 15 cm. However, they compensate for their small size with bright colors. The shade of the petals is candy. The flowers themselves are rounded, have a dense structure. Branching is good, the height of peduncles reaches 75 cm.

Ponkan’s solar flare – the most undemanding kind of daylilies
The color of this daylily is not quite usual. Starting from the green throat, there is a gradient of colors from the middle to the edge: yellow-orange-brownish. Petals have a dense structure. Their diameter is 18 cm. The length of the peduncles is 75 cm.

Dense petals make Semac buds feel heavy
Space coast pumpkin power
The variety is not new, but no less interesting. The buds are monophonic, red-orange with dense petals. The throat is green, deep planted, the shape of the flower is rounded. The buds are quite large.

Pink-orange coloring in daylilies is a rarity.
The edge of mercy
This is a large rounded flower up to 18 cm in diameter. Its throat is green, the main color is rich orange, the edging is light green. The edges are corrugated. The variety has good branching. The height of the peduncles is 85 cm.

The edge of mercy is a well branched variety.
Orange daylily in landscape design
Orange daylilies are versatile flowers that can be used in landscape design without any restrictions. They will fit perfectly into any type of garden, be it country style or oriental style. They also look great on the alpine slides.

Some flower growers plant only daylilies, and some combine them with other ornamental plants, in any case it looks harmonious
As practice shows, to achieve an unusual, but no less beautiful result, the combination of orange terry daylily and agapanthus allows. In this case, a game of contrast is obtained. Bright buds distinguish each other and harmoniously complement.
Intense orange daylilies look good with crocosmia. In this case, they play the role of the main decoration of the flower bed.

Orange daylily is one of the few ornamental plants that will definitely not be lost against the background of others and will fit into the composition

The combination of daylily and bulbous plants (tulips, irises, hyacinths) is already a classic
Bulbous plants are planted in the foreground, and daylilies in the background. This allows you to prevent overheating of bulbous plants, to give the flower bed brightness and extravagance. At the same time, she will not look defiant. For orange daylilies, ornamental plants such as catnip, dahlias, kniphofia and Wernica longifolia will be good companions.
Planting and care
The orange daylily is planted in partial shade, because when planted in a sunny area, its petals quickly lose their brightness, and in the shade it does not bloom well. The plant loves loose soil, which contains a lot of organic matter. If it is sour, it is deoxidized. Orange daylilies resist grass with ease and therefore require little to no weeding. Growing, they suppress all weeds.
The main care is to make top dressing. Complex fertilizers must be added immediately after the soil thaws, at the end of May, during the budding period, and also in the last month of summer. In hot weather, the daylily must be watered. Water is poured directly under the root, trying not to wet the green mass. If the liquid is too cold, it is heated to room temperature. The soil around the bush is regularly mulched. If necessary, add fertile soil. It is important not to expose the roots of the orange daylily. In late autumn, old and young plantings are sprinkled with compost.
Orange daylilies grown from seeds do not grow and develop well, so they are usually propagated by dividing the bush. The procedure is performed in the first days of May. Delenki are seated at a distance of half a meter from each other, placing the root collar at the level of the soil. If the plant is too deep, its leaves will begin to turn yellow, and if placed too superficially, it will not withstand frost. At the end, the plants are watered.
Some varieties of orange daylilies form air layering. They are cut in October, retreating 5 cm from the node. The base is placed in a root stimulator and kept there until the roots grow to 4 cm. Then the sockets are planted in pots filled with a mixture of sand and peat, and the leaves are cut to 7 cm. In the spring, young plants are transplanted to a new place.
Important! To get a dense bush that blooms profusely, it is recommended to remove flower stalks in the first 2 years after planting. So he will be able to direct all his strength to the formation of a powerful root system.

Most often, orange daylilies are propagated by dividing the bush.
After flowering, the wilted bud is removed along with the seed box. If this is not done, then the plant will spend a lot of energy on the formation and maturation of seed material. This will lead to the fact that next year the orange daylily will no longer bloom profusely.
Orange daylily will be a wonderful decoration for any site. Active growth, aesthetic appearance and long flowering – these are the characteristics thanks to which the daylily won the hearts of flower growers. He is completely picky, and caring for him does not require special knowledge and skills. Even a beginner can grow a beautiful ornamental plant with orange buds.