Daylilies are called a gift for a lazy gardener – planted and forgotten. These plants differ from other decorative flowers in their high adaptability and endurance to living conditions. But if there is a desire that these flowers please the eye with their unique and refined beauty, and not just grow as it happens, you need to take care of them. Daylily Frans Hals has its own characteristics and rules on how to grow it.

Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

Bright, cheerful flower, the center and main decoration of any landscape composition

Description of daylily Frans Hals

It got its name thanks to the famous Dutch artist of the 1955th century, Frans Hals. He was a painter predominantly of the portrait genre, but he became famous for the fact that he liked to paint his paintings in colors very close to the color of a flower. Released in XNUMX.

Frans Hals is distinguished by erect, tall arrows, 40-60 cm long. It is on them that buds grow in large numbers, from which large, bright and funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of about 6-15 cm subsequently open. Their color is contrasting, two-tone. The top three petals have a rich scarlet (or red-orange, terracotta, brick) color with a light vein in the middle, the bottom ones are dazzling yellow. They look like 2 triangles of different colors, overlapping each other. Frans Hals daylily flowers are collected in several pieces in inflorescences.

The flower blooms its buds from July to September. Exudes a subtle delicate aroma. The narrow dark green leaves that form the bush of the plant grow to a height of up to 1 m. They are sword-shaped and elegantly droop to the ground.

Liner Frans Hals has excellent decorative properties, high resistance to external (negative) conditions, abundant bud formation. It perfectly tolerates all the vagaries of the weather: coolness, humidity, rain. Also, nothing threatens him when there are hot, dry days, which is detrimental to many other flowers.

Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

The plant has not only beautiful flowers, but also greenery.

Daylily hybrid Frans Hals in landscape design

Daylily Frans Hals is found in almost any garden. This flower can be used in any landscape compositions. It is beautiful, spectacular and noticeable from afar. The bush of the plant has a regular, beautiful shape, it looks great as a tapeworm.

But even in combination with other plants, Frans Hals daylily is no less beautiful. It is good to grow in a rose garden. During the period when roses rest before their re-blooming, the daylily becomes the main decoration of the place. Thanks to the continuous formation and flowering of buds, it maintains its temporarily subdued beauty, allows roses to prepare for a new bloom.

Daylily Frans Hals is good to plant along with greenery, such as hostas. This plant has showy foliage that quickly expands into entire plantations and makes a great backdrop for other flowers. The bright, expressive buds of the Frans Hals daylily look harmoniously in combination with the green and white graphics of the hosta leaves.

The foliage of daylilies is also very beautiful and expressive. Therefore, when it fades, the remaining bushes harmoniously complement other ornamental greenery.

Frans Hals daylilies are especially good in combination with coniferous plants (thuja, juniper, cedar, spruce). There is something in them that emphasizes the beauty of each other. Daylily can be planted separately, tapeworm. This will emphasize the beauty of the bush and attract attention in the garden.

There is another popular effective way of planting Frans Hals daylilies – this is a group. Moreover, daylilies of both different varieties look very impressive, for example, in the same color scheme, and one planted together. A large number of bright sunny flowers creates an incredibly eye-catching effect, which is enhanced if flowers of other species are planted nearby, but in the same color scheme.

Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

With the onset of frost, the leaves should be cut by 5-10 cm

Winter hardiness of Frans Hals daylily

Daylily Frans Hals is a hardy perennial plant. It is hardy and unpretentious. Does not require special warming of rhizomes for the winter. It is enough not to cut the leaves of the shrub with the onset of winter, they will serve as a good shelter for the whole winter. More thorough measures for warming are taken only for newly planted plants that have not yet sufficiently adapted to the external environment.

Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

Before winter, plants are mulched and pruned

Planting and caring for daylily Frans Hals

Daylily Frans Hals is commonly believed to be perfect for the lazy gardener. But this flower, like any ornamental plant, needs proper care. Only in this case it will serve as a decoration of the garden landscape. With age, the Frans Hals daylily bush will become more magnificent, the flowers are brighter and larger.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Daylily Frans Hals loves the sun. In order for it to have good buds and bloom beautifully, you need to plant it in a well-lit place. But they can grow in light partial shade. Best daylily Frans Hals takes root on loose, drained and fertilized soils. This flower does not like stagnant water. If it has to be planted in a cold, rainy region, then it is best placed on mounds or hills so that the roots do not rot.

In warm regions, landing should be completely different. It is unacceptable to plant Frans Hals daylily in flowerbeds above ground level. The roots of the flower lie rather superficially and can simply overheat. The plant will give small bushes, flowers.

Important! When planting Frans Hals daylily, you need to take into account the climate of the region in which it will grow.
Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

Before planting, it is necessary to dig a hole 30 cm deep

Rules of landing

If daylily Frans Hals was purchased by mail, then such roots may be damaged, dehydrated. They need to be soaked for several hours in water with fertilizer and a growth stimulator. If they dig, divide and plant the daylily in place, in this case, the roots need to be dried a little in the shade and the damaged areas and partially greens removed. It will be easier for the roots to nourish the rest of the leaves.

Daylily Frans Hals can be transplanted at any stage of its growth. In summer, the extracted roots should be soaked in a solution with fungicides, since at this time harmful fungi actively develop in the soil, they have spores.

You need to plant a daylily as follows:

  • dig a hole;
  • form a small cone-shaped mound at its bottom;
  • arrange the roots of the plant around this hill so that each root is in contact with the soil;
  • sprinkle everything with earth;
  • water well;
  • finally fall asleep.

After planting in the summer, the soil must be mulched so that moisture remains in the ground longer. Daylily Frans Hals grows best on neutral soils, but can take root on slightly acidic ones. If the environment is alkaline, then peat will help out. Acidified soil can be corrected with a small amount of lime.

Important! When planting the Frans Hals daylily, the root neck should not be immersed more than 2-3 centimeters. If you overdo it, the plant will not bloom for at least 2-3 years.
Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

You need to feed the plant carefully so that the granules do not fall on the root collar.

Watering and top dressing

Daylily Frans Hals is a rather unpretentious plant. Its most important requirement is proper watering, especially during the flowering period. He loves moisture. If there is not enough of it, drought, the daylily will not bloom so beautifully. It is better to water daylilies less often, but more abundantly, so that moisture penetrates deep into the soil to the roots themselves. On summer days, it is better to do this in the evening, when the sun has already set and there is no heat.

Daylily Frans Hals should be fed as follows:

  • make the first top dressing immediately after the appearance of the first green sprouts of the bush (1 tbsp. nitroammophoska / 1 bucket of water);
  • the second – in April, a month later, the composition is the same, but slightly increase the amount of nitrogen so that the bush grows faster;
  • the third – during budding, use an infusion of fermented mullein (1 liter of mullein / 1 liter of water) or fermented green mass (1 liter of green fertilizers / 1 bucket of water);
  • the fourth – two weeks after the end of flowering, nitrogen can no longer be applied, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers will be enough (1 tablespoon of phosphorus and 1 tablespoon of potassium / 1 bucket of water); instead of potassium, you can use ash or Diammophoska; top dressing is aimed at preparing the plant for winter.

Fertilizing the plant in the fall, you need to pay attention to the fact that the granules (phosphorus + potassium) do not fall into the center of the bush. The basal neck in this case will be damaged by a decomposed granule.

Important! You need to water under the root so that water does not fall on the buds. Otherwise, blooming flowers will be spotted, which will reduce their decorative effect. 
Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

The fourth dressing before wintering should not contain nitrogen

Daylily pruning Frans Hals

With the onset of the first frost, the leaves of the bush are cut at a height of 5-10 cm from the ground. It’s getting ready for winter. Old leaves can also be removed in early spring, after hibernation. They have already served their purpose, warming the plant during the frosty period and preventing the soil from overcooling.

Preparation for winter

Before the onset of winter, the plant must be mulched during the period when the ground under the bushes has cooled down, but has not yet had time to freeze. It makes no sense to do this too early, while the earth has not cooled down enough after a hot summer. Roots can become moldy and rot. Mulching should be no earlier than the beginning of November, but for different regions these terms may vary. For this fit sawdust, straw.

Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

The mother bush can be divided into several child seedlings


To get a separate instance from the parent, you can apply several methods. The first is the mechanical division of the bush. It can be carried out from early spring to mid-September. Cover the cut with ash or activated carbon powder. The resulting seedlings are planted in new places.

The second method is propagation by seeds collected from a mature mother bush. It is used more often by breeders, scientists to develop new varieties. First, sprouts are germinated in greenhouse (home) conditions, and then transplanted into the ground.

The third way is the proliferation or rooting of inflorescences. A leaf socket is taken as a landing specimen. Pre-hold in water with growth stimulants until the first roots 5 cm long appear.

Daylily Frans Hals: description and photos, reviews

Buds affected by gall midge, the so-called daylily mosquito, must be destroyed

Diseases and pests

This cheerful flower practically does not get sick. Its main problem is daylily midges that live in buds. Or even worse, you can see a lot of worms. To get rid of them, it is enough to simply remove such a swollen bud.

Still others are frightened by the sudden yellowing of the leaves on visually healthy bushes. You shouldn’t worry. In fact, this is explained very simply. Leaves are changing. It is necessary to remove dried greens so that the appearance of the bush does not deteriorate. And the plant itself is restored.

Daylily hybrid Frans Hals. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of hemerocallis hybrida Frans Hals


Daylily Frans Hals is able to decorate any garden or lawn. It is bright, beautiful and attractive. It will bring a touch of joy and good mood, optimism. In flower arrangements likes to dominate.

Daylily Frans Hals Reviews

Friz Olga Leonidovna, Kaluga, 46 years old.
Daylily Frans Hals is one of the most elegant of his fellows. And very easy to care for. Ideal for those new to gardening. A very attractive flower! Wonderful coloring of the buds, it’s hard to take your eyes off of his bizarre patterns!
Esin Oleg Ivanovich, Rostov-on-Don, 63 years old.
A very good flower, daylily Frans Hals. It is easy to grow but loves sunny locations. It did not take root in partial shade, it had to be transplanted. It has not only beautiful bright buds, but also a wonderful green part. After flowering, it looks great on the lawn, decorating it until the frost.
Daylilies. Landscape tricks. Issue 114

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