Daylilies in the landscape design of a summer cottage, garden, even a small garden are at the peak of popularity among modern gardeners. When most plants flower in the spring, these varieties are pleasing to the eye in a wide variety of colors and shapes throughout the summer season. It is also important that the plants are unpretentious in care, winter well and endure the sun in the middle of summer. A skillful combination of daylilies with other plants will make the site unforgettably beautiful.

Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

Bright and juicy flowers will decorate any landscape

Features of the use of daylilies in garden landscape design

Daylily, or Krasodnev, is a beautiful, herbaceous plant that does not require complicated manipulations in care. It is considered decorative, widely used in landscaping and design of gardens, household plots, public places. Different types of plants grow independently in the wild, mainly in the Far East – in China, Korea, Japan. The daylily has been adapted to the conditions of the climate, its wild species grow in the southern regions of Siberia to the headwaters of the Ob River in the west.

It has good resistance to diseases and harsh weather conditions. It grows in shade, partial shade, and in the sun its flowering is most abundant. Requires at least 6 hours of exposure per day.

Daylily is a perennial herbaceous plant. Among all varieties, only one is evergreen – Hemerocallis aurantiaca. The roots are cord-like, thickened, sometimes forming short-lived shoots. Broad-linear foliage is arranged in two rows, depending on the variety – straight or curved into an arc. Bright large flowers are the main feature of the daylily. Color range from yellow to reddish brown. Funnel-shaped, with six petals. Arranged in inflorescences from 2 to 10 flowers.

Attention! The flowering period lasts about a month, but the buds bloom in turn, 1-3 flowers in 1-2 days. Some varieties bloom mainly at night.

Peduncles reach 1 m in height. For decorative purposes, they are conditionally divided into low specimens (up to 30 cm), medium (30-60 cm), semi-high (60-90 cm) and high (more than 90 cm). Fruits in trihedral boxes with a small amount of seeds.

What varieties of daylilies are used in garden landscape design

There are many varieties of daylily, each of which has features in appearance, flowering time, etc. Among them are:

  • terry – decorative, distinguished by splendor;
  • multiforms – a combination of several unique features in one variety;
  • ordinary daylilies – more like wild varieties that can be found in nature;
  • original – having a non-standard color, an unusual shape;
  • arachnids – petals of a special shape, more like long spider legs.

The most common varieties:

  1. Brown-yellow is one of the most unusual specimens in terms of color among daylilies. It is considered a terry variety. It blooms in the middle of summer, feels good in partial shade, and in the foreground in group compositions.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Variety brown-yellow has rich colors

  2. Yellow daylily. It is most famous among landscape designers. The plant reaches 1 m in height. Blooms from early July until autumn. It has a pleasant sweet aroma that attracts bees. It is noteworthy that it endures an excess of moisture in the soil, which is what flower growers use and plant a bush in the lowlands, decorating the drive zones of gardens.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    The variety is one of the most demanded by phyto-designers

  3. Lemon yellow. It differs in that the stem grows more than 1 m (about 130 cm) in height. It blooms in mid-summer and endures drought and heat. Among the positive qualities of this variety of daylily, its pleasant aroma is distinguished.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Lemon yellow variety – a good choice for high-rise compositions

  4. Middendorf. A low daylily that blooms earlier than other varieties. Yellow buds are more like a golden color. Exudes a subtle pleasant aroma.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Variety Middendorf – real natural gold in the garden

  5. Knight Bacon. A particularly decorative variety due to its rich purple hue with a bright yellow core. Large bud, reaches 8 cm in diameter, terry. Separately, there is a high resistance to direct sunlight – the plant does not fade.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Variety Night Bacon – exceptional among others due to its amazing color

Types of compositions with daylilies in landscape design

Daylilies look harmonious in any landscape and blend well with other plants. And the right place and composition will help create a true work of art. Tapeworms (single plantations) and mixed “mixborders” are planted approximately according to the following schemes:

  1. Low varieties are planted along alpine hills and rocky places.
  2. From the daylily, hedges are created along the borders, fences and fences.
  3. Separate compositions are installed in the middle of glades, on the lawn and discounts.
  4. They decorate patios, on the sides of steps, terraces with pots, tubs and containers.
  5. Given the pleasant aroma emanating from flowering plants, they are often grown near benches and around arbors.

Low daylilies are planted singly along the paths. Compositions from different varieties of plants are planted along the alleys, when tall representatives of the flora are in the background and miniature bushes in front. Daylilies and hostas are noted in landscape design, when the former have large bright buds that contrast with shrubs.

Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

Daylily and hostas look great in contrasting colors.

Attention! It is customary to combine tall specimens with dark buds with small light representatives of the fauna for better contrast.

Having a daylily variety with a round or star-shaped bud, it is planted in a group with flowers of a pyramidal or spherical shape, for example, different types of hydrangea.

There are types of daylilies that have a greenish core, which is often used by gardeners in a combination of bright and contrasting shades of colors of other representatives of the fauna.

Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

When a daylily has a yellow core, it can be easily combined with hostas of the same color.

Red daylilies are planted mainly with yellow tones of other flowers.

Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

Dark varieties are harmonious with light fauna

Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

Bright and colorful shades are best calmed down with soft colors, coniferous, warm tones.

If you exclude the use of other flowers and shrubs, daylilies are perfectly combined with each other or in a single composition.

Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

You can competently approach the choice of colors, for example, a single color, but different shades

The dominant color is chosen the one that has a lighter shade, it is placed in the center. Around it is decorated with slightly darker flowers and, moving away from the middle, the colors become darker and richer.

You can use a layered effect when thick tall bushes are planted in the background, medium ones are in front of them, and so everything is lower. The color of the buds can be monophonic and many shades.

Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

Miniature bright daylilies will look great near rocky structures, as well as alpine slides.

And if there is a stream, a pond, an artificial waterfall on the site, then for them there are special varieties of daylily that tolerate an excess of moisture well. In addition, near the reservoir, they will have a special harmony with lilies, phloxes, astilbes.

What colors go with daylilies

A good option would be a combination of flowers with the following types of plants:

  1. Agapanthus. This union of fauna is considered rather unusual, given the bright colors that different varieties of both plants have. It is worth choosing the right shades, for example, give preference to warm or dark daylilies. A fresh and bright composition can be made up of agapanthus and daylily in yellow, orange or brown.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    A composition with agapanthus is like a rainbow in a garden

  2. Irises and daylilies require special attention in landscape design. They are combined not only in color, but also in the flowering period, which makes this pair an excellent option in decorating the site. Both begin to bloom in June, finally flowering by the end of August.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Composition with irises – fauna that complements each other

  3. Phloxes. Daylilies in combination with this plant are grown in summer cottages and garden plots. Lilac, pink and white tones of phloxes enjoy the advantage. The important thing is that they bloom at the same time, so this composition is considered very successful.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    The composition with phlox will look gentle

Care for daylilies in landscape design

Before planting daylilies, you need to know a number of minor rules and conditions for their maintenance. It is worth remembering that only some varieties bloom well in direct sunlight, and most should provide partial shade. Almost any soil is suitable for them, even with an acidic reaction. It is allowed to use liming, which will make the soil suitable for the further development of the flower. After the daylily has faded, at the end of summer, the plant is fertilized with sulfate. Watering is done by “sprinkling” during the night, i.e. an irrigation system is needed.

Daylily is propagated by dividing the bush, preferably in early spring or autumn. To make the plant adapt faster, you need to remove all the foliage. When planting, the pit is fertilized with potassium sulfate, no further transplantation is required.

Attention! Daylily can bloom for about twenty years in one place.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully plan possible compositions, colors and combinations with other plants in advance. It is worth considering what plan to plant a daylily on, what place it will occupy in group seedlings, because this moment has its own rules.

Photo of daylilies in garden landscape design

To get an idea of ​​how certain compositions look, to be inspired by ideas, you can first study their images in photographs:

  1. Plants are chosen in order to fill the territory with juicy green flowers and bright colors of flowers. Daylilies go well with the simplest decorative flowers.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Composition with different bright fauna will please the eye

  2. Compositions of daylilies in rocky gardens are mentioned separately. The vibrant fauna brings the stone walls and masonry to life, leaving room for a unique look.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    The composition by the rocky garden will make it inspired

  3. It is noteworthy that this plant does not need other species at all. You can decorate a garden, a whole lawn with daylilies of different varieties, which means a riot of colors, different sizes and phased flowering.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Composition of different varieties of daylily shows that they do not need other flowers

  4. Daylilies grow not only on the wide earth, but can also bloom in large pots, tubs, containers, while feeling comfortable.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Daylilies are so unpretentious that they grow even in a tub

  5. Some varieties calmly relate to an excess of moisture, so they decorate places near reservoirs, ponds, streams. The photo below shows a composition of daylily, fragrant lavender and juniper.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    The composition by the reservoir is unusually beautiful, the daylily is the central element here.

  6. It is worth paying more attention to the daylily by the pond. Especially in combination with larch, willow, juniper, lavender, stonecrop, gray Victoria and hydrangeas.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Daylilies will not go bad by the pond, as they are resistant to excess moisture.

  7. It has been noted more than once that daylilies are all tolerant of direct sunlight, and some varieties are able to endure the most sultry weather.
    Daylilies in the garden: landscape tricks, combination with other plants, photo

    Some varieties grow well along the road, even under bright sun.


Daylilies in the landscape design of a summer cottage are an easy choice even for beginner phyto-designers. Using the simple rules of planting and skillfully combining with others, you can create an unusually beautiful landscape that will be updated from year to year.

🍀🌻🌷Simple landscape design, #flower beds near my house, daylilies – flowers for lazy people

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