Day regimen of a child at 3 years old at home: schedule by the hour

Day regimen of a child at 3 years old at home: schedule by the hour

Compliance with the daily routine of a child at 3 years old will help to avoid “fights” before bedtime or during feeding. It will be easier for the kid to adapt to the rules of the kindergarten if you do it gradually.

Influence of daily routine on child development

The crisis of the same name will fall for 3 years. The kid begins to actively communicate with adults and copy their behavior. At the same time, he begins to “try his hand”: he refuses to fulfill the requirements of his parents, is capricious, argues with his grandmother. The first self-affirmation creates problems with feeding, sleeping and walking.

Household skills training can also be included in the child’s day regimen at 3 years old.

An attempt to crush the first shoots of independence and knowledge of the world can give a result, but it will have a bad effect on the development of the baby himself. If you tie sleep, feeding and play to a certain time, the result will be better, and the baby’s psyche will not suffer. By 21.00, the child’s eyes will begin to stick together, and it will be easy to put him to bed.

At 3 years old, the baby needs to fully sleep at night, he also needs a daytime sleep. The daily walk can be extended in good weather. It is supposed to feed the baby 4 times a day.

It is advisable not to deviate from the fixed time by more than 30 minutes. It will be easier for the kid to tune in to him. 2-3 months before entering kindergarten, it is advisable to tie this regime to the schedule in a preschool institution.

A sample schedule for a child might look like this:

  • 7.00 – rise. It should be calm and flowing.
  • 7.10 – morning exercises.
  • 8.00 – breakfast.
  • 8.30 – game. The child is busy with toys.
  • 10.00 – playing with mom. Sculpting, painting or puzzle collection.
  • 11.00 – walk.
  • 13.00 – lunch.
  • 13.30 – sleep.
  • 15.45 – a leisurely climb.
  • 16.00 – afternoon snack.
  • 16.30 – games or a walk.
  • 18.30 – dinner.
  • 19.00 – educational games with parents.
  • 20.30 – bath, getting ready for bed.
  • 21.00 – reading an evening bedtime story.

You can take this plan as a basis or make your own adjustments to it. It is important to tie your meals and sleep to a specific time. It will be easier for the kid.

It’s hard to imagine a child’s day without cartoons on TV or tablet. This can also be included in the schedule, but no more than 30-40 minutes a day. Cartoons need to be selected good so as not to traumatize the child with horrors, especially at night. Intellectual load during joint exercises should be introduced in the morning or in the evening, depending on the activity cycle of the baby.

The daily routine will help the child prepare already at home for kindergarten. By regulating rest and activity, you can reduce the “whims” of the baby in a way that is safe for him.

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