Day of the elderly in 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
The Day of the Elderly, which should be reminded that the elders need to be helped and respected, is of great importance for the whole society, therefore, since 1991, it has been celebrated at the international level. Read about the history and traditions of the celebration dedicated to the older generation, as well as when it will be celebrated in 2022, in the material of Healthy Food Near Me

When is Day of the Elderly Celebrated in 2022

The day of the elderly is usually celebrated everywhere on the first day of the second autumn month – 1 October: This celebration has an international status. By the way, the date was not chosen by chance: there is an opinion that old age is a golden time, autumn, as you know, is also called the golden time, which is why it was decided to allocate a special day for the older generation in the midst of the autumn season.

In 2022, the world will celebrate the Day of the Elderly, as usual, on October 1st.

The main purpose of this day is to draw the attention of all the inhabitants of the planet to the problems and difficulties faced by the elderly. By the way, the holiday even has its own logo. It represents an open palm – a symbol of kindness and help.

history of the holiday

For the first time, people thought about the possibility of creating a holiday for the elderly almost at the very end of the 1970th century, namely in the XNUMXs. This idea came to the mind of researchers who dealt with the aging of the Earth’s population and studied the impact of older people on the economy.

The Scandinavians began to celebrate the holiday. After some time, in the United States, they decided to allocate a special day a year for pensioners. And soon the celebration acquired an international status. This significant event for all the elderly people of the planet took place in December 1990. It was then that the UN General Assembly (GA) adopted resolution 45/106, in which it decided to consider the first day of the second autumn month as the International Day of Older Persons.

A year later, the GA defined the principles of the world organization for the elderly (resolution 46/91), and a year later adopted a declaration on aging (resolution 47/5). At the same time, the world celebrated the 10th anniversary of the International Plan of Action on Aging, adopted in Vienna. The main purpose of this document is to provide the elderly with guarantees of economic and social security.

And it was in 1992 that Our Country also decided to honor the older generation on the first day of the second autumn month: the s began to celebrate the holiday after the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Council (SC) “On the problems of the elderly” appeared.

Holiday traditions

On the first day of October, it is customary all over the world to call your grandparents, moms and dads just to tell them once again how much you love them and share the latest news.

And in order to remind the younger generation that they should call their relatives in need of attention, on TV this day they show public service announcements calling for “remember who gave life.”

Meanwhile, on October 1, not only their children pay attention to the heroes of the occasion. On this day, in many countries of the world, concerts and festivals, charity exhibitions, performances, sports competitions, film screenings, various competitions and evenings of rest are organized for the older generation, where pensioners gather together, drink tea, while they are entertained by specially trained people.

In addition, congresses and conferences are held to draw attention to the problems of the elderly. They, in particular, discuss issues of protecting the rights of the elderly population of the Earth.

Do not forget about the elderly and the authorities, who usually coincide with the holiday increase in pensions, provide older citizens with various payments and benefits.

Also on October 1, the UN Secretary-General necessarily delivers a speech in which he calls for ensuring and honoring the rights of older citizens.

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