Day of the collector 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
Transportation of money and valuables is a responsible and dangerous job that not everyone will choose. Collectors have their own professional holiday – Collector’s Day 2022

Collector – an official involved in collection – collection and transportation of cash, including foreign currency, material assets (important documents, precious metals, bank cards) between organizations and their divisions, primarily banks. The term “collection” of Italian origin (incassare) and means “to put in a box.”

The collector not only protects valuables, he also performs the duties of a cashier, knows all forms of documents, details and seals, understands banking technology: ATMs, electronic exchange offices. The duties of the collector also include loading, and the weight, for example, of coins or packaged gold bars can reach 50 kilograms.

When is Collector’s Day celebrated?

The date of the All- day of the collector is fixed. It is celebrated every year 1 August.

history of the holiday

The collection service appeared in our country in 1939, but the profession itself has a long history, because the transportation of valuables has existed since the advent of money.

Trade developed, there was a need to protect caravans. This was done either by the owner himself or by specially hired people. Often the caravan was accompanied by a merchant who enjoyed the trust and respect of his colleagues. To protect state values, they used military teams, state mail, and courier service.

A special service for the transportation of valuables in Our Country did not exist until the 20th century. But after the October Revolution, the question of the protection of funds became especially acute. At first, collections were carried out by such bodies as the Cheka, the OGPU NKVD, the USSR Courier Service. And on August 1, 1939, a cash collection service appeared at the State Bank of the USSR.

In 1988, the Collection Association, Rosinkas, was established. After the adoption of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Federation” in 2002, it entered the system of the Bank of Our Country. Now “Rosinkas” is the largest carrier of money and valuables. Commercial banks use its services or have their own service.

Holiday traditions

Collector’s Day is not an official holiday. It is celebrated by collectors, bank employees. The celebration is limited to corporate parties, awarding distinguished employees with prizes and certificates of honor.

Interesting facts about the profession

  • Only a citizen of the Federation who served in the army can become a collector. He also needs to pass an endurance test and pass professional and psychological testing.
  • Before starting work, the collector is trained in special courses, where they teach shooting, and also work out models of behavior in critical and non-standard situations.
  • Only after passing the probationary period of about 3 months, the collector can begin to perform his immediate duties.
  • The brigade of collectors has bulletproof vests and firearms, which they have the right to use in case of an attack on a car.
  • The dispatcher monitors the movement of the machine along the entire route.
  • The cash-in-transit vehicle does not just have a safe, it is armored, the interior and even the engine are protected from bullets. The car is equipped with modern communication.
  • For the transportation of cash goods, collectors use a special bag for banknotes, bags for coins and a collection bag.
  • Bags for banknotes are sewn from dense fabric with water-repellent impregnation. They have metal clips with lugs for control and safety devices. Before transporting money in it, the bag is sealed. Coin bags have several degrees of protection against uncontrolled access: seals, thermal indicators, protective tapes, individual numbers.
  • Due to the widespread use of ATMs, a new container for transportation has appeared: a cash-in-transit bag. Its purpose is the transportation of banknote cassettes.
  • To transport important documents, collection services use a safe package.

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