When is the Day of Science
Day of Science is celebrated February 8. This is a holiday of academicians, scientists, professors and students who have decided to devote their lives to scientific and research activities.
history of the holiday
The history of the holiday dates back to the time of Peter I. At his command, in 1724, it was on February 8 that a decree was issued on the development of science in the state, thanks to which the first Academy of Sciences and Arts appeared. It was fundamentally different from foreign analogues, uniting the gymnasium and the university. Talented and thirsty for knowledge people studied there, regardless of their financial situation. Therefore, even commoners could become students. For good studies, they were rewarded with royal favor and received a salary for their work.
Over the years, the academy has changed its name, but the goal has remained the same. During the Soviet Union, it was renamed the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and after the collapse of the union, it became the Academy of Sciences, reviving the title of a higher scientific institution.
By the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Academy, it was decided to establish the Day of Science holiday, taking into account the role of outstanding discoveries and the work of the great minds of mankind for the development of the state and society as a whole.
Our country has given the world many unique names and scientific discoveries that have played a big role in the development of human civilization. M. Lomonosov, K. Tsiolkovsky, I. Pavlov, D. Mendeleev and many outstanding scientists who turned the world upside down with their achievements.
Science is a force that gives progress, movement, development in all spheres of life: medicine, education, economy, production. The achievements of scientists bring humanity to a new level of life, improving its quality.
Science in Our Country is of particular importance. Conditions are provided for young specialists and researchers, programs of fundamental scientific research are launched, and competitiveness in the field of scientific developments is maintained.
In recent years, the number of young scientists has increased, and in some areas it even exceeds 50%. Today, the priority scientific areas are methods of processing and storing large amounts of information, the creation and application of the latest materials, artificial intelligence, the use of environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies.
On Science Day 2023, annual conferences and gatherings of young and promising scientists in various fields are held. Events are held that allow you to discuss issues and see the flaws in modern scientific activity, as well as celebrate its latest achievements.
.Classroom hours are organized for schoolchildren, trying to instill interest and love for science, research and discovery. At universities, new theories are put forward at conferences and defended, and projects on scientific topics are presented.
Younger children are introduced to scientific experiments and observations in a playful way, which makes it easier to absorb information and develop creativity, thinking, the ability to think and analyze.
The most important discoveries of recent years made by scientists
- The mathematician G. Perelman proved the Poincare conjecture put forward a hundred years ago. It took several years to verify the correctness of his proof. However, he refused all the regalia and monetary awards offered to him, not even wanting to participate in his nomination for the title of academician.
- In 2010, a new species of ancient people was discovered, which was not previously known. They lived in Altai about 300 thousand years ago simultaneously with the Neanderthals
- A new data storage system has been invented, the protection of which is based on quantum cryptography. Theoretically, such a system cannot be hacked.
- A new chemical element was discovered, which was included in the periodic table. This discovery belongs to Yuri Oganesyan, after whom this element was named.
- The recent discovery of a lake in Antarctica called Vostok, which is under four meters of ice, is also a merit of scientists. And its existence was predicted back in 1950 by Andrei Kapitsa and Nikolai Zubov. It took several decades to drill access to the lake. Under the thickness of ice, it was about 14 million years old and could well have preserved living organisms.
- In 2011, the Spektr-R radio telescope was launched into orbit. Together with ground stations, it has become the world’s largest radio telescope, with which they hope to see the shadow of a black hole. This device is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.