Day of premature baby is celebrated all over the world on November 17‍

On November 17, International Premature Baby Day, women shared very personal stories of how they saved their very low birth weight babies.

Babies born before 37 weeks are considered premature babies. Now doctors have learned to care for the crumbs, which were born, barely waiting for the 28th week. Slightly more than half of the prescribed period of pregnancy. But there is always hope. If only the weight of the baby at birth was more than half a kilogram. Just think – it’s less than a loaf of bread. Tiny people are fighting for life. Their parents are also struggling. What does it cost them – they said themselves.

Albina Gaidarenko and her twins

Mom has three children. Twins Maria and Hilarion were born before the deadline. They are now 3,5 years old.

How long and with what weight the children were born. Our little shmakodyavki decided to “hatch” at the 31st week of pregnancy. I was urgently operated at the Perinatal Center of Volgograd. A girl (1870) and a boy (2170) were born.

Did you believe in a happy outcome, what predictions did the doctors make, how you nursed children? Our story began back in 2010, when in the sixth month we lost our triplets. Unfortunately, the doctors were not ready … To believe that we would get another chance, we could only in our innermost dreams. But it’s probably not in vain that they say: “Dream! Everything will work out! ” And in 2013, we learn that soon two small treasures will enter our lives. Happiness? Yes, not that word! We were afraid to rejoice! But here, too, not everything was simple. At the hospital they told me: “Get ready, mommy, it will be difficult for you, the girl may be blind and the boy has certain nuances.” I was ready and believed that everything would be fine with us!

The girl could not breathe on her own and for several days, while the doctors were fighting for her, she was on mechanical ventilation (artificial lung ventilation). The boy was breathing with difficulty, but he also had a tube inserted to facilitate breathing. The children spent two weeks in intensive care, 5 days in the intensive care unit and another week with me in the ward. In total, we were in the hospital for almost a month. The first year of life, of course, was not easy. Constant observation by doctors, especially by a neurologist. Several courses of therapy. But!!! By the time we were one year old, fortunately, all the doctors “let go” with the words that we have normal children.

What progress are your children making today? Now they are 3,5 years old, they go to kindergarten. Development does not differ at all from peers, even surpasses in some points. Easily memorize poems, songs. Know a few songs in English. Absolutely normal children!

“Unusual” baby – Roma Soklakov. He is now 8 years 10 months old.

How long and with what weight the child was born. We were born at 26 weeks, weighing 980 g. 10 days on mechanical ventilation and almost 3 months nursing at the Ilyich hospital (Clinical Hospital No. 5) in the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies … We were discharged with a weight of 2 kg 400 g.

Diagnosis at discharge, did you believe in a happy outcome, what predictions were made by the doctors, how did you take care of the child. The diagnosis is a consequence of organic lesions of the central nervous system in the form of a syndrome of motor disorders, CR, partial atrophy of the optic nerve, third degree prematurity. Our family consists of me – mother, Romka, Timofey (my eldest son, 19 years old) and my mother Natalia. We all live together. Roman’s dad left when Camomile was 5 years old.

At 4 months, they underwent an operation to remove a strangulated inguinal hernia, and a nasty “tail” was added to the diagnosis – epilepsy of polymorphic seizures, and the list of drugs was supplemented with nasty anticonvulsants … They slowly grew, but the convulsions did not allow full development, and anticonvulsants “tried”. In a year we were given a disability with the main diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Of course, we lagged behind our peers, every month it became clearer … The epilepsy went away with the change of drugs, gradually we stopped drinking them altogether. And a slow-slow began, but development …

By the age of two, Romka did not sit on his own, did not stand, as he saw – no one knew, but remarkably he moved around the room with “sausage”, that is, rolling from his back to his stomach. We decided: something needs to be radically changed in rehabilitation. Because, receiving a general massage and visiting the Nadezhda Rehabilitation Center (Volzhsky), we did not see any progress. A loan was approved for our grandmother, and we flew to China for treatment. We spent 2 months there and returned with support on our feet, standing in a walker, we also checked our eyesight, it turned out that the left eye was “-6”, and the right one was “+2”, but the signal from the eyes to the cerebral cortex did not reach. Six months later, with the help of a group in social networks, we managed to pay off the debt and take another loan, we again flew to China for 2 months … Fortunately, there was no limit, progress was evident, but alas … China is the kind of rehabilitation that you need to go to all the time, otherwise, all skills come to naught. So it happened in our case. And then there were constant gatherings in the group and the search for other rehabilitations and treatments …

What progress is your child making today. Over the past 5 years, we have completed 2 courses at ADELI Medical Center in Slovakia (balance appeared and we learned to chew solid food). 2 courses of the FOC “Adeli-Penza” (the first course strengthened the muscles of the back and slightly removed the criss-cross in the legs, but on the second they got a dislocation of the hip joint from the subluxation). 5 courses of “Tomatis” – therapy in the Central Cancer Center “Tomatis” in Volzhsky (after each course new sounds and syllables appeared), massage with elements of exercise therapy once every 2-3 months from specialists at the address “where we can find it.”

Today Camomile is 8 years old and 10 months old. He does not sit on his own, but there is support on his right hand, he sits with pleasure, holding on to this hand (alas, not for long). Dislocation of the hip joint in 2015 gave progress to sluggish scoliosis and quickly brought it to the II degree … As you can see, we do not know to this day, but he sees, because he gets what he needs !!! He knows how to repeat “as they say” animals, proudly calls himself Gaga (that is, Roma), and me Byby (like a Tatar mother), my brother – Bull … because they knock their foreheads while playing. And only the grandmother was awarded the real title – “Baba”. Camomile is not interested in TV and computer, only igruhi, and all of them are musical or dubbed. We listen to fairy tales and songs, which is why doctors call us “rumors”

For 2,5 of this year, thank God, many joyful things have happened. It turns out that the words from the Bible: “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and they will open to you” – these are not just words, they are reality! Vera Brezhneva presented us with such a necessary specialized stroller “Kimba Otto Bock”, the Geography of Kindness charitable foundation helped in collecting funds for rehabilitation at the First Step medical center, where we are now working, the Color of Life charitable foundation placed us in the Gifts section from Santa Claus “on our website, and we got the sanitary chair we needed so much … In Roman’s group at Odnoklassniki, thanks to the help of” wizards “and” sorceresses “, we raised funds for the February and even for the subsequent rehabilitation courses! Roman still has many courses to take, and many more technical rehabilitation means will need to be purchased – not for entertainment, but to support his quality of life. The most important thing is that there are always “wizards” and “sorceresses” in our life who will support and help.

Elena’s daughter, Anastasia Rudenko, is already 25 years old.

How long and with what weight the child was born. Nastya was born eight months old, weighing 2500 grams.

Did you believe in a happy outcome, what predictions did the doctors make, how you nursed your child? During pregnancy, doctors set the deadline for the end of February. The year was a leap year, and the family joked that Nastya would definitely be born on February 29th. But on January 31, completely unexpectedly, the waters left, and labor activity itself did not want to begin. In the maternity hospital, they gave me an injection and sent me to the prenatal hospital. Friday evening, alone in a dark room … At some point I realized that if I didn’t yell, they would just forget about me. When they finally arrived, I was already having convulsions from an injection of oxytocin. It is better to keep silent about the birth itself: a screaming midwife, a threatening doctor … God is their judge. They showed Nastenka and ordered – count your fingers! I thought I would lose consciousness from these words. The next phrase killed me at all: “So that later there would be no complaints!” The very next day my daughter lost 100 grams. And then it began: they bring it – she is asleep. Either smack 2 times and that’s it. Day, two, three, five, and the weight stands still. The children were then still lying separately from their mothers. She will cry there, a bottle will be thrust at her, and she is still full for feeding. The weight is worth, Nastya does not eat at feeding. I have already begun to roar like a beluga. The doctors are silent. After 10 days of such torment, I wrote a statement and left the hospital. And at home in 3 weeks she gained almost a kilogram.

Later, there was one consequence of premature birth. As the doctors said, in 8-month-old babies, the lungs do not fully open. Problems with this periodically arose until adolescence. Then, apparently, she outgrew.

What progress is your child making today. Today she is a married lady who is waiting for her husband, a naval sailor, from the campaigns. Being a creative person, he is fond of drawing, beading, knitting.

Daughter Julia Naumova, 18-year-old beauty.

How long and with what weight the child was born. 39 weeks, 2900, 49 cm.

Did you believe in a happy outcome, what predictions did the doctors make, how you nursed your child? The pregnancy was very difficult, almost all 9 months there was a threat of miscarriage. At a period of almost 8 months, bleeding began. When I asked the doctors of the Central Maternity Hospital to keep the pregnancy, they just shrugged their shoulders: “Hold out at least until dawn.” Prenatal, someone has contractions, newborns are screaming, and my water began to leak … I lie under a dropper, I repeat to myself: “Mother of God, help to preserve and inform the child!” Gradually, the bleeding stopped, the night ended. And … my daughter and I successfully reached 39 weeks!

For many doctors, the very fact of pregnancy caused surprise, given that I have many diagnoses in which its onset is very difficult. Therefore, no one made predictions. But I myself was sure that everything would be fine.

And, probably, my girl really wanted to appear. She fought for her life with me and was born with character.

What progress is your child making today. Persistent, purposeful, my starlet, my pride, my continuation. Now she is a 1st year student at the North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Lyubov’s little son, Misha Subbotin, is already 1,4 years old.

How long and with what weight the child was born. The term was 25 weeks and 1 day, the son’s weight was 800 g, the height was 37 cm.

Did you believe in a happy outcome, what predictions did the doctors make, how you nursed your child? Doctors at the perinatal center were encouraging, but warned: the danger of death is still a month and a half after birth. They said right away: if there is a cerebral hemorrhage, it is very bad. Such children are extremely unsuccessful in the operation, do not survive.

Neither I nor my husband believed in a good outcome. I read on the Internet about how poorly such children walk, that they have problems with nutrition and joints. 2 months on mechanical ventilation, 3 changes of antibiotics. Misha spent almost 5 months in the hospital, of which 4 I was not allowed to take him in my arms. He was then connected to a breathing apparatus, then it had cannulas, then droppers with drugs, then “crushers” with parenteral nutrition, then blood was transfused. Any manipulations were performed only by nurses.

They were prescribed on drugs, with a poor ability to suck independently and an obvious preponderance – premature babies are fed directly. I flew to Volgograd (I gave birth in Syktyvkar), came to an appointment with a pediatrician at the place of residence and realized that she did not know what to do with my son: how to restore, how to remove from drugs. I went to the regional, made an appointment with a neonatologist. She gave instructions, offered to go to them in the hospital. In the hospital, after the new year, he is removed from the pills, but keppra is left. For a long time Misha did not roll over from his back to his stomach, when it was time for all the deadlines, they hinted to us about the registration of disability … I refused even to listen.

By the will of fate, we ended up with a wonderful osteopath in St. Petersburg. He found abnormalities in the cranial bones and pelvic bones. Imagine my surprise! After all, surgeons (different), an orthopedist, did an ultrasound scan. None of the doctors told me about it.

Results. About the head: that osteopath treated the bones of the base of the skull as with the foundation of a house. Or a flower. The bones seemed to “open up” in the area of ​​the temples, parted, the head was rounded, the back of the head became smoother. The changes became noticeable to the eye in 7-10 days. About the pelvis: he finally turned over from his back to his stomach. It’s already seven months old. And in the hospital … What can I say about her … I stopped believing in Russian medicine in general. Only in specific doctors.

I took Misha for two more appointments. There were no more such wow effects. The doctor more rules and completed. In parting at the end of the third session, he said: “The pelvic bones did not stand up straight to the end. Slightly skewed to the right. It keeps within the norm. Not visible to the eye. Doesn’t interfere with living. Man is not symmetrical at all. ” Can you imagine? Already with such a baby, everything cannot be fixed! And he appointed to appear in three months, if possible.

The opportunity appeared only after five. The doctor was satisfied with the result, the bones did not move to their old places. And on that visit, he worked more with ligaments and tendons. And he advised me to focus on massages, on working with muscles.

What progress is your child making today. The son began to crawl at 10 months. Sitting upright and confident – only recently, at 1 year and 3 months. Now we are undergoing a massage course. At the age of 1,4 years, development is at the level of 9-10 months.

In the end, I want to say that premature babies are sometimes not taken away. They are refuseniks because they are potentially problematic. But if the mother is so conscientious: “Why, my child, throw my blood away …” So, if she has already taken it, then we have to work! Do not play happy dolphin with bananas in his ears and the mantra “my child is normal”. Abnormal. Normal is after 38 weeks. And yours requires a little more time, work, effort. It’s OK. We all want a healthy, ideal baby, but we need to work with the one he is. In the first year, a lot can be leveled. Diagnoses of the “ZPR” type are not made earlier than 3 years. So, you can’t sit for these 2 years either. Developing centers, kindergartens, exercise therapy, AFC, swimming pool. We are responsible for those we have given birth to. Good, of course, messages, such as “the main thing is to believe.” But the main thing is to look at the situation sensibly and work. Do you want goodness, happiness and a fulfilling life for your baby?

Daughter Milina Konysheva, 13 years old.

How long and with what weight did you give birth to a child? She gave birth at the 28th week, weight 1650 g, height 44 cm.

Did you believe in a happy outcome, what predictions did the doctors make, how did you take care of the child? Childbirth began suddenly (the water receded) and lasted a day. This happened in connection with the Rh-conflict (I have a negative Rh, my daughter is positive). It was very scary and painful, to be honest, from such a long pain I did not even understand what was happening, I just wanted this pain to end. The birth was difficult, the baby had a lot of complications, she could not breathe on her own, the doctors did not hope for a successful outcome, but they tried very hard, for this they are very grateful. Two months after the maternity hospital, we were in the hospital for premature babies, were treated and gained weight, the doctors said that the child would be underdeveloped, with deviations and would greatly lag behind in development. But, to my happiness, the fears were not confirmed.

What progress is your child making today? Thanks to love, patience and care, my daughter began to walk at the age of 11 months, at the age of two she spoke fluently in sentences, pronouncing all the sounds, at the age of 3,5 she could read and count. From the first grade, the daughter is an excellent student and a physically very healthy child.

Daughter Veronika Ushakova, 8 years old.

How long and with what weight the child was born. I gave birth to my daughter in the eighth month, weighing 2 kg 450 g. I went to bed as usual, and at two o’clock in the morning I woke up in a puddle of water … I didn’t even know what was happening. And when my mother, who accompanied me to the hospital (fortunately, he is on the next street) said: “Well, in the morning we will have a baby already,” I stupidly asked: “What kind of baby ?!” After all, more than a month and a half before the deadline! As they say, nothing foreshadowed …

Did you believe in a happy outcome, what predictions did the doctors make, how did you take care of the child?… I insisted on cesarean, myself! I was afraid that the first birth at 35 could go somehow wrong, I was not ready for this at all. Doctors gave all sorts of arguments for natural childbirth, especially since the baby was small. I am a counterargument for a cesarean. Finally they told me: okay, you convinced us, but “give birth” until morning, the child’s lungs should open. I walked all night along the corridor and sang … so as not to scream in pain. Nine hours later, already lying under the “soffits” in the operating room, I suddenly realized that the child would really be. She went into anesthesia in full confidence that the boy was (they did not say anything on the ultrasound). And suddenly, waking up after the operation in a very nasty state, with a fiery pain in my stomach, I heard: a girl! Then my second stupid question followed: what other girl, where from ?! I didn’t even hope for such a gift of fate !!! Even the girl’s name was not ready, all the options were only for the boy …

The baby was born with a height of 49 cm, all in jaundice, covered with fluff, but as much as 7 points according to Apgar. They gave me a day to recover, at that time they brought me only to feed, but she did not lie in any greenhouse conditions. I was very worried if everything was okay with her, I pestered the nurses and doctors. In the end, she was caught by the head of the department, and she said: “They gave her to you, they didn’t diagnose newborns in the pathology, they didn’t put them under the hood? Well, that’s all, then, order! Look how yelling, and the appetite is excellent! “

What progress is your child making today. In December, my daughter will be exactly eight and a half. He studies in the second grade without stress, is engaged in vocals, shows ability for languages. An agile, sociable, friendly girl. He is keenly interested in medicine, dreams of becoming a doctor or veterinarian.

Marina Marakhova, Marina Dorosheva

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