Day of Peter and Fevronia in 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
Why do modern families revere a married couple from ancient Murom and what date is the day of Peter and Fevronia – read in the material ” Healthy Food Near Me”

The marriage of Peter and Fevronia is an example of a virtuous Christian family. These saints are equally revered by both the church and the people. There are monuments to Peter and Fevronia in almost all major cities of Our Country, and the date of July 8 is considered one of the most popular among newlyweds. Healthy Food Near Me tells why these saints are especially honored in our country and how the Day of Peter and Fevronia will be celebrated in 2022.

When is the Day of Peter and Fevronia in 2022

The Day of Remembrance of the Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom in 2022 is celebrated on July 8. It originates in the middle of the XNUMXth century, when the Orthodox Church canonized the spouses as saints. The times were not easy then, and the example of Peter and Fevronia helped people of all classes to believe: yes, in this cruel world you can live a happy family life.

Love story

Spouses from the ancient city of Murom managed to keep the commandment that the priest proclaims during the wedding: to be together in joy and in sorrow, in wealth and poverty, in health and sickness. Princess Fevronia looked after Peter and healed him of a fatal illness, then protected the family hearth from the encroachments of the boyars, who decided to separate the prince from his beloved and marry him to his protege. She inseparably accompanied Peter during his expulsion from the princely throne and hungry wanderings, shared a meager meal with him and at the same time did not reproach her husband for anything.

Fevronia never argued with Peter, but at the same time, affectionately, with all sorts of jokes, she led her husband to the right decision. Well, Peter recognized the wisdom of his wife, treated her with respect and did not consider it shameful to take her advice.

Under old age, Peter and Fevronia simultaneously went to the monastery: he – in the men’s, she – in the women’s. These houses stood side by side. Probably, so that even in voluntary separation one could see each other through the window. The monastic spouses died on the same summer day in 1228 and were united again in a common stone coffin.

Holiday traditions

Now the holy relics of Peter and Fevronia are located in the Trinity Convent in the city of Murom, and at the entrance to the monastery there is a bronze monument to the faithful spouses.

A great number of similar monuments have already been erected in different cities of Our Country – more than sixty. A new wave of national glorification of the patron saints of the hearth began at the beginning of our century, and on July 8, 2008, for the first time, a wide celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity swept across the country, which has since become traditional.

Nowadays, an icon depicting Peter and Fevronia can be found in almost every church. And in registry offices on July 8 there is an influx of people who want to sign (by the way, many registry offices refuse to register divorces on this day). Grooms and brides believe that if they marry on the feast of Peter and Fevronia, then they will live the same inseparable life as the holy spouses of Murom. True, it will not work to get married immediately after the painting: the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia falls on the Petrovsky post (in honor of the holy apostles Peter and Paul). But these days, few people are embarrassed – couples get married after some time, which has already become a kind of norm.

Some family psychologists explain the phenomenon of popular veneration of Peter and Fevronia by the fact that subconsciously many modern spouses identify themselves with the right-believing prince and princess. Judge for yourself: financial well-being sometimes depends entirely on the husband, and leadership in the family belongs to the wife. It is her opinion that, as a rule, triumphs, although, it seems, the last word remains with the man.

Peter and Fevronia did not have children, and this circumstance did not overshadow their lives (in any case, the traditions did not convey such experiences to us). Loving spouses had enough of each other’s company and mutual, kindred interests. Here it is, the ideal for many current families, isn’t it? True, it would be nice to remember that in the case of Peter and Fevronia, these interests were constant concern for their neighbors and joint prayer.

Popular questions and answers

How is the Day of Peter and Fevronia different from the Day of family, love and fidelity?

These are two holidays celebrated on the same day. The Day of Family of Love and Fidelity was established in 2008 in honor of the day of memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia.

What can not be done on the Day of Peter and Fevronia?

You can’t get married on July 8, but you can get engaged. You can not break the Petrov fast and drink alcohol and fast food. It is advisable to refrain from physical labor – cleaning, gardening and gardening. But you can do daily household chores – for example, cooking. According to legend, on this day you can not sew and embroider. You should not quarrel, scandalize and sort things out on July 8.

What signs are there on the Day of Peter and Fevronia?

• Woo Peter and Fevronia – to a long and happy married life.

• Get married on this day – to a strong marriage.

• If the spouses spend this whole day inseparably doing a common thing, prosperity awaits them in the future.

• What kind of weather is on July 8, this should be expected for the next 40 days.

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