Lychnis chalcedonica (Lychnis chalcedonica) or Common Dawn is a perennial species from the Carnation family. A dicotyledonous flowering plant distributed in the European part of Our Country. The design uses a wild-growing culture and varieties created on its basis.

Description and characteristics

Lychnis chalcedony can bloom in one area for more than 5 years. The culture is unpretentious in care, has a high frost resistance, does not respond to temperature changes in the spring. The only requirement is well-drained, neutral or slightly acidic soils.

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Common dawn is a light-loving culture, the brightness of which depends on the amount of ultraviolet radiation.

In the shade, the plant loses its decorative effect. Lychnis chalcedony responds poorly to high humidity and the influence of the north wind. On the site allocate a place protected from drafts.

Dawn is classified as a wild flower. The main accumulation of culture is noted in meadows, forest edges, glades. It is found on a hill at the foot of the mountains among the rock fragments. Lychnis chalcedony practically does not grow singly, it forms dense groups covering rather large areas.

External characteristic of culture:

  1. Lychnis chalcedony grows in the form of a bush formed by numerous stems up to 80 cm long. The shoots are erect, thin, densely pubescent with a long white pile, because of which the branches look silvery.
  2. Lychnis chalcedony forms many leaves: basal ones are larger in the form of an elongated oval; stem rounded or lanceolate, arranged alternately. Leaf plates are hard, dark green, with smooth edges. The pubescence is long, dense in the lower part, shorter along the veins on the surface.
  3. The flowers are simple, consisting of five wide petals divided at the top. They form a spherical, dense inflorescence at the end of the stem. In a wild-growing species, the color of the flowers is scarlet or orange with a carmine tint.
  4. The fruit is an egg-shaped box, the seeds are dark red, oval in shape.
  5. The root system is superficial, with numerous weaves.
Important! The flowering of Lychnis Chalcedony is long, the buds open in June, the last inflorescences fade at the end of August.

On the basis of common dawn, several cultivars for ornamental gardening have been created. Lychnis Red ball is presented in bright burgundy and crimson. The flowers are large, inflorescences 10-15 cm in diameter.

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

The variety Red Ball blooms from July to September

This is one of the tallest varieties of Lychnis. Stems grow up to 120 cm.

Lychnis chalcedony Rauraif with white paniculate inflorescences and large flowers. It belongs to a short form, the plant forms a dense compact bush with a height of 50 cm.

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Raurayfa flowering period – June-August

Planting and caring for Lychnis chalcedony

Chalcedonic lychnis is placed on a permanent place of growth in early spring, approximately in mid-May. If there is a threat of return frosts, the dates are not shifted. Frost-resistant culture is not afraid of a sharp drop in temperature. For spring planting, you can use the method of sowing seeds or dividing the bush. At the end of the growing season, immediately after flowering, you can also divide the mother bush, plant seedlings from cuttings. In the southern regions, sowing seeds is allowed.

The soil is prepared on the day of planting. The plot under Lichnis Chalcedony is being dug up, at 1m2 add 10 kg of coarse sand and mix well with compost (8 kg).

Landing algorithm:

  1. The root is treated with an antifungal agent.
  2. The pit is made with a drainage cushion. The depth and width of the landing hole – 20 cm.
  3. Lychnis chalcedony is placed in a recess, the roots are untangled and covered with a nutrient soil mixture.
  4. The soil is compacted and watered.

Transplantation of seedlings is also carried out in drained pits. To adjust the depth, pour the substrate. The following year, Lychnis chalcedony will completely form a root in a season.

After reproduction in a generative way, the plant will enter reproductive age in 2 years.

Agricultural technology consists of the following activities:

  1. Irrigation regime of Lychnis chalcedony is adjusted according to seasonal precipitation. If there is enough rain, then additional watering is not required. In dry summers, water with a large volume of water once a week.
  2. Weeding weeds is aesthetic in nature, they do not bring much harm to the plant.
  3. The root circle is mulched. If this technique is applied, then loosening is not carried out.
  4. Chalcedony lychnis is fertilized before budding with potassium sulfate, superphosphate, urea, 30 g per 10 liters of water per plant. The second top dressing is carried out in September with the same composition, only instead of urea, organic matter is included in the solution.

The aerial part of the chalcedony Lychnis dies off completely at the end of the growing season, the stems are cut off at the root. The plant is frost-resistant, can winter without shelter. If the region is unfavorable for cultivation, then the bush is covered with straw.

Methods of reproduction

In the wild, the Lychnis chalcedony flower or common Dawn reproduces by self-sowing and basal shoots. In horticulture, the generative method, cuttings and division of the bush are used.

Growing Lychnis chalcedony from seeds

Planting material ripens at the end of September, the boxes are cut and laid out on a flat surface. In a warm room, they will open on their own in about a couple of weeks. Seeds are sown in a bed before winter and covered with straw, in the spring the material is removed.

You can grow seedlings in a container.

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Plants that have reached a height of 10 cm dive into separate containers and are planted in the spring in the garden.

If you plan to sow the material in open ground in the spring, then 2 months before work, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator.


Cuttings are harvested from strong stems. Work is carried out in mid-June. The material is taken from the middle part. Sections are treated with charcoal. All lower leaves are removed from the stem, leaving 2-3 on the upper part.

A substrate is prepared from sand, peat and compost. Add superphosphate and nitrogen fertilizer. You can grow the material outdoors or fill containers with nutrient mixture and place the cuttings in them. In any case, the place of rooting of the Chalcedony Lychnis should be open. Future seedlings are periodically watered. After 1,5 months, they will take root and the Chalcedony Lychnis is transplanted to a permanent place.

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Cuttings are cut 15-20 cm long

Division of the bush

The generative method for the propagation of the Chalzenon Lychnis on the site is not often used. For the plant to bloom, it takes 2 years of vegetation. Cuttings take root, but not all. The most effective way is to divide an adult plant. To rejuvenate the bush, this procedure is carried out 1 time in 5 years.

The bush is dug up, the remains of the soil are removed. Cut off dry and damaged areas on the roots. The procedure is carried out in the spring. In autumn, Lychnis chalcedony is propagated after flowering. After transplantation, the stem is cut off, it is desirable to cover the plant for the winter.

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Lychnis chalcedony is divided so that each stem has a part of the root processes

Pests and diseases

In the wild, the culture practically does not get sick. With improper agricultural technology, a fungal infection may appear on the site:

  • root rot;
  • spotting;
  • rust.

The cause of infection is one – waterlogged soil. The bush of Lychnis chalcedony is transplanted and the irrigation regime is adjusted. When a disease is detected, it is treated with any fungicide.

Of the parasitic insects, aphids and leafworms bring the main harm to Lychnis chalcedony. If the spread of pests is not massive, then the plant is treated with a concentrated soapy solution; with a large accumulation, an insecticide will be required.

Application in landscape design

In ornamental gardening, mainly varietal varieties of Lychnis of Chalcedony are used. Tall varieties are used in group plantings with flowering and ornamental crops. They decorate flower beds, rabatki. With the help of Lychnis, hedges are created. The Rauraif variety is used to create white gardens.

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Medium-sized Zorka is suitable for a rock garden, rockery or rock garden

Below are a few examples with photos of the use of Lychnis chalcedony in the design of the landscape of a garden or summer cottage.

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

White hydrangea is in harmony with the red inflorescences of Zorka

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Linear planting will help to delimit the areas of the site

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Mixborder, created on the contrast of colors, always attracts attention

Dawn ordinary (Lychnis chalcedony): photo, application in landscape design

Common Dawn is often included in a composition in the style of wildlife.


Lychnis chalcedony is a perennial rhizomatous plant with a long flowering period. Cultivars based on a wild-growing species are widely used in ornamental gardening. Dawn ordinary is unpretentious in care, drought-resistant, frost-resistant. The culture is characterized by high vitality.

Lychnis chalcedonica (lychnis chalcedonica)

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