David Beckham complains of a bothersome runny nose. It is a popular ailment

A bothersome runny nose that lasts for weeks or even months does not necessarily mean a cold. This could be a common condition called hay fever, which may be an allergic condition. David Beckham found out what a nuisance this was, sharing his symptoms and complaining about his watery eyes.

Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, can occur not only seasonally, but can also persist throughout the year. Most often it appears as an inflammatory reaction in your body due to airborne pollen, including: birch, hazel, mugwort, plantain, rye, meadow fescue, meadow panicle, but not only. It can also be caused by allergens such as cat / dog hair, dust, mites and mold.

In his Instagram report, Beckham showed photos of his dog walks and informed about his ailment.

Hay fever symptoms

The main symptom is runny nose. Nasal discharge resulting allergies it is most often pure and colorless, although in some cases it may resemble a runny nose from infection (greenish or yellow color). In the case of hay fever, other symptoms may also occur: sneezing (serial), reddening of the nose, itching of the eyes, ears, mouth, obstruction, tearing, conjunctival redness, headache, coughing or skin blemishes. All of this can affect your well-being and sleep quality.

How To Treat Hay Fever?

How to deal with hay fever? An oral or nasal antihistamine or nasal decongestants can be used for mild to moderate symptoms. However, it is best to consult with doctorwho will select the appropriate treatment method.

It is not pathogens (viruses, bacteria) that are responsible for the development of hay fever, as is the case with ordinary rhinitis, so it is not possible to infect other people with it.

Are you like David Beckham? Are you tired of persistent runny nose and allergies? Hate big and find out what you are allergic to. Buy E-packet allergy – blood tests and get tested.

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