David Allen’s GTD system: how to manage your time?

Hello! Do you know what a gtd system is? The abbreviation stands for getting things done. Translation from English — do everything. Although you can also use expressions such as doing everything, finishing what you started to the end, completing and putting things in order. And today we will look at ways that will help us in this difficult task.

General information

The term gtd originated with David Allen. It was he who came up with this effective system to increase productivity. The main purpose of which is to increase the amount of free time, provided that the necessary tasks are completed. As in the saying: «Did the job — walk boldly.» Only now you can walk much longer. Yes, and without the heavy burden of experiences due to incompleteness. Most often, how is it? Some cases are either overlooked, or sorted into lists and safely forgotten, postponed until the last moment, and so on.

David has made sure that people who value their time and want to use it efficiently have a much easier time managing it. You might think that gtd is no different from creating the usual task lists. But it’s not. Usually, when planning their activities, a person does not take into account very small and not worthy of attention cases. Considering that it is not worth spending resources on them. Although it turns out that during work processes, thinking about them, he is in fact distracted. Accordingly, what he so sought to avoid is happening.

The Allen system, on the other hand, allows you to save energy, strength and direct brain activity directly to solving problems. In addition, it is suitable for absolutely every person, regardless of his social status, occupation, gender, age, and so on. That is, it doesn’t matter if you are a PhD, a housewife or still a schoolboy — the principles formulated by David are universal and useful. The only condition is the desire to effectively manage your time.


So, to make it easier to understand, I bring to your attention a step-by-step instruction, the basic rules of the system:

Collection of information and fixation

David Allen’s GTD system: how to manage your time?

You should always have a notepad, diary, favorite gadget at hand, in case you do business with the help of electronic programs. Every thought you have about work needs to be recorded. Do not rely on memory, hoping that at the right time you will remember something. Or come back to this topic a little later. Your brain should generate new ideas, and not hold on to meaningless information that can be easily transferred to paper and safely forgotten. Getting on with more important things. So, if, for example, you hear an advertisement for a new dog food on the radio and remember that your pet is running out of supplies, fix the idea right away. Even if you plan to make a purchase next week.

As you may have noticed, awareness of something usually happens unexpectedly. The solution to the problem does not arise when a person thinks hard about it and looks for the most optimal options for getting out of the current situation. And, for example, during a date or fishing. Then, when we relax and get distracted, the subconscious has a chance to “reach out” to the consciousness. It is for this reason that your glider should always be at hand. Yes, as it turned out, even during a romantic walk.

By the way, a little trick that will allow you to maintain peace of mind and save time. If the performance of some action takes you less than two minutes, you do not need to write it out in a notebook. Get on it right away. Then, with peace of mind, you will be able to work on, without «hammering» your head with unnecessary ones.

Planning and prioritization

Each item must have a specific due date. That is, when you start work and how much you plan to do it. We’ll have to break down all the cases on the days of the calendar. Then you will be sure that you have not overlooked anything.

Life is an unpredictable thing, which is why we never know what might happen to us tomorrow or in a minute. Therefore, it is not always possible to complete the task on time. Because, for example, a new problem has suddenly been added, more urgent. Why did I have to switch attention to it, postponing the planned for later. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly monitor the relevance of tasks. And transfer those that could not be completed. Otherwise, you can safely forget about them, and then face a bunch of new difficulties.

At this stage, you should also ask yourself a simple question for each item: “What to do?”. Not in the plan: «God, it’s all gone.» And in order to bring specificity and clarity, denoting the boundaries. Let’s go back to the pet food example above. You can come up with excuses, set the stage for the development of procrastination and acquire it at the last moment, at best. Or think over a route, choose a day when you will pass by a pet store — this will relieve anxiety and, most importantly, will not leave your beloved animal without food.

Direct action

As soon as they came up with, wrote down, calculated — proceed to active actions. Otherwise, what is the point in organizing your time to increase efficiency, if you do not do the most basic thing, complete it?

In principle, the key to success is activity. The world did not recognize a large number of geniuses who were able to change it beyond recognition, making life easier for every person for one simple reason — they generated ideas, but did not translate them into reality. And because in order to do something, you need to expend more energy, it is important to have the courage to take risks and “stick out” with your worldview, thoughts, changes. Bear responsibility for the consequences, be prepared for difficulties and even losses. But the only way to win is to act. And after the failure too.

David Allen’s GTD system: how to manage your time?


Separate your ideas and deeds

Do not dump them into one list. This will make it easier for you to navigate. For example, create categories such as family matters, household, work, self-realization, leisure, ideas and aphorisms for inspiration. In general, you should use it, so rank it so that it is convenient for you directly. And not doing the right thing. To have the effect of the gtd method, adapt it for yourself, you should not “blindly” adhere to these principles.

Electronic programs

If you want to create an electronic organizer in order to have access to task lists at any time, I recommend downloading the LeaderTask program. With its help, you will not only create projects by category, but also “attach” each task to the calendar. After execution, calmly delete it or move it to some folder with completed tasks.

You will find more options for electronic assistants if you follow this link.

Nature of the problem

Any problem causes tension in a person. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an unfinished project or the inability to find a common language with a child, a wife. Our brain doesn’t care what information it processes. There was a difficulty — resources will be spent on its solution. Therefore, if you are in the office, and the nuances of a family conflict do not go out of your head, in no case should you devalue personal experiences. Even if you try to suppress them, you will agree that they will not disappear anywhere. Only energy will be wasted. Take a couple of minutes and write down the disturbing questions in your diary. Then the tension will subside and you can safely proceed to your duties. Personal affairs are planned, what to do is clear, when and how too.

Even the need to reflect on the meaning of life and the essence of being can be fixed in a glider. So that in moments when you are busy with something, philosophical thoughts do not distract from work. You should not scatter the resources of your body, then you will be in time everywhere, resting more than usual. Get rid of background disturbing questions by writing them out in a notebook and planning the time when you can thoroughly address them.


If you stick to the gtd system, you can feel job satisfaction and also the joy of doing so much in a short amount of time. This will not only improve your quality of life, but it will also increase your self-esteem. Will motivate for further achievements and development. So every day, apply the rules developed by David and be happy!

By the way, do not forget to add to your list of things that need to be done during your life. An example of such a list can be found here.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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