Datura vulgaris

Growing and using the beneficial properties of dope

Botanical characteristics of dope ordinary

Datura vulgaris

This annual plant belongs to the nightshade family. Datura grows up to 120 cm in height. This plant is unpleasant in smell, with straight and branched stems, has a powerful and spindle-shaped root of white color. Large alternate leaves have sharp teeth along the edges. If you rub the leaves with your fingers, a very unpleasant smell will appear. In the axils of the leaves, white large flowers are located singly. An intoxicating smell emanates from the flowers.

Datura fruit is a box that looks like an egg. The box on the outside has many green spikes, and inside there are from 500 to 800 seeds. Seeds are black and large. The flowering of the plant begins in July and lasts until early September, and the fruits ripen in October. Datura propagates by seeds.

Datura can be seen in the Crimea, Ukraine, the Caucasus and Western Siberia. The plant grows on fresh soil near houses, in a wasteland, in places where garbage accumulates, near a ravine. Datura prefers loose, moist and rich soil. Very rarely, the plant is found in a scattered form, but in clumps – most often.

Datura is a poisonous plant! But if it is used in the right doses, then it has a healing effect.

Growing Datura

Today, many gardeners grow this plant, because it is not only unpretentious, but its flowering lasts a long time. The soil for growing dope must be prepared in advance. Humus, sand and earth from the garden should be added to it. It is necessary to prepare the soil in the fall. Spring is the time for sowing seeds and planting seedlings. It is better to sow seeds in plastic containersin which peat and fresh autumn soil were poured in advance. After 10 days, the first shoots appear.

In the pan where the dope seedlings will be located, it is necessary to pour a solution of manganese. This solution will protect the seedlings from any fungal infection. Seedlings should be watered regularly, but water should not be allowed to stagnate. From May to June, dope seedlings can be planted in the ground, keeping a distance of 1 meter between plants. Datura, when it grows up, takes up a lot of space. It is very tall and has spreading branches. In order for Datura to grow and develop well, it needs to be transplanted into loose black soil every spring.

Datura care

Datura vulgaris

The place for planting dope should be not only sunny and bright, but also protected from the winds. The flowering of the plant depends on the quality of the water used for irrigation. It is best to water Datura with hard water, but if there is none, then soft water can also be used. But in this case, you need to water Datura with lime milk once for the whole season.

Datura grows very actively in spring and summer, so at this time it needs to trim the faded flowers and water twice a day. At the same time, you need to stock up on seeds that are collected from those fruits that remain at the place where the first flowers appear. In order to avoid shedding of seeds, it is necessary to put special bags on the fruit-box.

Datura pests do not like moisture, so the plant must be sprayed with plain water. And in some cases, dope is sprayed with a solution of pyrethrum.

Datura oil

Datura oil is obtained from the seeds of the Datura plant. The main use of this oil is the removal of unwanted hair on any part of the skin. Oil, penetrating into the hair follicle, destroys it from the inside. And this means that more hair will not grow in this place, which has been treated with Datura oil. The oil is applied like this: first you need to do an epilation, and then you need to take a few ml of oil in your palm and apply it to the newly opened pores and bare bulbs.

Datura oil is also used to remove fecal stones and stones from the gallbladder from the intestines. It normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract and improves intestinal motility. Datura oil also has a sedative, thanks to which it helps with nervous stress.

Datura oil is also used externally for sciatica, burns, arthritis and eczema.

Useful properties and use of dope

Datura vulgaris

The leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes in the form of tinctures and extracts. Datura seeds are part of the tincture, which helps in the fight against asthma. Leaf preparations calm the nervous system. In addition, they have an antispasmodic effect, lowering the secretory function of the glandular apparatus, so these drugs are used for bronchitis and asthma.

This dope herb also helps children. For example, it is given to children when they are frightened. Vodka-infused seeds come to the rescue for paralysis, shortness of breath, severe coughing and nymphomania.

A decoction prepared from Datura flowers is taken for angina pectoris and epilepsy. Datura herb is an excellent remedy in case of partial prolapse of the uterus or colon. Lotions from a decoction (diluted tincture) are used for inflammation of the eyes.

Datura seeds are used for mania and neuralgia. Datura decoction helps with toothache.

Tincture of dope. To prepare it, you need to take 100 grams of crushed plant seeds, pour them with 500 ml of alcohol and leave to infuse in a dark place for a week. After infusion, strain the infusion. Ready tincture is used for inhalation. The vapors of this tincture should be breathed for about 20 minutes. Some take it orally 5 times a day, diluting a few drops of the tincture in 50 ml of water.

Datura decoction for taking a bath. It is necessary to take 20 grams of crushed dried dope grass and pour it into a bucket of water, pour boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes.

Contraindications to the use of dope

Given the fact that dope is a poisonous plant, you must strictly observe the dosage of taking drugs from it. From an overdose, dope poisoning will occur, from which only doctors will save. Signs of poisoning are as follows: dry mouth, bloody diarrhea, dilated pupils and impaired memory. With these signs, a poisoned person needs to urgently rinse his stomach.

Before using dope, consult your doctor!

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