Dating test: 14 questions to find out what kind of single you are
In order to understand the functions of flirting, María Pasión, a specialist in flirting, has studied single men and women very carefully

The ‘love coach’ of Meetic María Pasión, author of ‘Flirting is easy, if you know how’ (Alienta Editorial), shows in her book the manual for singles who want to stop being single, in addition to proposing a test for all those who want to know how is your personality in love.
In order to understand the functions of dating, María Pasión has studied single men and women very carefully. Both in your dating consultations and in your events or life in general. For example, every time you go to a restaurant or have a coffee and there is a single man in the room, your mind has to keep learning, listening and deciphering what is happening to you; something that, far from appearing to be a gift, can become unsettling for your boyfriends or those who invite you to dinner.
He has been able to establish five different types of single women or singles, which he has defined as “creatures.” Therefore, these are the five creatures that he has found in the realm of love and that he shows in his book:
1. Seahorse
2. Pollinator bee
3. Ogre
4. Ant
5. Platypus
Take note of which letter you choose in each question, you will need it to know your results.
1. Your last appointments:
a) They made you realize that you are better off alone.
b) They have gone well, but you still can’t find what you want from the heart.
c) They ended up, for the most part, in sexual relations.
d) They have taken time from you to enjoy your social life or friends.
e) You canceled more than half due to laziness or stress.
2. The art of seducing:
a) It may seem stimulating to you, although not to have a partner.
b) You would put it into practice if you could have a partner.
c) You love it and you practice it whenever you can.
d) You like it, but it is not the most important thing on your agenda.
e) It seems the most boring and unnecessary thing to you.
3. How many active lovers do you have?
a) None, because I don’t even remember that I need it.
b) None, because I don’t believe in that, only in the couple.
c) More than one.
d) One, but I hardly see it due to lack of time.
e) None, because it makes me deadly lazy.
f) One.
4. When you hear the word commitment:
a) You would negotiate it, but you know that you enjoy your solitude more.
b) You would be more than willing to have it.
c) It horrifies you, because it would prevent you from having more adventures.
d) It doesn’t matter to you a bit, if it allows you to do your things.
e) You would never have it with anyone.
5. In love you are:
a) You don’t see yourself as a couple because singleness is more fun for you.
b) Of a couple.
c) Of more than one couple.
d) From sporadic relationships that do not affect your schedule.
e) Of never having a partner.
6. Tell me about your level of loyalty:
a) I am true to myself, not to any relationship.
b) I am a very faithful person and dedicated to my relationship.
c) I do not know what it is to be faithful, I have never achieved it.
d) I am generally faithful; I can be unfaithful, but it is defined by my limited time.
e) I give up having a partner and talking about fidelity because it is a drag.
7. If I could study your schedule, I would see that:
a) There are plans and routines, family, but you also spend a lot of time alone, because you are your best company.
b) You stick to an organized schedule while you wait for the right partner.
c) I would find several dating apps to flirt, as well as leisure and work plans.
d) You are full of work and leisure commitments, which are far above being able to find a partner.
e) You are almost always alone because a date would overwhelm you a lot.
8. To define yourself in love towards your partner:
a) It may exist, but your thing is more self-love.
b) You are faithful and given to one person.
c) You love more than one person, you love for days and all hours, and new opportunities arise for you to continue loving.
d) You love and give what your busy and wonderful schedule allows.
e) Love is an invention in which you do not believe.
9. What would you look for in dating apps?
a) I am looking for friendships or whatever arises.
b) I am looking for a stable partner.
c) I’m looking for sex.
d) Fun, but without taking my time.
e) Some company, but no feelings involved.
10. When you think of a couple:
a) You consider it unnecessary, because you are great with yourself.
b) You would love to have her for a long time and do a thousand things together.
c) You think it could be a problem, because you would stop flirting.
d) You like it, but you worry that it could take time for other things.
e) You don’t fancy the idea of talking about love or falling in love at all. DEP to the couple!
11. In the event of a future partner crisis:
a) You have many plans to have fun alone.
b) You would do whatever it takes to get over it: marriage counseling, love coaching and therapy included.
c) You would look for other people to get sex and forget about your crisis.
d) You would know that your work and your commitments could have something to do with it, but your partner is another part of your life.
e) There will never be a crisis, because there will never be a partner.
12. How do you see the routine in your life and in love?
a) The routine may or may not exist, as well as the couple, the important thing is that you never get bored alone.
b) As something that gives you stability and that can help consolidate you as a couple.
c) The routine bores you, as well as seeing the same person for more than three appointments; you prefer variety and pleasure.
d) You always have thousands of plans and a thousand things to do, to think of routines!
e) As something that you do and it keeps you well, even though you would never want to have a routine as a couple.
13. The reason you are single is related to:
a) You are better with yourself than with someone.
b) If there is no real love, you will not get out of singleness.
c) You had too many temptations, lovers and committed too many infidelities.
d) You had a very tight schedule to have a partner.
e) You have always been single and you hate the concept of a couple.
14. Since you are single:
a) You think it’s the best thing that happened to you and you enjoy every minute of your single life.
b) You live waiting for the day your partner appears.
c) You live enchanted savoring the honeys of love without compromise.
d) You have little time to remember that you are single.
e) You criticize love and hate the idea of the couple.
Are you ready to know your results?
Next, I include the description of all the types of creatures of the kingdom so that you can look for yours. Count the number of times the letters in your answers are repeated and see which one has come out the most. The kingdom of singles is a science fiction universe because of the specimens that inhabit it. Each species in the singles kingdom has characteristics that I have classified as follows:
Most Answers A: Platypus
He is a lonely creature, and happy to be so. The platypus lives his life calm and blissful of his uniqueness. It has the lowest temperature than the rest of the creatures of the kingdom, and its heart does not need to be warm to ensure its well-being. Rare from head to toe for all who know it exists – and see it strangely – the platypus came to this world to be at ease and not disturb others. She is the flirt who does not complain about being without a partner, who does not spend too much time on WhatsApp, who does not talk about love issues with others and whose rich inner universe does not require long romantic love stories.
Studious, music lover, mystic or entrepreneur, sleepyhead or consumer of marathon series, consummate spiritual, cultured, hardworking, compulsive reader or devoted son of his parents, sometimes athlete waking up at impossible hours and sometimes a carefree bum, the platypus is clear that he himself is his best companion. She uses her body, her energy, and her head on him, so much so that she has forgotten what a partner could do. By being so lonely, if you’re not more social or family-oriented, you could end up being a compulsive smoker, a regular shopper for things you don’t need, or a lonely drinker.
Although very few know it, the platypus has a poisonous spur on its hind legs. Some platypuses will barely get to use it, but it will be their defense mechanism when their calm state is disturbed by someone trying to sneak into their heart. Some platypuses have occasionally become related to other creatures, but more for progeny than for love. He is the vocational bachelor, although that can be the origin of very great lovers who know when the Thursday of romance begins and when it has to end. They know how to flirt but their lives are not going to do it. Moreover, for them, flirting can be a short action that makes them lazy the next day and does not generate any extra in their life. The platypus many times does not even realize when it has linked and is the typical one that leaves you in seen on WhatsApp because it has not read you in three weeks, which clearly has not destined any thought to remember you, after you get into the taxi and send him a selfie with hearts. (…).
Most Answers B: Seahorse
They have been seahorses since their first relationship. Faithful to the core, when they are engaged their eyes stop looking at other creatures forever. No matter what he has to live or suffer, the seahorse will remain with his partner, because what defines his love is fidelity.
Dialogical and tolerant to a greater degree than the others, the horse will be by his partner’s side even when the latter no longer loves him or has been cheating on him for years. You will not abandon your relationship for any reason and will keep your fidelity intact, even if the temptation lives upstairs. The seahorse suffers a lot when single, because it conceives life as a couple from before birth. He is not very good at dating apps: he will seek to get out of singleness in conventional and classic ways that allow him to find someone to spend his life with. And once you find it, it is the creature that will endure the pain, suffering or even the contempt of its partner the most. If things go well, they love and are loved, they become those couples that glow in the dark from so much love or one of those established couples that can spend their whole lives next to each other. It is the most numerous species that we find in the kingdom of the singles. (…).
Most Answers C: Pollinator Bee
That single man or woman who may already be stinging seven lovers, but if another makes eyes at him, he will fly off to see who is changing the lights for him. Since he is single (or even before) he opened the ban for the conquest. You can flirt with people of different age, orientation, nationality, ethnicity, accent or origin; in the variety is the luxury of its pollination.
You don’t compromise, because your need for novelty is greater than your need for permanence. But beware: if it runs out of new flowers, it will try to fly over the world in search of pollen and adventure. The pollinator bee learned to use Badoo, Grindr, or Tinder before anyone in her group. League by day, at night, in networks and even when you do not want to flirt. Sometimes the pollinator bee has an overwhelming sex life and sometimes what she has is more flirtatious than anything else, because she cannot help but seduce and charm everyone.
It is difficult to know if one is in front of a pollinator bee, because they are usually manipulative or liars. They don’t give much information about when or where they come from, and they are experts in the art of looking good. They fly alone and very few people know which is the last lover they visited with their stinger. Remember that the bee sting hurts and leaves a mark. And they know it. (…).
Most Answers D: Ant
Kind of bachelor or single who lives with a more loaded schedule than that of a Nobel laureate. She works, adopts a puppy, takes mindfulness courses, goes for a run, cooks with YouTube, practices yoga, buys a bicycle for Sundays and takes a digital marketing course in the evenings before Zoom in on her colleagues at the faculty. .
Of incomparable intensity, the single ant is difficult to catch, and when he finally makes an appointment, he usually says that he only has fifteen minutes for you, because he perceives you as one more activity on his schedule. They love, but with a minute hand. And many times they substitute physical love for the masturbatory act, because it is faster, although less satiating. Falling in love with an ant can be a bit disappointing for those who want time and attention. The good thing about the single ant is that its energy and activity can be contagious. A week with a single ant is equivalent to a year lived with the other creatures. However, a single ant is very independent and does not usually spend much time with the same company. (…).
Most Answers E: ogre
That single man or woman who can have been in the same state for decades. Either because of his personality or because of his surroundings, the ogre is a creature enraged with love: he makes fun of it, does not believe that it exists and, due to his skepticism, has become a denier of love. Some ogres were once cheesy, or even great romantics, but today those memories belong to the past. If it were up to him or her, he would hang Valentine with his bare hands. The ogre has eliminated love in his public pursuit, although, deep down deep down, he may want to feel loved again.
Sometimes they line up with other ogres to discredit everything that smells of love and affection: they rant about the couples they know, their last attempt at a girlfriend, the girl they liked and dumped, or the nonsense they say to them. make them change their marital status. They have their cruel little point and they have long since stopped caring.
The ogre is a being that no longer believes in love, however it presents itself. There are thousands of ogres who are great users of dating apps, but they would never look for something serious in the description, unless they decide to lie to get what they want, which is often having casual relationships and nothing important. (…).