Dates: benefits and harms to human health, facts

😉 Hello dear readers! In the article “Dates: Benefits and Harm to Health” on the benefits and contraindications of the amazing fruits of the date palm. Composition and calorie content.

This ancient plant has been known to man for more than one millennium. His homeland is Mesopotamia (modern Syria and Iraq). Dates remain one of the staple foods in North Africa and the Middle East.

Desert Bread is a medicine and prolongs life. The fruits of the “desert oasis” – the date palm saved many travelers from hunger. Wall paintings of dates have been found in Egyptian tombs. In ancient Babylon, palm fruits were used to make wine and vinegar.

Calorie date

In 100 grams of product:

  • kcal – 292
  • proteins – 6 g;
  • fats – 0,5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 70 g;
  • dietary fiber – 6 g;
  • water – 20 g;
  • potassium – 371 mg;
  • Calcium – 64 mg;
  • magnesium – 70 mg;
  • sodium – 31 mg;
  • phosphorus – 57 mg;
  • iron – 1,6 mg;
  • vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E, PP.

Dates: benefits and harms to human health, facts

Useful properties of dates

  • they are nourishing, quickly satisfy hunger;
  • energy for the body: fructose, glucose, sucrose;
  • convenient for light snacks;
  • replace sweets;
  • increases overall performance;
  • for the prevention of heart attack and stroke;
  • strengthen the heart (potassium);
  • useful for anemia and hypertension;
  • help with constipation (fiber);
  • increase immunity;
  • pectin and dietary fiber enhance intestinal motility;
  • this dried fruit will help with depression;
  • help with overwork and physical exertion;
  • fruits can be taken with diabetes mellitus (3 pcs. per day). “Everything is useful if you know when to stop”;
  • prevention of oncological diseases;
  • cholesterol free;
  • prevents the occurrence of heartburn (glutamic amino acid);
  • recommended for dietary meals;
  • assistance in the restoration of the body in the postoperative period.

Dates harm

Dates: benefits and harms to human health, facts

  • it is a rather “heavy” product, so it is important to comply with the norm;
  • according to doctors, the daily rate is 9-11 pcs. With great physical exertion – maximum 19 pcs.;
  • fruits are digested for a long time. Therefore, consume them in 2-3 hours. before sleep;
  • for people who are obese, but adore dates, 1 piece will be enough. in a day;
  • Eastern sages recommend eating an odd amount: 1, 3, 5;
  • overeating these fruits can provoke poor health;
  • with gastric ulcer – it is impossible;
  • chronic gastritis in the acute stage – it is impossible;
  • if dates are sold unpackaged, dangerous microbes are bound to be present on their sticky surface.

There are thousands of buyers in the markets. Someone sneezed or a dusty wind blew – all this will settle on the sweet fruits. One such date is a bomb for the human body! There is an exit! Dates from the market must be washed thoroughly before use.

How to wash dates?

Method number 1: 0,5 kg. place dates in a bowl, cover with plain water. Add baking soda 0,5 teaspoon to the water. Mix. After 10 minutes, transfer the dates to a colander, rinse with running water.

Method # 2: Rinse the dates with hot water.

How to choose quality dates

In theory, dates should simply be dried, then they become sweet and stored for a long time. But fruit drying is a costly process and storage can be problematic. Therefore, manufacturers go to the trick, just to reduce the cost of the production process.

That is, a certain part of the dates, possibly the main one, is boiled in sugar syrup, which has preservative properties and increases the shelf life.

Dates: benefits and harms to human health, facts

Dates, which are prepared by drying, are less common in stores, have a matte and darker color, and are more expensive.

😉 Friends, share in social networks with information “Dates: benefits and harms for health”. Let there always be dates in your cozy home – a storehouse of health!

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