Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

The name of the physiotherapeutic device Darsonval comes from the name of its inventor, a French physiologist D’Arsonval. In 1891, for the first time in the history of medicine, he proposed the use of high-frequency currents for the treatment of patients. Since then, the technique of electrotherapy has been improved.

At the moment, darsonvalization is therapy using alternating pulsed current with the following parameters:

  • Voltage – 20 kV;

  • Frequency – 100-400 kHz;

  • Current strength – 100-200 mA.

This technique, like any other treatment, should not be used without consulting a specialist. Both salon treatment courses and the use of the device at home should be carried out according to strict indications, taking into account the possible risk of side effects. It is best to get the recommendations of a physiotherapist, and use them during the procedures.

How effective is darsonvalization?

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

It is possible to give an objective assessment of the state of health of a person who has undergone the Darsonval procedure only after completing the full course of therapy. At an intermediate stage, it is difficult to assess both the pros and cons of treatment.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The employee and the beauty salon conducting such procedures should warn the client about the possible consequences of the physiotherapy.

To obtain a lasting effect, one should not be limited to one course of darsonvalization. Rejuvenation and healing of the body, rehabilitation of chronically infected foci – everything is achievable only with regular procedures.

Is it safe to use Darsonval? What are the health risks?

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

The physical factors that accompany darsonvalization are not normally characteristic of the physicochemical parameters of the human body. Their essence is aggressive, since both radiation and electric currents are unnatural for the physiology of organs and tissues, carry stress and cannot be completely safe.

The biggest risk is the danger of the transition of benign formations into malignant tumors, or the uncontrolled growth of the latter. Carcinogenic foci not diagnosed in time go unnoticed, and darsonvalization becomes the impetus for their appearance. Therefore, before starting treatment with high-frequency currents, it is recommended to obtain as much information as possible about the state of your health.

Failure to follow the precautions when using the Darsonval method leads to burns, changes in skin pigmentation and possible aggravation of existing pathologies.

Contraindications for use specified by the manufacturer are mandatory. High-frequency current can exacerbate existing problems, and the effect of the procedures will be unstable and short-lived.

Contraindications to the use of Darsonval

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Darsonval is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • Mental disorders in acute form;

  • Benign tumors;

  • Diseases of the blood and bleeding;

  • Children’s age up to 6 years;

  • Hypertension in a severe stage;

  • Pregnancy in any trimester;

  • Thrombophlebitis;

  • Hypersensitivity to high-frequency currents;

  • Couperosis;

  • Somatic diseases in acute form, with fever;

  • Latent and diagnosed oncological diseases;

  • Hirsutism, hypertrichosis;

  • Epilepsy;

  • Tuberculosis of lungs, kidneys, bones, urgenital tuberculosis in latent and open form;

  • Cardiovascular insufficiency, arrhythmia.

What is the Darsonval apparatus?

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

A modern device for producing high-frequency current is a compact device for physiotherapy and cosmetic procedures. Detailed and clear instructions for the device make it easy to master its use at home.

Darsonval set composition:

  • Transformer;

  • Generator;

  • Electrodes (or darsonval nozzles) – have a different shape: elongated, mushroom-shaped, T-shaped, comb.

When using Darsonval, you have:

  • High blood pressure normalizes

  • The work of the central nervous system is restored, you become resistant to stress

  • The blood thins

  • As a result of local blood supply and activation of chemical reactions under the skin, its elasticity improves.

  • Immunity is strengthened due to the fact that the activity of phagocytes and leukocytes increases

  • Biorhythms are restored, sleep becomes deeper

  • Pain in various parts of the body passes, including headaches

  • Improves mood and performance

Indications for the use of the Darsonval apparatus

So, for what diseases is it possible to use Darsonval:

The cardiovascular system

  • Obliterating endarteritis

  • Varicosity

  • Raynaud’s first stage

  • Ischemia of the heart

Nervous system

  • Neurasthenia, insomnia, depression

  • Osteochondrosis, headaches, neuralgia

Genitourinary system

  • Amenorrhea

  • cystalgia

  • Genital infantilism

  • Mastitis

  • Inflammation of the appendages

Respiratory system

  • Asthma

  • Tracheitis

  • Bronchitis

Musculo-skeletal system

  • Polyarthritis

  • Arthritis

  • Spondyloarthrosis

  • Periostitis

  • Myalgia

  • Myositis

Digestive system

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Gastritis

  • Dyskinesia of the stomach and intestines

  • Inflammation of the rectal wall

Diseases of the ENT organs

  • Vasomotor runny nose

  • Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis

  • Qatar, laryngitis

  • Otitis, hearing loss

Oral cavity

  • Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis

Skin, hair

  • Ulcers, frostbite, sutures, non-epithelizing wounds, burns

  • Furunculosis, herpes, ringworm,

  • Erythema, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis

  • Bruises and hematomas

  • Cellulite, wrinkles, aging skin

  • Acne, pustules, infiltrates

  • Focal and systemic scleroderma

  • Seborrhea, dandruff

  • Hair loss

  • Scars and stretch marks

Views of Darsonval

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Дарсонваль GEZATONE BT-101

Home massage-impulse device for universal use Nozzles included in the kit – comb. fungus, curved.

Manufacturer: France GEZATONE

Darsonval Gezatone Healthy Skin

Home impulse massager for facial skin and hair care, for the treatment of neuralgia.

Manufacturer: France GEZATONE

Darsonval Gezanne

This model is used for acne treatment, wrinkle smoothing, skin care, neurology.

Manufacturer: France GEZATONE

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Gezatone Family Doctor

Portable model with a very large range of home use in various diseases and situations. It has an additional function of infrared heating.

Manufacturer: France GEZATONE

Darsonval Crown

An improved model that stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, improves the activity of the endocrine glands, normalizes the nervous system, dissolves salt deposits in the joints, and accelerates skin regeneration.

Producer: apparatus Darsonval Korona Ukraine “Innovator”

Darsonval ELAD MedTeCo

The device is used in physiotherapy, dentistry, cosmetology. There are also additional nozzles: rectal, vaginal and ear.

Producer: MedTeko LLC Russia, Moscow.

How to use home Darsonval?

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Procedures are carried out with contact and non-contact therapeutic effects of the device. In both cases, a directed bactericidal action is carried out. To obtain a stable therapeutic effect, at least 10-12 sessions are carried out.

With the contact method, the nozzles of the device move over the skin, acting on it with a “quiet discharge”.

Scope of contact action:

  • Treatment of varicose veins;

  • Fight against cellulite;

  • Correction of aging skin;

  • Improved hair growth.

With a non-contact method of exposure, a distance of 1 to 10 mm remains between the skin and the electrodes of the apparatus. The epidermis and nearby tissues are affected by a “spark discharge”, which manifests its presence with a slight tingling.

Scope of non-contact darsonvalization:

  • Pain syndrome;

  • Treatment of neuralgia;

  • Hematomas;

  • Wound care, etc.

In the treatment of more serious diseases, a balanced approach is required, a thorough assessment of the benefits and harms of using darsonvalization.

Preparation for the procedure:

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

  • An electrode suitable for the purpose of use is treated with an alcohol-containing liquid, dried, and installed. Darsonval include and prepare for work.

  • Dryness and cleanliness of the skin and hair is controlled;

  • In order to avoid burns, it is forbidden to apply alcohol-containing preparations, as well as cosmetics containing acid, to the skin and hair.

  • It is forbidden to use liquids and other substances incompatible with ultraviolet radiation;

  • Metal jewelry is removed from the body;

  • For safety reasons, contact with other people during the procedure is not allowed, as there is a risk of electric shock.

Darsonval for hair

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Before darsonvalization, hair must be combed and all metal jewelry removed from them. In the set of the Darsonval device there is a nozzle in the form of a comb, they make movements from the forehead to the back of the head, simulating the combing of the hair back. In this case, the power is adjusted, which is constantly increased until a tingling sensation appears. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, the course is 20-25 daily sessions.

To get a visible effect, you need to regularly conduct 3-4 courses per year of darsonvalization. At the same time, the hair begins to grow rapidly, their condition and appearance improve. The effect of the procedure is doubled if hair growth is stimulated with masks and serums.

Darsonval for the face from wrinkles and acne

Darsonval for face and hair, instructions for use

Wrinkles. Before darsonvalization, the skin of the face must be cleaned of impurities and residues of cosmetics, and dried. For better gliding and enhancing the therapeutic effect, you can apply a cream on it. With a mushroom head, light massage movements are carried out over the skin of the face – from the eyes to the temples, from the nose to the ears, from the collarbones to the chin, from the forehead to the hairline, from the upper lip to the chin. It is forbidden to apply darsonvalization to the skin of the upper and lower eyelids. When massaging the skin of the face, the intensity of the current gradually increases until a feeling of light warmth appears. The procedure takes 5-20 minutes, the course of daily or every other day procedures is 20 sessions. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to conduct 3-4 courses per year.

Lifting. The skin is prepared similarly to the previous method, the session is carried out in a non-contact way with a distance of 5 mm between the skin and the electrode. When lifting, there is a paradoxical effect, when after several procedures the skin condition worsens. However, the reserve capabilities of the epidermis are soon activated, and the course of physiotherapy ends with an excellent result – tightened and fresh skin.

Pimples and blackheads. Darsonvalization of acne is carried out exclusively in a medical facility or in a beauty parlor. It is not easy to carry out such a procedure on your own, since precise movements are required during its implementation.

Preliminary cleaning of the skin of the face from impurities and cosmetics is carried out, the skin is dried. At the beginning of the procedure, acne is cauterized in a non-contact way using a sharp nozzle on the electrode, a strong current mode is used. Further, the sharp nozzle changes to a flat one, which is used to treat all areas of acne, with the exception of inflamed elements. The treatment time ranges from 2 to 10 minutes, the procedures are carried out every other day or daily, in courses of 10-15 sessions.

If acne reaches a significant size, at first they are treated pointwise remotely, for 10-15 seconds for each element. In this case, a high voltage current is used, the entire surface of the face is not processed. Dried areas of inflamed skin are treated with a mushroom nozzle, the purpose of the treatment is to prevent the recurrence of acne and scarring.

It is possible to use darsonvalization to degrease the skin of the face before acne treatment. For these purposes, a mushroom-shaped electrode is carried out along the massage lines – from the nose, the center of the forehead and chin to the ears. One edge of the electrode is raised above the skin by 3-5 mm, and the other is touched. There is a slight tingling sensation on the skin. The duration of the procedure is 7-10 minutes, they are carried out every other day, in a course of 10-15 sessions. After a two-week rest, acne treatment begins with Darsonval.

To neutralize the propion-bacteria that cause acne, inflamed skin is treated with a mushroom nozzle, holding it at a distance of 3-5 mm from the surface. Ozone, which is formed during this method of exposure, negatively affects the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria.

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