In Soviet times, the darsonval device was in almost all physiotherapy rooms, and the darsonvalization procedure was prescribed to patients with a variety of diagnoses. Nowadays, this device is more often used in beauty salons, many people buy it for home use. Meanwhile, not everyone understands the principle of the darsonval, why it is needed, in what cases it is useless, and when it is irreplaceable.
What is darsonval
Darsonval is a physiotherapeutic apparatus for influencing the skin and mucous membranes with high-frequency pulsed current. That is, this is one of the methods of electrotherapy.
The device got its name from the name of the creator – the French physiologist Arsene d’Arsonval, who was one of the first to study the therapeutic effect of high-frequency current on the human body.
Nowadays, there are variations of the darsonval apparatus for physiotherapy and cosmetology.
This device is often used as an additional method for the treatment of dermatological, gynecological, urological, cardiological, dental and surgical diseases.
In beauty salons, this device is used in the treatment of cellulite, varicose veins, problem skin and hair growth disorders.
A modern darsonval is a compact device made up of a generator, a transformer and nozzle electrodes of various shapes (elongated, t-shaped, comb-shaped, mushroom-shaped).
The most popular models on the market:
- Gezatone BT-101 (a compact device made in France, suitable for home use, has 3 nozzles: mushroom, curved and comb-shaped);
- Gezatone Healthy Skin (intended for skin and hair procedures, suitable for the treatment of neurological diseases, made in France);
- Gezatone Family Doctor (French compact device for local darsonvalization);
- Gezanne (small device, used mainly in beauty salons, designed to treat skin problems (wrinkles, acne), suitable for neurological disorders; France);
- Crown (a device for local darsonvalization of Ukrainian production, suitable for the treatment of respiratory, vascular, neurological, skin diseases, also used to restore hair health);
- Elad MedTeKo (a compact device made in Russia, used in dentistry, dermatology, cosmetology, in addition to standard nozzles, there are nasal, ear, gingival, vaginal and rectal ones).
How is darsonvalization performed?
Darsonvalization is of two types: local (diathermy) and general (inductotherapy).
In the first case, individual parts of the patient’s body are affected (contact or non-contact) with a glass electrode. If necessary, it is moved through the skin, hair, oral mucosa, or injected into the rectum. During a darsonvalization session, a complex effect of high-frequency current, electromagnetic radiation, ultraviolet (weak effect), ozone, and nitrogen oxides occurs. During the procedure, heat is generated in the tissues. Local exposure to darsonval is used in medicine, beauty salons, as well as at home.
General darsonvalization is not widely used and is practically not used in medicine. Not least due to the lack of specific equipment. The essence of the procedure is that the patient (sitting or lying down) is placed in the so-called d’Arsonval cage (oscillatory circuit coil). In this case, the impulses act simultaneously on the entire body. The mechanism of action of general darsonvalization is poorly understood. Nowadays, researchers say that this method of physiotherapy calms the patient, lowers blood pressure, improves metabolism and blood microcirculation, tones the vascular network, so it can be useful for hypertension of the 1st or 2nd degree, sleep disorders, neurasthenia, disruptions in metabolic processes. General darsonvalization is useful for headaches, increases efficiency.
Efficiency and safety
Interestingly, the therapeutic effectiveness of darsonval has not been proven, and at one time in the United States, advertising and the sale of such equipment were even punished with fines and destruction of goods. Today, more and more often they say that the effectiveness of darsonval depends on the individual characteristics of the body. It is possible to determine the nature of the effect on the body only after a course of physiotherapy. But it is worthwhile to understand that it will not work to overcome chronic diseases or instantly improve the condition of the skin and hair with a single course. Physiotherapists and cosmetologists talk about the need for systemic treatment. But, if a person decides on darsonvalization for the first time, he must be warned about possible adverse reactions.
D’Arsonval’s device is designed to influence the human body with an electric current. It is logical that many people have a question: how safe is this treatment? During darsonvalization, impulses act on the body according to the sinusoidal principle (waves) with a frequency of 110 to 400 kHz. For darsonvalization, a rather high voltage current (about 20 kV) is used, but of low power (no more than 100-200 mA). This type of electrotherapy does not cause significant changes in the body. The result of darsonvalization is based on an improvement in the outflow of lymph and venous blood, which in turn “starts” all the positive effects of the procedure. But, at the same time, many experts recognize that any kind of current cannot be completely harmless, as it always causes stress to the body, affects the physical and chemical reactions that occur in the human body. Pulsed current is especially dangerous in the presence of neoplasms: darsonval accelerates the growth of malignant tumors and leads to the degeneration of benign ones. If the device is not used correctly, it can cause burns and exacerbate existing diseases.
Despite the fact that disputes continue about the effectiveness of the apparatus, most researchers agree with the opinion that darsonval is categorically contraindicated for some people.
Darsonvalization should not be performed on people with epilepsy, benign or malignant neoplasms, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, cardioarrhythmia, blood diseases and bleeding. The procedure is prohibited in case of acute mental disorders, fever, purulent processes in the body, increased skin sensitivity, poor blood clotting, as well as excessive facial hair growth. This type of therapy is prohibited for children under 6 years of age, pregnant women, people with a pacemaker, as well as those with individual intolerance to darsonval.
When useful
Pulse exposure to high-frequency current improves blood circulation, tissue oxygenation, reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Local darsonvalization activates some biochemical reactions in the body, improves tissue trophism and increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes (the protective function of white blood cells against viruses, pathogenic bacteria and toxins). The darsonvalization procedure is considered useful for relieving pain, muscle spasms, swelling and inflammation. Hardware treatment is used to increase immunity, improve skin elasticity and hair condition. In cosmetology, darsonval is used to increase muscle tone and accelerate the penetration of cosmetics into the deep layers of the skin and fiber.
Use in medicine
In traditional medicine, physiotherapy using the darsonval device can be resorted to in different cases.
The most common indications for the procedure:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (varicose veins, coronary heart disease, obliterating endarteritis, the initial stage of Raynaud’s disease);
- disorders of the respiratory system (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis);
- ENT diseases (laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, frontal sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, hearing impairment, inflammation of the auditory nerve);
- disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system (insomnia, depression, neuroses, headaches, migraine, osteochondrosis, neuromyositis, neuralgia, sciatica, inflammation of the nerve plexuses, consequences of spinal cord or brain injury);
- diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, inflammation of the walls of the rectum, intestinal or stomach dyskinesia);
- disorders of the musculoskeletal system (myositis, arthritis, polyarthritis, myalgia, periostitis, spondylarthrosis);
- gynecological diseases (colpitis, erosion, vulvitis, postpartum ruptures, vaginismus, amenorrhea, endocervicitis, nipple cracks);
- urological disorders (cystalgia, cystitis, urinary incontinence, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction);
- dental problems (stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, pulpitis, glossalgia);
- problem skin and hair (ulcers, non-healing wounds, frostbite, burns, psoriasis, hematomas, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis, pustules, acne, scleroderma, stretch marks, scars, cellulite, wrinkles, porous and oily skin, infiltration, dandruff, seborrhea, baldness).
Rules for darsonvalization at home
At home, with the help of darsonval, both contact and non-contact procedures can be carried out. The recommended course is 10-12 procedures.
Contact procedures at home are most often used to treat cellulite, varicose veins, prevent skin aging, against hair loss, and for a bactericidal effect. The procedure is done using a glass electrode, from which air is pumped out. The session is accompanied by a so-called quiet electrical discharge. If during the procedure the electrical voltage is increased, a spark occurs, which is used for cauterization.
Non-contact treatment with high-frequency pulses is accompanied by a spark discharge and a slight tingling of the skin. During the session, the electrode is moved over the skin (distance from 1 to 10 mm). This type of procedure is considered useful for neuralgia, hematomas, poorly healing wounds, pain syndrome of various etiologies.
Before the start of the session, a suitable nozzle-electrode should be treated with alcohol, dried, and only then turn on the device. Darsonvalization at home is carried out on clean and dry skin or hair. To avoid burns during the procedure, it is forbidden to use cosmetics containing alcohol or acids. Also do not use substances incompatible with ultraviolet radiation. Before darsonvalization, it is important to remove all metal-containing jewelry from the body, and during the procedure, the patient should not touch other people.
For facial skin
Darsonval against acne and acne is considered a very useful procedure, but it is not recommended to do it yourself at home. Electrodes are applied to previously cleansed of cosmetics and dirt, and then dried skin. If there is inflammation on the face, they are cauterized with a pointed nozzle, using a strong current supply mode. The second stage is the treatment of the entire surface of the face (except for inflammations and pustules) by the contact method using a flat nozzle. The duration of one session is from 2 to 10 minutes. The treatment course consists of 10-15 procedures.
If the skin has a large number of pustules and inflamed areas, then the procedure is carried out exclusively using a sharp nozzle. Each problem area is affected no more than 10-15 seconds. After a few sessions, when inflammation and suppuration begin to heal, a mushroom nozzle is used to avoid scarring and recurrence. With its help, the face is processed by the contact method. To disinfect the skin, it is massaged with a mushroom nozzle for 7-10 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day. The full course consists of 10-15 massages. In beauty salons, before darsonvalization, the face is often treated with special products that do not contain acid or alcohol.
To combat wrinkles, a mushroom-shaped electrode is also used. Sometimes the procedure is carried out with a cream applied to the skin. It is important to observe the correct trajectory of the nozzle: from the collarbone to the chin, from the nose to the ears, along the forehead to the hairline. The current strength during the session increases gradually (until a pleasant warmth is felt). Darsonvalization of the skin of the eyelids is strictly prohibited. The treatment course against wrinkles consists of 20 daily procedures, 5-20 minutes each. During the year, you can take 2-4 courses of darsonval.
To lift the skin of the face, you will need the same mushroom-shaped electrode, but in this case, they resort to a non-contact method of therapy. The device is held at a distance of about 0,5 cm from the surface of the face. Interestingly, after the first few procedures, skin problems may worsen, but usually after 5-7 sessions, cell regeneration begins, the color and condition of the skin improves.
With cellulite
Darsonvalization helps in the fight against cellulite of different types and stages. But the most noticeable results are given by the treatment of the initial stages of the disease. To achieve the effect of hardware treatment, experts advise to additionally follow a special diet.
High-frequency current pulses irritate nerve receptors and improve blood circulation, which in turn activates the metabolism and breakdown of fat cells in the subcutaneous layers. In addition, darsonvalization tones problematic skin, tightens it. It is useful to combine hardware treatment with anti-cellulite products: under the influence of impulses, active substances penetrate faster and deeper into tissues, as a result of which their action is enhanced.
For hair
The procedure is carried out on dry combed hair, from which all metal hairpins are removed. Darsonvalization of hair is done using a nozzle in the form of a comb. The electrode is slowly moved from the frontal part to the back of the head, gradually increasing the power of the device (until a slight tingling appears in the skin).
Such procedures stimulate hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, stop baldness, treat dandruff and seborrhea.
The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes. One treatment course usually consists of 20 daily sessions. You can take up to 3-4 courses per year. To enhance the effect of darsonval after each session, it is useful to rub serum into the scalp to accelerate hair growth.
Nowadays, darsonval is one of the most popular physiotherapy devices used at home. No matter how safe the procedure looks, it is important to always remember that darsonvalization is an electric current treatment, and in this case, it is extremely important to always follow the operating rules and remember the advice of doctors.