Dark circles under the eyes – what to check if they have appeared recently

Bruises, shadows, horseshoes – they make the face look sad and older, so we treat them as a beauty drawback. And that could be an important signal.

  1. Dark circles under the eyes may appear, among others as a result of fatigue, dehydration or stress. They can also be an indication for consultation with a doctor
  2. Do you have dark circles under your eyes? Consult your doctor if: you experience headaches more often, take medication, have antibiotic therapy, have shortness of breath, digestive problems
  3. Diet can help reduce dark circles under the eyes. It should contain, among others fish, olive oil, oil, flaxseed, green vegetables, legumes, lean meat
  4. Do you want to live longer? Make a simple test and find out how! 
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the coronavirus on the Onet homepage.

The skin around the eyes is thin because there are few fat cells in it. This makes what is happening inside or just below it clearly visible. That is why this place darkens, collapses or, on the contrary, swells more easily, causing that in the mirror we can see characteristic dark circles under the eyes.

What to do when dark circles appear sporadically under the eyes

The most common dark circles under the eyes are brown, gray, yellow and purple-purple. They may appear, among others as a result of fatigue, dehydration or stress – then you only need to catch up: hydrate your body, get a good night’s sleep, go for a long walk or exercise.

Bruising under the eyes – when to see a doctor?

This must be done if the shadows have appeared recently, they do not want to disappear, besides:

We haven’t done blood and urine tests for a long time – dark circles under the eyes may indicate a problem with the thyroid gland or sugar metabolism disorders and the onset of diabetes, as well as kidney disease.

Lately we suffer from headaches more oftenespecially the back of the head, restlessness, trouble sleeping – these signals can be a sign of developing high blood pressure.

We use medications regularly – it does not matter whether these are preparations prescribed by a doctor or over-the-counter drugs that are often taken on their own, e.g. anti-inflammatory and for chronic pain. They can overload the liver and kidneys, the body’s filters.

We have gained centimeters in the circumference of the abdomen and it is difficult to get rid of them – and besides, it causes fatigue and drowsiness after meals. This may be the start of insulin resistance, which inevitably leads to the destruction of the pancreas.

  1. It is recommended to test for insulin resistance once a year. The research package is available on Medonet Market

We underwent antibiotic therapy – as a result, there could be disturbances in the intestinal flora, which resulted in worse absorption of nutrients and, for example, iron deficiency.

Bruising is accompanied by shortness of breath, watery eyes, coughing, and digestive problems – it may be an allergy or a symptom of food intolerance, and – more and more common, parasites. Both the first and the second problem increasingly affect mature people.


Are you a woman in menopause? These can be hormone fluctuations that not only affect your electrolyte balance, but can also cause anemia, mainly due to prolonged and heavy periods.

Dark circles under the eyes – how to help yourself with your diet?

A good diet can reduce dark circles – provided, of course, that we find their cause in advance. It works as an auxiliary. What to eat?

It is worth reaching especially for green vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and lettuce. As research shows, they protect against the absorption of toxins from the air due to the valuable chlorophyll.

Compounds present in greens can eliminate up to 95% of blood from the blood. toxins from the air, which means that the body is less burdened with toxins (symptoms are often sallow skin and dark circles under the eyes). They are also rich in antioxidants that protect against free radicals responsible for cell damage.

The menu should include fish, olive oil, oil and linseed more often. They contain valuable omega-3 acids, which improve blood flow, lower cholesterol levels, prevent platelet aggregation from sticking together, reduce the level of pro-inflammatory particles and increase the flexibility of blood vessels.

  1. Symptoms of high cholesterol

They are also an ally of the young gaze high-protein lean meats and vegetables, legumes. The latter not only provide good-quality building blocks to muscles (including the small ones, of the face), but also are free from environmental pollution.

You must remember about irrigation. Apart from water, herbal infusions are also reliable. For example, cleansing has a cleansing effect, and hawthorn has a positive effect on the condition of the vessels. However, do not add sugar as it weakens the healing effects of the plant extracts.

What else do you remember?

  1. People who struggle with edema should, first of all, exclude fast food from their diet, as well as any other products that contain flavor enhancers.
  2. Avoid excess salt, but don’t give up salting completely. In this way, you will disturb the electrolyte balance, which paradoxically contributes to the retention of water in the inter-tissue spaces.
  3. All crackers and other biscuits are a source of pro-inflammatory hardened fats that harm you. In addition, although they are salty, they have a lot of simple sugars.

More about ailments and their causes, as well as other diseases of mature and elderly people, can be found in the magazine on health Live better (on sale with Fakt every Wednesday).

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