Dark circles under the eyes: how to mask? Video

Dark circles under the eyes: how to mask? Video

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

How to remove circles under the eyes

The easiest way is to brew two bags of green tea, wait until the bags have cooled to room temperature, and place them on your closed eyelids. This method helps to simultaneously get rid of not only dark circles, but also from puffiness, as well as from redness of the eyes caused by fatigue.

In case of a sudden appearance of dark circles under the eyes, caused by fatigue and lack of sleep, it will not be superfluous to keep a few ice cubes made from chamomile infusion in the freezer. To obtain it, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry raw materials and boil the mixture in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After straining and cooling, the broth is ready for freezing. The cubes obtained should be used in gauze bags so as not to damage the overly sensitive skin around the eyes.

They also help to make the skin a lighter lotion from sage, a tablespoon of which must be brewed with half a glass of boiling water, withstand the infusion for a quarter of an hour, strain and soak cotton pads or pieces of gauze folded in several layers with it.

An equally effective remedy for dark circles is a raw potato mask. It is necessary to clean it, grate it on a fine grater, squeeze it slightly and put the resulting mass on closed eyelids for a quarter of an hour.

A mask of cottage cheese, in equal proportions, whipped with sour cream, whitens the skin well. The mixture is laid out in gauze bags, after which it is placed on the eyelids. This composition also additionally nourishes this sensitive area.

How to disguise under eye circles

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