Daria Moroz: “For four years I have become a different person”

She is brave and free. At the beginning of her career, she got a role in the film «Point» only because her competitors refused to shave their heads. They had a stereotype about female beauty. Frost won because she and stereotypes are two incompatible things.

She talks about the most personal moments of her life directly and frankly. Avoiding an answer, dissembling, softening something is not about her. And willpower and discipline are about Dasha. The meeting is scheduled for 9:30. Then the whole day is scheduled by the minute. She enters quickly. The gray knit jumpsuit fits perfectly. The face without a gram of makeup shines. Americano in a paper cup is the only morning dope. «Well, have you started?» — Dasha manages the process in a businesslike way.

Psychologies: The theme of our anniversary issue is “Living in a new way. Start now.» In this sense, you are just the perfect heroine. There are twists and turns in everyone’s life, but in yours they are very sharp and obvious. For such turns, coincidences in fate and courage are needed …

Daria Moroz: Courage first! Everything is born in the head, it starts with an internal request and understanding that you have hit a wall. I’m not there, not with that, I’m doing something wrong, or they’re doing something wrong with me. This is a long process. And be sure to formulate what you want. And in the present tense. I write wishes. And this is an effective thing. It is important to understand what turns in life you want or do not want.

Usually turns that you do not want to happen by themselves. The early departure of your mother is one of the most important points in your life. Then nothing depended on your desires. This turn changed a lot. The sprouts of awareness began to appear just then?

No, later. I was a 16-year-old girl who lost her mother (actress Marina Levtova died as a result of a fall from a snowmobile in 2000. — Approx. ed.). Despite neurosurgical intervention, a fractured skull and other «joys», in that accident I escaped with a slight fright.

As for morale, at that moment I did not realize the seriousness of the changes that would happen to me as a result of this turn.

Someone after such events grows up sharply, someone freezes in a painful moment and cannot reach another level. How was it for you?

I have matured dramatically. Dad (director Yuri Moroz. — Ed.) consulted with psychologists about me, and they said: «Either your daughter will get out of this now, or she will fall into drama and linger in this state.» I, as a tenacious character, got out quickly. I had to take care of my health, somehow support my father.

It was much harder for him than for me, of course. Everyone in childhood knows that their parents will die — it’s sad, but it’s true. Another question is that with the departure of my mother, the way of life changed dramatically in one day. It was always like this: in the morning my mother made coffee, my father went to work, I went to school. Beautiful, loving, harmonious family and Dalmatian Dolly.

And no matter how I realized that a person, in fact, is always alone, after my mother left, fears of loss and loneliness settled in me.

In one second, everything broke. You need to cook your own food, iron things, pay bills — what my mother always did. This is life. As for the moral side… There is a person, and suddenly he is gone. Removed from your scheme of life. This is especially traumatic.

I had to get used to the fact that my dad and I are now together. And then, by the way, quite quickly, get used to loneliness — dad began his own personal life. By the age of 18, I began to act a lot and fully support myself.

Of course, dad was always ready to help. But it made me pull myself together, get on my feet and say: “Okay, Dasha, you are moving on alone.” The feeling of loneliness pushes me to search for myself in this world … It tempered my character.

Do I feel sad that in the morning I don’t hear my mother making coffee? Yes. Like everyone who loses someone. And no matter how I realized that a person, in fact, is always alone, after my mother left, fears of loss and loneliness settled in me.

Long before the tragedy, you quarreled with a friend who was visiting you, and your mother punished you — she put you in a room alone, even brought dinner there, and, handing over a plate, said: «Here, eat loneliness.» I can’t forget this phrase.

Like me… You know, my parents and I go through the stages of development. As a person of an esoteric nature, I understand that my mother and I have a lot of unfinished business. We, like two completely different souls, didn’t say anything, didn’t recognize each other, we stupidly didn’t have enough time. I now calmly talk about it, because 20 years have already passed. I have been without my mother for more than half my life.

Has this early loss affected the way you raise your daughter?

Yes. I am convinced that Anya should be able to do without me. She must have her own life, her own points of support. This protects a person from many difficult moments, not necessarily from the death of a loved one.

Are you somehow activating fulcrums that are not related to you? After all, adults can direct it.

I do. For example, I suggest staying overnight with friends. I try to immerse her in my life as little as possible, I don’t drag her on the set once again, I don’t take her to adult companies. She has her own life zone: school, friends, endless activities, nanny, dad.

Did the new family of the father, Konstantin Bogomolov, Ksenia Sobchak, her son Plato, become a foothold for Anya?

I think yes. Anya often stays at their house and even lives there sometimes. They go on vacation twice a year. Anya communicates well with Xenia. I think it’s great. Anya has an understanding of healthy adult relationships. She sees that no one swears, does not torment and does not spoil the life of another after parting.

Once I told her: you can live together under the same roof and quarrel. And you can live separately and continue to love each other, to be a father and mother to your child. It does not depend on the place. The main thing is that everyone lives together. Anya accepted it, she is smart. And I am very grateful to Ksenia for the fact that she received Anya so friendly. After all, it could be anything.

Anya is ten years old, transitional age will soon begin. What is your relationship like now?

We have a very fruitful and cool period. She really has a teenage age and there are new tricks, jokes, some kind of lie. She and I sat in self-isolation for a month and a half in a village near Pskov. And this time is difficult for me. We were always together, more than usual when I work, and we were both seething.

At some point, Anya and I had a strong quarrel. And I just had to leave for the day in Moscow. I got on the train and started crying. I thought: “God, what a nightmare! What are we spending time on? I’m a bastard, not a mother. Why am I yelling at her? Why can’t I restrain myself and somehow resolve everything with her in a different way?

I was very ashamed in front of Anya that I was so unrestrained. And I made a promise to myself that I would not raise my voice to the child again. True, going to bed all in tears, I thought that, probably, it would not work. But then I seemed to switch.

I must say that Anya began to behave differently with me. And it’s so awesome! From that moment on, we have a different, affectionate relationship. This does not exclude the possibility that I can tap my finger on the table, say: “Anna, please, please don’t do this.” But that’s all. I didn’t even get angry inside.

I have a feeling that you have recently changed both externally and internally. Became brighter, sexier, more confident. What influenced you so much?

The new Dasha of the last couple of years was born as a result of a large number of events. Much, of course, was laid by Kostya. In his work, he swayed the energy of rigidity and sexuality in me. All the time he insisted: “You are not what you are used to seeing, you are a completely different woman. Come on, burn! And then I began to agree with myself — what I am.

The last four years have been very important for me. I spent this time on my development, working out internal problems. I really have become a different person. It was a sharp turn. A lot of things came together in one place.

Global changes concerned both personal life, and profession, and everyday life. I began to move like hell, change an apartment, a car, a nanny. I learned to live in new circumstances and cope with them. If something went wrong, I analyzed what the mistake was.

And what was your main mistake, weak point?

I didn’t know how to manage my energy at all. Any energy works if you manage it correctly, and if not, it destroys you.

How did you learn to manage energy? Do you have a mentor?

I had several teachers, the main one appeared a year and a half ago. These are not psychologists, but people from the esoteric realm. For example, a practice that I call “dancing out” helped me. You turn on any radio and start moving to different music. Turn off your brain and let your body work on its own. 15 minutes a day is enough. You’re shaking out all the filth.

Man is energy. Here you go, wander through life, meet people, and all this will unbalance you. You start to get nervous, sores pop up. It is especially dangerous when this energy is not just a lot, but a lot.

When I started to get angry, I physically felt: Hiroshima and Nagasaki were around me and I was destroying everything within a radius of a kilometer. And when I tried to pull myself together, I didn’t succeed, and I began to bombard myself from the inside, because I didn’t know how to direct the energy correctly. Now I am learning. And it works not only in life, but also on stage, when you understand how to influence the audience.

I have incense, candles, duduk plays. I feel so comfortable. So you recover faster

Studying myself is very serious for me. But I do not exclude either humor or an ironic attitude to this. All my friends, when they enter the entrance, have fun: «Oh, of course, we’re going to Dasha.» I have incense, candles, duduk plays. I feel so comfortable. That way you recover faster. For artists, this is doubly important.

I was told many times: “You live the roles, the lives of other people, and this affects you,” but I did not realize this. But recently I realized that roles seriously affect real life.

One of my new projects is Mediator. The faith that I play is hellish hell, not a woman — mentally not very healthy, drinking. When I started working, we shot a big block — ten days in a row. And I suddenly felt that this Faith affects me.

Imagine, there is your energy, like clothes, and you must not only put on yourself, but also begin to produce the energy of another person. Yes, then it sounds: stop, filmed. But somewhere it stuck, somewhere a hair remained, somewhere there was a smell from that alien clothes-energy. And then you think: “Lord, why am I so angry? What makes me so torn apart? There are different practices to remove someone else’s energy. The simplest is candles and a salt bath. The artist must be able to shake off the alien.

You became a producer first of the second, and now the third season of The Kept Women. Does this mean a new life begins and you are leaving acting?

I want to leave, but no one will let me go. This is proven by the amount of work that I have. I’m really being torn to pieces. I do not agree even to a fifth of what they offer. I only do what turns me on. Still, it’s a huge amount.

Now you are shooting in four projects in parallel. But what about personal life? With such a schedule, it simply cannot be.

Why can’t? It may very well. There would be a desire and the right person nearby, there are no obstacles in this sense.

The third season of «Kept Women» will be filmed by Yuri Moroz. I guess it’s your idea as a producer to give your father a good job. Perhaps a subconscious desire to compensate dad for a downtime in the 90s played? Then he took on any job.

Yes, dad and a friend hung curtains in hospitals in the 90s. It was business. But in many ways this is my selfish choice — I love working with my dad, because he is a professional and talented person. But, of course, this does not negate the fact that I wanted to please my dad. As a daughter, I dreamed that he would work with the young and bold Start team. And as a producer, she dreamed that her father, a director of the classical sense, the master, would shoot the new “Kept Women”.

General producer Ira Sosnova and I realized that from the third season we want hardcore, powerful adult cinema, so dad is an ideal candidate in this sense. And at the same time they came up with the idea that it should be Yuri Pavlovich. For a long time he was persuaded, by the way. Now we are working together — for the first time in new capacities. It’s not easy for us.

Remaining a daughter and a father, you need to learn how to be a producer and director. We butt a lot. But I even rejoice at this, because even in such fights we get to know each other in a new way. And now we are much closer than before. Straight fire team!

You said that you need to dance what is inside. And I remembered your dance in the first «Kept Women». Impromptu, which fans commented: “So you dance either when you are looking for, or when you are desperate to find.”

I think I was dancing about «desperate to find.» According to my inner feelings, at that point in my life, I stood with my forehead against a black wall, and did not understand where I was going.

Now what would you dance about?

About some unknown path to the big world. About a great and completely different love. About strength and joy.

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