Dao Chi San

Dao Chi San

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: urinary tract infection, cystitis.

In Chinese energy, this formula is used to clarify the heat of the heart as well as of the small intestine and to make urinate.

Associated symptoms : rare and dark urine, painful urination, possibility of blood in the urine, irritability, thirst for cold drinks, red tongue, rapid heartbeat.


As this formula comes in different forms and at different strengths, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Any infection must be fought quickly. If after a week you don’t see any improvement, see a doctor and a traditional Chinese medicine therapist.


This formula is very effective in fighting urinary tract infections. However, there is a controversy about it: the Chinese authors cannot agree on whether it is suitable for Empty Heat or Full Heat. This is the strength of this formula; it fights the infection without hurting the Yin. Urinary tract infections are caused by an empty kidney with heat accumulation and moisture trapped in the bladder. UTIs are common in older women when the Yin in the kidneys is weak. Dao Chi San is the ideal remedy in geriatrics. This formula is sometimes used in pediatrics, by adjusting the dosage, for children suffering from Heat on the Heart with irritability and thirst (hyperactivity).


The formula of this preparation is cited in the Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue, a book written by Qiang Yi in 1119.


  • Contraindicated in cases of Emptiness of the Spleen and Stomach: loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, loose stools.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Sheng Di Huang 

Fresh root rehmanniae (digitalis root)

Refreshes the Blood, nourishes the Yin and the Blood 

Dan Zhu Ye 

The herb of the gracilis (Lopatherum gracile, aerial parts)

Chase away the heat, quench the thirst 

Mu Tong 

Stem mutong (achebria stems)

Drains Moist Heat 

Gan Cao Shao 

Radix glycyrrhizae uralensis (licorice root)

Eliminates toxicity, treats painful urination and harmonizes the action of other plants 

On the shelves

The following company’s product meets the good manufacturing practices ofAustralian Therapeutic Goods Administration, which are considered, at present, to be the highest standards in the world for the evaluation of manufacturing processes of Chinese Pharmacopoeia products.

As this brand is generally reserved for practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, it may not be found over the counter and must be obtained from an acupuncturist or health professional.


  • The Red Door Teapills — Dao Chi Wan. Brand: Plum Flower, made in China for Mayway Corporation, Oakland, USA.

Available at distributors of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine equipment.

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