Danila Yakushev turned an ordinary garage into a house

The actor spends most of his free time in the garage. Here he paints pictures and creates artifacts.

– In the film “Major Thunder”, where I starred, criminals robbed banks in such hockey masks from the Soviet cartoon “Washer! Washer! “

– As a child, I always wanted to have my own hut. The boys and I were constantly building something behind the garages. We took cardboard boxes, made walls around three trees in the yard, but the next morning the wipers broke everything, and we did it all over again. When we were twelve or thirteen years old, we managed to build a kind of hut behind some kind of fence. As a result, our company stayed there all summer, but then they broke everything again. Fifteen years later I got my first motorcycle, then the second, the third. And the garage appeared only later, when my old neighbor passed away. His relatives lived outside the city, they have a house there, a large plot. They didn’t need this place, and it so happened that now it belongs to me. Here is my adult hut.

As not a supporter of social events and parties, I spend all my free time here. Every married friend, when he comes here, regrets that he is not allowed to do this, they will not be allowed. Many confusing things are discussed here – scandals, intrigues, investigations from the personal lives of friends, crimes of an everyday nature are revealed. We even celebrated the New Year here, eight people fit without problems. And all last summer I lived here. It was nice, like in the village.

At first it was the most common garage: gray, concrete walls, floor. Everything that is here now is done by myself. He put in a laminate, a wall made of imitation of an old brick, put heaters so that it would not be cold in winter, a large sofa, set up a kitchen and grill meat. I always dreamed of having a bar counter, now I have it, it also serves as a work table, on which I do something all the time, collect, burn out, draw. Now I often act in historical projects (“Belovodye”, “The First”, “Prophetic Oleg. – Approx.” Antennas “) and make various artifacts for my heroes. For example, I recently came up with another hobby, my friends and I began to cast items from silver and metal. I made a brass ring for the Nightingale the Robber, whom I play in the film directed by Karen Hovhannisyan “Iliya Muromets”. So the garage is also a workshop. There are oil paintings, watercolors, some sketches, my guitars, fishing rods hidden everywhere. There is a lot. Recently I began to squeeze a picture of New York from wood. I plan to fill the city with metal, paint it and finish it before the New Year. This is a very painstaking work, similar to meditation. But even with a busy schedule, I find time for it. In fact, everyone has it, just someone is lying and watching TV, and someone is creating something, even if then no one needs it, except himself.

All or Nothing (16+)

In theaters from November 29

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