The book of the writer Daniil Granin was composed of fragments of different genres (memories of people and events, anecdotes, someone’s witticisms, conversations, extracts, etc.). In these ordinary, in general, writer’s notes, as if in rough sketches of the artist, valuable finds can be found at every turn: again and again striking evidence of the war, the blockade of Leningrad, the cruelties of the Soviet era.
The book of the writer Daniil Granin was composed of fragments of different genres (memories of people and events, anecdotes, someone’s witticisms, conversations, extracts, etc.). In these ordinary, in general, writer’s notes, as if in rough sketches of the artist, valuable finds can be found at every turn: again and again striking evidence of the war, the blockade of Leningrad, the cruelties of the Soviet era. Here are fragments of literary life (fragments of Likhachev’s letters, Svetlov’s jokes, etc.), and notes about legendary personalities, for example, Pitirim Sorokin, Vanga … But no less interesting are subtle psychological and everyday sketches, that writer’s «verbal ore», which is different times more interesting than a finished creative product.
Centerpolygraph, 441 p.