Dangerous triclosan

Triclosan, an antibacterial agent that has been used for over 40 years and is judged to be the most effective in inhibiting bacterial growth and viral proliferation, has been recognized by scientists as dangerous to human health. It causes allergies, contributes to cancer and hormonal disorders, and even facilitates the colonization of the upper respiratory tract by pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococci. The problem is that triclosan is everywhere – from soaps to toothpaste and even health and safety toothpaste.

A team of scientists from the University of California SAN Francisco (UCSF) led by prof. Paula Blanca conducted research on safety measures in hospitals at the request of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Antibacterial agents, soaps, disinfectants and cleaning agents used in the rooms were tested. The results were amazing. It turned out that the only agent that failed the tests was triclosan.

Disinfectant for everything

Triclosan (C12H7Cl3O2) is an aromatic organic compound from the phenol group, with antibacterial and fungicidal properties, which has been used for 40 years. When, after research carried out in the 80s, it was considered low-toxic and poorly absorbed into the body, it began to be used everywhere. It is found in antibacterial liquid soaps, solid soaps, cleaning agents, disinfectants, and dishwashing agents. When it was discovered that he was one of the few to deal with methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), he found a permanent place in hospitals. It is also used in Poland and most popular cosmetics and cleaning agents.

In cosmetics and hygiene products used for skin care, the concentration of triclosan is slightly over 0,3%. Solutions containing 0,05-3 percent. triclosan are used in disinfecting wounds and mucous membranes. 2% of patients who have MRSA colonies on their skin are recommended to take baths. triclosan solution. Hydro-alcoholic and water solutions 5-10 percent. they are used to decontaminate medical devices.

Hormonal disorders in hospital workers

In a study by a UCSF team, two hospitals were told to use two different cleaning agents. In Hospital 1 (researchers did not know what treatment units are hidden under these markings), the usual disinfectant-washing agent containing 0,3 percent triclosan. In Hospital 2, an agent was prepared based on ordinary soap and water, without triclosan. Then the urine of two groups of medical workers and doctors from hospitals was examined. These groups totaled 38 people and 3/4 of them were women.

The study revealed hormonal disorders of varying degrees in female employees and doctors of Hospital 1, ranging from minor to severe. The men – hospital staff and doctors – did not show any visible disorders, although the estrogen levels in all of them approached the upper limit of normal. Triclosan was found in the urine of all Hospital 1 staff, regardless of gender. No triclosan was found in the urine of hospital 2 employees and doctors, although some female employees experienced mild hormonal disturbances. However, as it turned out, before the test, Hospital 2 used a disinfectant-cleaner containing triclosan (as most hospitals in the USA) to clean the floors in the rooms.

As triclosan is found everywhere, scientists were not satisfied with the test. Study participants were asked about the use of popular triclosan-containing toothpastes and cleansers. As it turned out, the greatest hormonal disorders were found in women assisting in operations or surgeons, who had to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly with cleansing agents containing triclosan. It had a higher concentration of this compound than toothpaste. In turn, people with hormonal disorders of various degrees also admitted to using cheaper toothpaste with triclosan at work, often bought in a hospital drugstore.

The results of our research mean that triclosan is quickly absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes and poses a threat to the proper hormonal balance of the body. People not only use it at work, but also at home, which makes the situation worse. We recommend that if there is any alternative to using triclosan products, choose that alternative. This applies to all products, not only washing and disinfecting, but also cosmetics. The FDA should look closely at products containing triclosan and the chemical itself and, if necessary, withdraw it from the market, concluded Prof. Blanc.

Triclosan is not that antibacterial at all

An equally interesting conclusion was the research conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Michigan, led by Dr. Blaise Boles. Scientists wondered why Staphylococcus aureus bacteria could easily colonize the human upper respiratory tract. They took samples from the upper respiratory tract and found 41 percent of them. of tested triclosan in mucosa swabs. People with higher levels of triclosan also had Staphyloccocus aureus colonies in their upper respiratory tract. According to the researchers, these people were at risk of developing upper respiratory tract infections and experienced them more severely than those who did not have a staphylococcus aureus colonies in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Bacteria were most often found in the nasal sinuses and the upper part of the nose.

According to Dr. Boles, it is almost certain that the triclosan in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract of the examined people came from toothpaste and cheaper care cosmetics and cleaning agents. Scientists did a cross-over experiment on rats. They cleaned their teeth with cheap triclosan toothpastes and used cleaning agents with this agent. Most of the rats involved in this experiment had staphylococcus aureus colonies in their upper respiratory tract after six weeks.

Scientists also found traces of triclosan in human plasma, urine and even milk of women who used cosmetics with this chemical. The relationship between the colonization of the epithelium by Staphylococcus aureus and triclosan, according to the researchers, is as follows: triclosan damages the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, which facilitates colonization of Staphylococcus aureus. Interestingly, this antibacterial agent for Staphyloccocus aureus does not work at all. According to the research of the team of prof. Bolesa, staphylococcus grew without any problems where there was triclosan in the substrate. According to the researchers, this means that it is necessary to investigate whether other pathogenic bacteria can also colonize the human upper respiratory tract or other mucous membranes in the body in the presence of triclosan. Another finding indicates this possibility: in the course of the experiment, it turned out that Staphyloccocus aureus has a greater ability to bind human proteins when grown on a medium in the presence of triclosan.

In turn, the experience of scientists from the University of Seoul in South Korea has shown that women with cancerous ovarian tumors have elevated levels of triclosan in the blood and urine. In the studied group of women with ovarian neoplastic tumors, medical workers and workers in the cosmetic or chemical industry who had contact with triclosan in whose urine and blood were found this compound, were also the youngest to have cancer diagnosed. The dependence is strong, according to South Korean scientists, and the further use of triclosan in cleansing agents, disinfectants, cosmetics and toothpastes should be considered.

Tekst: Marek Mejssner

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