Dangerous over-the-counter drugs

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The usual over-the-counter pain reliever can be fatal. The tragic consequences of taking medications are often the result of their inappropriate use. Meanwhile, only 15 percent. who use such pharmaceuticals reads leaflets.

Dr. Agata Maciejczyk, head of the Department of Monitoring Adverse Effects of Medicinal Products at the Office for Drug Registration, mentions a case of extremely dangerous hepatitis in a very young woman caused by the use of paracetamol. – The recommended doses of paracetamol are calculated for a patient who weighs about 70 kg, while the woman was very small, weighed over 40 kg and was also on a diet – says Maciejczyk. – A standard tablet, it turned out to be a dangerous dose for her. Maciejczyk warns that those who are slimming, anorexic or drink alcohol must be very careful, because for them paracetamol may be dangerous.

Safe dose of paracetamol

Paracetamol is the safest painkiller. However, if overdosed, it can even lead to death. Meanwhile, many people exceed the permitted doses without knowing it. There are about 50 differently named painkillers containing the same substance – paracetamol. – Well, for example, a woman suffering from sinusitis during menstruation will take one tablet for headache, another for sinusitis and a third for menstrual complaints, without being aware that they all contain paracetamol. – says Dr. Wojciech Łuszczyna from the Drug Registration Office. This leads to a dangerous overdose. – Not everyone knows that birth control pills make paracetamol less effective in relieving pain. This is dangerous because it may lead to dangerous increases in doses – adds Dr. Jarosław Woroń from the Regional Center for Monitoring Adverse Drug Effects in Krakow. (See what dose of paracetamol can be given to a child! – editorial note)

Ephedrine and side effects

Over-the-counter flu and cold medications can cause heart rhythm disturbances, insomnia, and even stroke if they contain ephedrine derivatives. The risk of these undesirable effects increases when we exceed the permitted doses of this substance. You just need to take your flu medicine, cough syrup and sinus pills at the same time. All of these drugs may contain ephedrine derivatives. In addition, this substance affects the psychophysical abilities of drivers. It is also dangerous for patients with glaucoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Simple advice: check the composition of the medications you are taking and do not take several medications containing ephedrine derivatives at the same time.

Dangerous Pyralgin

The possibility of buying napralgine without a prescription is very debatable – believes Dr. Woroń. Dr. Agata Maciejczyk adds that her department even requested that this drug be issued only on prescription, because the metamizole contained in it – although it is a very effective painkiller, can cause a serious, life-threatening disease caused by a significant decrease in the number of white blood cells. , which weakens the body’s defenses. – We are not able to predict how the body will react to this substance. Therefore, taking pyralgin is associated with a high risk – explains Maciejczyk.

Painkiller ointments with ketoprofen

Over-the-counter pain relieving ointments containing ketoprofen, used in the treatment of back pain or rheumatic ailments, as well as after injuries – sensitize to the sun. If we put such an ointment on the body, for example while working on a plot and expose ourselves to the sun, it may result in severe burns. – In France, it was prohibited to sell such ointments without a prescription, because it was considered that the risk of their use outweighs the possible benefits – says Dr. Maciejczyk. In addition, ketoprofen ointments should be used for no longer than a week, because although used topically, they can damage the liver.

Medicines for children

Acetylsalicylic acid contained in painkillers and antipyretics, e.g. aspirin or polopyrin, should not be administered to patients under 12 years of age. – The most serious complication that may occur after taking it is the so-called Rey’s syndrome, causing damage to the child’s brain and liver cells, which in over 90 percent ends with death – says Dr. Jarosław Woroń. The use of aspirin or polopyrin by children can also cause seizures, swelling of the lips and tongue, shortness of breath, and trouble breathing. Meanwhile, parents do not read the leaflets attached to the medicines and assume that the child is a miniature of an adult and it is enough to give him half of the adult dose. – Nothing could be more wrong. There are drugs registered only for adults, e.g. nasal drops containing sulfarinol can only be used by patients over 12 years of age – explains Dr. Woroń.

Nasal drops addiction and side effects of antiallergic drugs

You can use the nasal drops for a maximum of three days. If used for a longer time, they will have the opposite effect – nose clogging, which in turn leads to dependence on them. It is also worth knowing that antiallergic drugs can cause drowsiness and visual disturbances. – Symptoms of allergies after taking the drug disappear quickly, but, for example, a decrease in psychophysical fitness may persist for several days – warns Dr. Woroń. He adds that the perpetrators of many road accidents in Poland are drivers who have taken such drugs. The problem also affects pedestrians who, after taking antiallergic tablets, feel lethargic and enter the road directly under the car.

Medicines do not always eliminate the source of the disease

Many medications eliminate the ailments caused by various diseases, but do not cure them. Preparations that inhibit the secretion of gastric juices, i.e. heartburn should be used only temporarily. If the symptoms persist for a long time, you need to see a doctor, because they may be symptoms of serious diseases. Also, laxatives should be taken sporadically, because when taken still, they do not force the patient to change an unfavorable diet or lifestyle, they perpetuate defecation disorders and cause excessive loss of potassium and magnesium. It should also be remembered that over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs carry a risk of damage to the digestive tract, liver and kidneys. Besides, they can raise your blood pressure. Few people know that they also change the effects of other medications taken in chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension or RA. – You have to read leaflets – emphasize Dr. Łuszczyna. He adds that, unfortunately, only 11 to 17 percent do it. using over-the-counter medications.

Also check: Experts: Drugs affect lab results

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