Dangerous Food – How To Get Before – Dietetics – Articles |

I will provide you with a list of the most dangerous products I have improper preparation can cost us health.

Washed before cooking chicken

This is the first item, and it certainly causes a lot of controversy right away. Most people cannot imagine washing the chicken before frying it, or cooking, because they associate it with a lack of hygiene. However, it turns out that this is a big mistake! The UK Food Standards Agency notes that washing this meat before cooking cannot kill the disease-causing microbes, and maybe eat them spread to other foods, which increases the risk drastically food poisoning. Splashing water can spread dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella Enteritidis, Listeria Monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and others, even a meter around the sink.

The only chance to hedge to avoid food poisoning is to properly store meat with chicken, washing hands and all surfaces in the kitchen thoroughly and preparing meat at a temperature above 70 degrees Celsius by sufficiently long period. So better give up washing your chicken in front of him preparation not to join the approximately 300 people who do each year experience (in Great Britain only) food poisoning as a result of washing meat.

Raw or undercooked pork and game

Both pork and game have many followers. However, it turns out that not subjected to sufficiently high temperature, these meats can be very dangerous for one’s health. Of course, only if they were infected with nematodes or their larvae, but unfortunately it does happen sometimes, so it’s better to be careful because eating such meats (or even cold cuts made of them, smoked in too temperature) can lead to trichinosis. The symptoms of trichinosis are pain muscle, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, skin rash, after a few days high fever etc. Worse still, untreated trichinosis can be fatal.

So buy meat only in proven places. Food producers they must take care to control the meat for nematode contamination, therefore they use appropriate research, so the meat is usually bought in stores secure. However, it is worse when we buy meat in bazaars. Suppliers there they do not always provide appropriate veterinary examination certificates, therefore, infections are much more common. Especially since the larvae do not it kills neither salting, smoking, freezing, or even short-term cooking. Such larvae tolerate temperatures as high as 55 degrees.

Unprocessed fish

Raw fish dominate sushi, which is considered tasty delicacy. Unfortunately, nematodes can parasitize the muscles of such fish lead to anisakiosis. This disease characterized by various abdominal and intestinal ailments. It’s been a while after ingestion, vomiting and nausea begin. The longer the nematodes will be stay in the body, the more they will wreak havoc on it. It may come for changes in the anus, abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea and even obstruction intestines. Such symptoms should never be taken lightly and it is necessary to take care of them see a doctor quickly.

However, it is better to take care of prophylaxis and eat only in places where which are checked. This mainly applies to dishes prepared with raw fish. If we are not sure where we are eating, it is better to eat boiled or fried fish, i.e. one that has been heated to a minimum of 60 degrees Celsius. And if you know places where you can eat sushi, but want to know if you can eat sushi during weight loss, then read the article Does sushi interfere with weight loss?

Unwashed vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are usually associated with safe and very healthy products. And it really is. However, there are situations where can be dangerous to our health. Fortunately, these situations only apply to lack of hygiene, i.e. lack of or inadequate washing of these products. Then infection with human roundworm may occur. Symptoms proving its presence in regimes are very different. Usually, nausea, vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, skin symptoms, eczema and seizures breathlessness. There is also often irritation and nervousness.

How to prevent infection? Above wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Also take care of washing your hands before food, because your hands may also have human roundworm eggs. FROM for this reason, children playing in the sandbox are very often infected. Therefore, always take care of hygiene.

Dirty mushrooms

Now that the mushroom season is in full swing, special attention must be paid to proper preparation of mushrooms to avoid dangerous echinococcosis, i.e. the disease caused by the tapeworm – echinococcosis. His eggs go to mushrooms through the feces of infected animals. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to see which ones There are mushrooms, because animal faeces leave neither a smell nor any trace. So we can consider the mushrooms to be pure when they really are contaminated with eggs of a dangerous tapeworm. And echinococcosis is very severe a disease that is often mistaken for cancer. In addition if not properly treated, it ends in death.

Therefore, you better prevent you fall ill and never try the tongue of raw mushrooms. Always too scald them in hot water. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling mushrooms. Also remember that echinococcosis can be caught not only by eating dirty mushrooms, but also dirty blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and wild strawberries. So never eat them right there after breaking up. You can read more about mushrooms in the article by Karolina Łąkowska Grzybobranie.

Main photo: Photo credit: mccun934 / Foter / CC BY

Photo 1: Photo credit: Adeel Anwer / Foter / CC BY-ND

Photo 2: Photo credit: Joelk75 / Foter / CC BY

Photo 3: Photo credit: avlxyz / Foter / CC BY-SA

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Photo 5: Photo credit: hyper7pro / Foter / CC BY

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