Dangerous delusions

Women always want to lose weight. Everything! Even those who claim that they would like to get fat …

Okay, okay, don’t close the page! We will not talk here about the dangers of self-made diets and the severe consequences of exhaustion. We will tell only about some common misconceptions associated with the characteristics of the female body and female nutrition. Listening to your body, you probably yourself formulated some “laws of nature”, your friends told you something … And now let’s find out how things really are.

Misconception # 1

In the heat, you need to eat less than in the cold.

Mistake! In the heat, you want to eat less than in the cold. From the heat, from sweating, from dehydration, the sensations are simply dulled. I don’t want not only to eat, but also to move, think … I just want to wallow. But this means that the body has expended colossal energy, and it must be replenished. You, of course, can be glad that there is no appetite and the fats melt on their own, but you probably noticed that the arms and legs began to swell, and by the fall you will find that the kidneys are failing and the thyroid gland is out of order, the menstrual cycle is out of order …

What to do? At normal lunchtime, drink a couple of glasses of water or juice – the body will immediately “begin to think”, and you will probably want to have a snack. It is not necessary to overeat, but vegetables, fruits and yoghurts – 4 times a day! To function normally, the body must receive vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber.

Misconception # 2

Derived from Misconception # 1. With the onset of cold weather, the body needs more energy – so you need to eat more!

Mistake! With the onset of cold weather, the body begins to store more “reserves” – in the form of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, even following the summer diet, you may gain some weight. So don’t make excuses for your unquenchable passion for cakes and pork ham.

What to do? Food should not be more high-calorie, but warmer. Cook the same vegetables in the microwave. Or – we are not animals, and you are not a fan of raw food – stew them or fry them (whichever tastes better for you). And dress warmly.

Misconception # 3

Freshly squeezed juices are healthier than even squeezed vegetables and fruits.

Mistake! Juices contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but are completely devoid of fiber.

What to do? One does not exclude the other. Drink juices and eat fruits.

Misconception # 4

In the heat, you need to eat more salt.

Mistake! Some believe that with sweat they lose sodium and chlorine “terribly necessary for the body”. In general, of course, we are losing. But in the body of a modern person there are so many of them that it is even useful to lose a little. The body receives the necessary rate from natural products – greens, vegetables, meat, nuts. What we add from the salt shakers is already an excess. What we absorb with industrial products (bread, salty, smoked meats, harmless sausages, low-calorie margarines) is a nightmare excess! Diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, joints and heart are the consequences of our boundless love for the combination of sodium and chlorine.

What to do? Do not panic. Salt loss should be replenished only after significant blood loss or after very severe diarrhea.

Misconception # 5

Even pregnant women can drink non-alcoholic beer.

In general, it is true. In any case, it is much safer than real beer.

However, according to international standards, the so-called “non-alcoholic” beer can contain 1-1,5% alcohol. This means that from each can you will receive a couple of grams of a substance prohibited for pregnant women. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that the same amount of alcohol is contained in a package of real kefir.

What to do? In fact, completely non-alcoholic beer does exist. Just in order not to mislead citizens, it is called not beer (“beer”), but “malta” or “0%”. If you, a pregnant woman, crave beer, and for some reason its non-alcoholic variations are not sold in your area, try to compensate for the lack of essential substances with sunflower seeds, rye croutons, or – ideally – with brewer’s yeast in tablets.

Misconception # 6

The body itself will tell you what it needs.

Partly true. If you are a child who has not yet been tortured by the benefits of civilization, literature about tasty and healthy food and norms of etiquette. Children – like animals – eat only when they are hungry, do not like fatty and fried foods, start their lunch with stewed fruit, adore raw carrots and always pick out the froth from the milk with their finger (that is, excess fat).

An adult’s body is hopelessly more stupid. He has long forgotten how to distinguish “necessary” from “familiar”. After all, if the body of an alcoholic requires vodka, you wouldn’t argue that this is how it should be?

What to do? Leave your healthy child alone and try to imitate him.

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