There are more than 10 types of basil and each of them has its own unique aroma, shade and shape. In many cultures, this plant is very special, for example, in India, basil is considered a sacred plant, but in Romania there is still a custom when accepting a marriage proposal, a girl gives a guy a green sprig of basil.
And we want to tell you about what basil is useful for our diet, how to choose it and how to eat it.
Currently, it has become so popular to grow spicy herbs on the windowsills of your own kitchens that the use of fresh herbs is already available all year round. But, if we talk about the ground basil, it becomes available from April and inclusive until September.
Like any greens, basil is chosen based on its appearance. The plant should be fresh, with a bright color and a characteristic aroma. Do not buy basil with sluggish leaves, and also if the leaves of the plant are covered with dark spots.
The composition of basil contains vitamins C, B2, PP, A, P, and also sugar, carotene, phytoncides, methylhavicol, cineol, linalool, camphor, ocimene, tannins, acid saponin.
Basil perfectly stimulates the immune system. It protects against almost all infections. It has medicinal properties for respiratory diseases, viral, bacterial and fungal infections of the respiratory tract.
Providing an antibacterial effect, basil will help with oral problems: it will destroy the bacteria that cause caries, tartar, plaque,bad breath.
Also, the use of basil strengthens the nerves, stimulates brain activity and normalizes sleep.
The enzymes contained in basil promote the breakdown and burning of fats in the body and stimulate weight loss.
Vitamins C and P strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but vitamin A has a positive effect on the beauty and health of hair, skin and nails.
People suffering from epilepsy, heart disease, diabetes, as well as hypertensive patients, pregnant women and with blood clotting disorders should refuse to use basil.
Basil is a very common spice, it is added to salads, meat and fish dishes, sauces, soups.
Tea is brewed from its leaves, and it is also added in the manufacture of ice cream, lemonades and sorbets.