Dangerous age 40+. Webinar with a specialist in the field of anti-aging medicine

From a young age, we learn to present ourselves correctly. Being a wonderful wife, a real professional at work and just a beauty is a real art. It’s like going uphill year after year. Only now the rise after 40 years is physically more and more difficult. How to stay in the same growth trend, make age and experience work for you? The gynecologist-endocrinologist Elena Valentinovna Molokova told.

Elena Valentinovna covered a wide range of issues:

  • dangers age 40+;
  • difficult choice of beauty strategy;
  • achieving physical and psychological comfort at your age;
  • new possibilities of anti-aging medicine.

But, perhaps, the main thing that we have learned is that negative signs of age can not only be controlled, meetings with them can be completely avoided!

The webinar was supported by Lady’s Formula.

About expert

Elena Valentinovna Molokova — gynecologist-endocrinologist, preventive and anti-aging medicine doctor, psychologist. Head of the anti-aging medicine department at NL-Clinic (Moscow).

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