Dandruff: what causes [TOP 11 causes] + methods of treatment

With insufficient or untimely treatment, the problem can lead to negative consequences, up to hair loss. What causes dandruff on the head? We will look at the main causes of white flakes on the hair and the most effective methods of dealing with them.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff, or seborrheic dermatitis, is a common scalp condition affecting 40-60% of adults worldwide. Yeast fungi of the genus Malassezia provoke seborrhea: under favorable conditions, active reproduction of the fungus begins, irritation of the scalp appears and its metabolic processes are disturbed.

Important(!): The fungus Malassezia is present on the scalp of all people, and only about 50% are sensitive to its enzymes.

Excessive peeling (desquamation) of the scalp is a consequence of the accelerated division of keratinized skin cells (mature corneocytes). Normally, the life cycle of cells is approximately 28 days, and with the development of dandruff, it is reduced to 7-20 days. Not having time to renew themselves naturally, the cells mix with sebum, stick to each other and create those very pieces – dandruff flakes.

There are two types of dandruff: dry and oily.

  • Oily seborrhea proceeds in the form of dense large yellowish scales, sticking to each other in layers and accumulating on the surface of the scalp. Oily dandruff is caused by excessive sebum production, which creates an ideal breeding ground for Malassezia fungus. Treatment should be aimed primarily at reducing sebum production and deep cleansing of the scalp.
  • Dry seborrhea has the appearance of small dusty scales of white or gray color, freely distributed over the entire surface of the head and hair. With a dry form of the disease, the skin needs moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, vitamins and antioxidants.

Both varieties of seborrhea can cause itching, but not in all cases. In any form of the disease, the skin needs to exfoliate dead particles and reduce the activity of the Malassezia fungus.

Signs of dandruff on the head

Often dandruff on the head is confused with such a common skin disease as psoriasis or dermatitis, the active form of which is also accompanied by intense peeling, redness and irritation of the skin.

The main symptoms of dandruff:

  • Numerous scales of keratinized cells, dispersed over the entire surface of the scalp and hair, pillowcase, clothing.
  • There is irritation of the scalp, itching, a feeling of tightness, microcracks.
  • The epidermis of the scalp becomes excessively oily or vice versa – too dry.
  • Hair fades, weakens, becomes thinner, electrified, loses volume and healthy appearance.

What causes dandruff on the head: the main reasons

Trichologists identify 11 causes of dandruff:

  1. imbalance of microflora (increase in pathogenic bacteria);
  2. violations of the acid-base balance (pH) of the skin and the hydrolipid mantle of the skin;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. the active phase of reproduction of the fungus Malassezia Restricta and Malassezia Globoza;
  5. genetic predisposition;
  6. violation of the metabolism of skin cells;
  7. decreased skin immunity;
  8. influence of negative environmental factors;
  9. nervous strain, stress, lack of sleep;
  10. improper care;
  11. malnutrition.

Note that the hair and scalp in men are more prone to increased oiliness and the formation of dandruff: the male epidermis is denser, has a different pH than the female, and is more prone to the problem of hair loss.

How to get rid of dandruff on the scalp?

An integrated approach to the treatment of focal dandruff will help to effectively get rid of dandruff and unpleasant symptoms, preventing a new outbreak of the disease.

If a lot of scales and white flakes appear on the head, the skin is irritated and itchy, it is recommended:

  • Enrich the diet with vitamins A, C, group B and balance the usual menu – support the condition of the skin and hair from the inside.
  • Make an appointment with a trichologist or dermatologist.
  • Provide adequate home care for hair and scalp. Purchase specialized products for cleansing the scalp from excess sebum and the stratum corneum of the epidermis: shampoos, conditioners, peels, lotions for the type of dandruff and hair.
  • Contact a beautician for salon procedures against dandruff.

Cosmetics for dandruff on the head

Having decided on the main reasons why dandruff appears, you can proceed to the choice of shampoo. Most often, you can remove dandruff yourself at home with the help of appropriate care.

Pay attention to the composition of the product: anti-dandruff formulas contain components known for their fungistatic properties.

It should include the following ingredients:

  • substances with antifungal, antibacterial activity (selenium disulfide, zinc pyrithione, piroctone olamine);
  • keratolytics (exfoliating ingredients) that help eliminate dead skin cells from the skin surface (salicylic, lipohydroxy, lactic acids and mechanical abrasives);
  • sebum production regulators (salicylic acid, black clay, charcoal);
  • soothing ingredients to relieve itching and relieve inflammation (glycerin, thermal water);
  • nutrients and antioxidants to restore skin cells and normalize their work (vitamin E), providing protection against free radicals and strengthening the barrier functions of the skin.

Additionally, cooling and refreshing ingredients (menthol, tea tree oil) can be included in the basis of anti-dandruff care formulas.

  • Kerium DS Intensive Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with a micro-exfoliating effect for hair effectively eliminates persistent dandruff and flaking, soothes the scalp. The lasting effect in the fight against dandruff is due to the patented LHA micro-exfoliation technology (lipo-hydroxy acid together with salicylic acid). Already after the first application, peeling and itching are noticeably reduced, the feeling of discomfort disappears. 3 weeks after the start of use, dandruff completely disappears.

Kerium Ds Where can one buy:

At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces

Salon procedures

One of the most effective cosmetic procedures with which you can get rid of dandruff on your head is a gentle peeling of the skin. It is deep delicate cleaning that helps to remove the keratinized layer of cells and improve the metabolic processes of cells.

In addition to peeling, experts distinguish the following effective salon services:

  • ultrasonic cleaning of the scalp;
  • deep-acting therapeutic masks aimed at tissue regeneration, softening, hydration and nutrition;
  • cryomassage – a massage procedure using liquid nitrogen;
  • mesotherapy – microinjections of a complex of various components necessary to improve the condition of the scalp and hair.

Proper preventive care of the scalp and hair

  1. The first and most important rule is to choose hair and scalp care products according to their type and needs.
  2. Wash your hair as it gets dirty. Use cleansers with mild, hypoallergenic formulas based on natural soothing and revitalizing ingredients.
  3. If you have a hypersensitive scalp, look for sulfate-free formulas labeled “SLS free” on the packaging. Such products are softer and more delicate.
  4. Apply masks and conditioners to the hair, retreating 2-5 cm from the roots (unless otherwise provided by the manufacturer) – care residues can provoke dehydration and an allergic reaction of the scalp.

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