Dandruff: the main causes

This article is for those who want to calmly wear black dresses without fear of annoying “snow” on their shoulders and collars. Yes, we will talk about dandruff. Or rather, about methods of getting rid of it.

What is dandruff

Dandruff is skin flakes that appear due to a violation of the renewal and exfoliation processes. Every day, dead cells of the stratum corneum are separated from the scalp. Sometimes the process of skin renewal accelerates: instead of the usual 28 days, it takes 20 or even 7. Not having time to exfoliate, numerous scales “stick together” with sebum, and dandruff appears.

Dandruff, or seborrhea (this is a more general concept), appears in two forms: dry and oily. Sometimes there is a mixed look.

Oily seborrhea

The most common form is associated with an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Signs:

  • scales loose, large, yellowish;
  • hair quickly becomes greasy, stick together;
  • the scalp suffers from itching.

Dry seborrhea

The function of the sebaceous glands is reduced, so the scalp becomes overdried. Signs:

  • small dusty scales over the entire surface of the scalp;
  • itching and skin irritation may occur.

The scalp is renewed, and daily particles of the stratum corneum are separated from its surface.

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Causes of dandruff

The main cause of dandruff is considered to be the fungi Malassezia Restricta and Malassezia Globoza, living in the hair follicles and between the horny scales. The French microbiologist Louis Charles Malassez (1842–1909) discovered them over a hundred years ago. Like other opportunistic pathogens, they are found in 90% of people.

Fungi feed on triglycerides and fatty acids produced by the sebaceous glands and do not cause much inconvenience to the host. But under certain circumstances, they begin to multiply intensively, irritating the scalp and disrupting metabolic processes.

Here are some of the triggers.

  • Congenital anatomical and physiological features of the scalp. For the density of hair, to which a large number of sebaceous glands is attached, we pay with excess oiliness of the scalp.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Greasy, dandruff-covered hair in adolescence is a consequence of increased production of male hormones androgens.
  • Violation of the hydrolipid mantle of the scalp. It can be caused by anything from aggressive shampoos to pollution and toxins that daily settle on the hair in an unfavorable environmental situation.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • An unhealthy diet rich in trans fats and unhealthy simple carbohydrates (sugar). The skin becomes more oily.

In a situation where dandruff cannot be eliminated with a special shampoo, it is better to consult a doctor.

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How dandruff can harm the scalp

Do you think that dandruff is a trifle? No, it is not so harmless and can signal the presence of other, more serious diseases:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • malfunctions of the digestive system;
  • endocrine disorders.

In addition, if dandruff is left untreated, pathogenic bacteria and fungi, as well as their metabolic products, will continue to violate the protective skin barrier, opening the way to a secondary infection and thereby exacerbating the problem.

In a situation where it is not possible to get rid of dandruff with a special shampoo, it is better to consult a doctor. The trichologist will prescribe a clinical and laboratory study of blood counts, hormone levels, if necessary, refer you for a consultation with a gastroenterologist and, based on the results, select a treatment.

For sensitive scalps, use sulfate-free hair products.

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Scalp Care Tips

In order not to get lost in the sea of ​​recommendations given by a variety of sources, stick to the universal ones. There are few of them.

  1. For scalp care, choose products according to its type and needs.

  2. Wash your hair as it gets dirty. The soft formulas of modern shampoos make it possible to do this, including on a daily basis.

  3. For sensitive scalp, use sulfate-free products.

  4. Do not apply hair oil to the scalp – only to the hair.

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Overview of anti-dandruff cosmetics

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo for sensitive scalp Dercos Technique, Vichy

Does not contain sulfates, gently affects the scalp. Piroctone olamine successfully fights the fungus that causes dandruff.

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo for normal and oily hair Dercos Technique, Vichy

The pleasant aroma of melon, tangerine, violet, magnolia, rosemary is combined with effective healing properties. Ceramides, selenium, salicylic acid will help to cope with dandruff, protect the scalp and strengthen hair. Use 2-3 times a week for a month, and then 1 time a week as a preventive measure.

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo with micro-exfoliating effect Kerium DS, La Roche-Posay

The lasting effect in the fight against dandruff is due to the composition, including lipohydroxy- and salicylic acids with an exfoliating effect. The tool helps to reduce itching and dandruff, soothes the scalp.

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