Dandruff on the head
Beautiful hair adorns both sexes, but dandruff on the head can spoil the impression. Why it occurs and how to get rid of dandruff at home, let’s try to find out from doctors

Causes of dandruff on the head

Dandruff on the head bothers many people, however, it is a problem that is easy to deal with. To control the appearance of dandruff, you need to know its causes.

The main cause of dandruff is the fungus Pityrosporum ovale. It lives on the skin of almost all people, but under a number of conditions it can get out of control and cause dandruff.

– Pityrosporum ovale feeds on what the sebaceous glands produce on the scalp. With their increased work, the fungus actively multiplies, this leads to disruption of the processes of renewal and exfoliation of skin cells. Cells that have not completely deadened to the end in the form of dense scales gather on the surface of the skin and form flakes – the same dandruff, – says Aigul Mullagalieva, a therapist, dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Dandruff can be caused by:

  • stress;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • hormonal changes that affect the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • immune disorders;
  • too frequent or infrequent hair washing;
  • abuse of hair products: gels, varnishes and others;
  • cold or very hot climate.

Dandruff can also appear as a symptom of diseases such as diabetes or HIV.

How to get rid of dandruff at home

To get rid of dandruff at home, follow these rules:

  1. Brush your hair gently before washing.
  2. Wash your hair every day. This alone may be enough to noticeably reduce the amount of dandruff, especially if it is a mild or moderate problem.
  3. Use anti-dandruff shampoos if flakes are very visible or redness of the scalp is observed. Follow the instructions on the shampoo package.

    – Many dandruff shampoos need to be applied to the hair and allowed to soak into the scalp for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off. If the shampoo is no longer effective after a few weeks of use, try a different one. Tar products are very effective against dandruff, – says cosmetologist Aigul Mullagalieva.

  4. Avoid scratching or scratching your scalp, as this can only increase the appearance of dandruff.

Effective shampoos

Almost every shampoo commercial on TV promises to get rid of dandruff, but you should not rely on these assurances. If there is a problem, then you need to choose a shampoo wisely, paying attention to the composition.

The following items must be listed on the label:

  1. Zinc pyrithione – kills fungus and other microorganisms that can cause skin diseases and dandruff;
  2. Salicylic acid – softens dead skin particles (after application, some experience dry skin, in this case, conditioner helps);
  3. Selenium sulfide – slows down the renewal of skin cells and kills fungi;
  4. Ketoconazole – has a powerful antifungal effect;
  5. Tar – slows down the division and renewal of skin cells.
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The reason may be an iron deficiency.
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– Personally, I like to recommend shampoo with klibmazol. According to clinical trials, this is the most powerful antifungal drug,” says Aigul Mullagalieva. – Do not forget that antifungal shampoos are recommended to be used twice a week.

If dandruff is your constant companion, experts recommend determining its nature and choosing shampoos according to it:

  • oily dandruff: shampoos Kertiol, Fitoretar;
  • dry dandruff: shampoos with selenium, zinc, salicylic acid: Friderm, Cynovit, Phytosilic;
  • irritated skin, redness, itching: Friderm, Kelyual DS, Derkos, Nitrogin.

Nizoral, Keto plus, Sebozol medicated shampoos will not harm, but it is important to strictly follow the instructions.

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Traditional methods of treatment

You can also get rid of dandruff at home with the help of folk remedies. As one of these, doctors recommend a decoction of chamomile, which should rinse the scalp and hair.

If both the skin and hair are dry, then oils and masks will help to cope with dandruff. For example, olive oil. It must be rubbed into the hair roots, hold for half an hour, and then wash your hair with shampoo.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

– If dandruff does not go away after two weeks of using a special shampoo, you need to go to the doctor, – assures cosmetologist Aigul Mullagalieva. “Maybe more serious treatment is needed. This is especially important because dandruff can be caused by seborrheic dermatitis. Only a doctor can rule out other diseases.

You should also contact a specialist in cases where oily or dry crusts appear on the scalp, itching and irritation are present.

Prevention of dandruff on the head

There are a number of rules for the prevention of dandruff, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by experts:

  • Adhere to proper nutrition, foods containing Omega-3, zinc, and a variety of vitamins should be included in the diet. You need to eat cabbage, legumes, fish, eggs, milk, nuts more often.
  • Don’t stress. It weakens the immune system.
In order to prevent the growth of fungus on the scalp, you should start to manage your emotions and refrain from tension. Keeping yourself under control will help you exercise, yoga and walks in the fresh air.
Aigul MullagalievaTherapist, dermatologist and cosmetologist
  • Avoid complicated hairstyles using different styling products. If you cannot do without it, choose products containing natural ingredients.
  • At the end of the day, after using mousses and gels, shampoo your hair thoroughly.
  • Washing your hair too often is usually not recommended, but only if you are not prone to dandruff. Regular washing will prevent dead cells from accumulating.
  • Choose a shampoo that is suitable for frequent use. For dry scalp, you need a shampoo with a moisturizing effect, for oily – with components that regulate the secretion of sebum.

Popular questions and answers

Do scrubs help with dandruff on the head?

Scalp peels and scrubs are not a miracle cure for dandruff in one application. This is just one of the products that can be used in the care of the scalp during the treatment of dandruff. Scrub helps to get rid of dead skin particles, residues of washing and styling products.

Do regular, non-medical shampoos help with dandruff on the head?

Shampoos on the shelves of regular stores may contain medicinal ingredients that are effective in combating dandruff, such as zinc pyrithione. Such funds, although they are not sold in a pharmacy, are able to normalize the oiliness of the scalp and inhibit the growth of bacteria. However, relying on only one shampoo bought in the mass market is not worth it. Dandruff treatment should be comprehensive. 

What does red dandruff on the head mean?

When the scalp turns red and becomes scaly, it may not just be dandruff, but seborrheic dermatitis. This is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands caused by the fungus Malassezia. Not only the skin of the scalp, but also the face can be affected. The treatment is done by a dermatologist.

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