Dandruff in women

Dandruff is treated with disdain – especially if it is on someone else’s shoulders. But even exemplary neat people are not immune from “snowflakes” on dark clothes. How to prevent dandruff, and what to do if it has already appeared?

The main causes of dandruff in women

In the appearance of dandruff, special yeast fungi play an important role, which are part of the natural microflora of the scalp. They feed on the secretion of the sebaceous glands. And we are not even aware of the existence of these microorganisms – until the sebaceous glands, for some reason, begin to produce too much sebum, and fungi actively multiply.

At the same time, skin renewal is accelerated (instead of 25–30 days, the stratum corneum is replaced in just a week or two). Dead cells stick together into flakes, and now an unsympathetic “snowball” appears on the shoulders.

Why is this happening? There are several reasons.

  • A riot of sex hormones. It is no coincidence that dandruff may first appear during adolescence. Under the influence of hormones, the sebaceous glands begin to work more intensively, creating favorable conditions for yeast fungi, which start the process of dandruff formation.
  • Stress. If you want to avoid dandruff, be less nervous. Strong and prolonged emotional upheavals weaken the immune system. This means that the fungus multiplies more actively and the “snowfall” intensifies.
  • Malnutrition, in particular, a lack of B vitamins. It is believed that dandruff occurs if you abuse foods that are difficult for the liver: red meat, selected milk, fatty cheeses.
  • hair care mistakes. You may just be using the wrong shampoo. Or you put it on wrong. Or you don’t rinse well. In this case, it is easiest to deal with dandruff.

It is wise to use a hair mask in the same line as the shampoo.

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How to eliminate dandruff

It is impossible to put up with this problem, it is unlikely to disappear by itself. In addition, dandruff can contribute to hair loss. The fight against it will be quite effective if you enlist the support of good helpers.

  • Shampoo. It is better to choose it together with a trichologist or dermatologist, because a lot depends on the causes of dandruff.
  • Mask. It is reasonable to use a mask of the same line as the shampoo – and strictly in accordance with the instructions.
  • Lotion and tonic. One of the most effective anti-dandruff remedies. Do not forget that the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor must be completed in order to avoid relapses.

Separately, it should be said about nutrition, which should be varied and balanced.

  • Eat foods rich in food twice a week omega-3 fatty acids: fish (especially salmon, salmon, halibut), walnuts, linseed oil.
  • To boost your immune system you need zinc. They are rich in meats, cashews, pecans, almonds, chickpeas, fortified cereals and yogurts.
  • Lack of vitamin B6 also undesirable. 35% of its daily value will provide you with a medium-sized banana or baked potato.
  • А vitamin B12 many in all types of meat.

Nutrition should be varied and balanced.

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The main mistakes when caring for the scalp

Do not make at least these three mistakes – then you will not be afraid of dandruff. Checked.

  1. Do not use dandruff shampoo daily unless directed to do so. These products contain many active substances that can damage the scalp. The maximum program is 2-3 times a week. But in general, it is better to discuss the frequency of shampooing with a trichologist.

  2. Use the right shampoo (any). Don’t apply it directly to your hair. Pour a little into the palm of your hand, add water, lather, and only then spread over the head and the entire length of the hair. Don’t leave the shampoo on your hair like a balm or a mask. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.

  3. Do not get carried away with folk remedies. For example, rinsing with herbs will not help much: except that decoctions of oak bark, sage, burdock and nettle will slightly reduce skin greasiness. It is impossible to wash your hair with laundry soap, as “folk wisdom” advises – it will not save you from dandruff, but it can damage the protective barrier of the skin.

The doctor will be able to accurately diagnose, because sometimes the symptoms of dandruff can be confused with other skin diseases.

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Which doctor should be consulted

It is better to approach the treatment of dandruff in a complex manner. First you need to determine why it appeared – for this it is better to contact a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will accurately diagnose, because sometimes dandruff is a symptom of skin diseases. For example, psoriasis – at the very beginning, only a specialist can distinguish it from seborrheic dermatitis.

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Cosmetics for dandruff

List of funds


Active components


Firming shampoo 2-in-1 anti-dandruff Fructis, Garnier

zinc pyrithione, green tea extract

Strengthens hair, eliminates dandruff, preventing its appearance for another 6 weeks.

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo for sensitive scalp Dercos Technique, Vichy

piroctone olamine, salicylic acid, thermal water, bisabolol

Fights the fungus that causes dandruff, soothes the scalp.

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo with micro-exfoliating effect Kerium DS, La Roche-Posay

salicylic acid, piroctone olamine, sodium laureth sulfate, lipohydroxy acid, niacinamide

Gently cleanses the scalp, significantly reduces itching.

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